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Questionnaire in our survey

We conducted a survey widely targeted to public ranging from high school students to citizens in general with Kyoto Institute of Technology. The objective of the survey are two things. One is to find how Japanese people feel or think about synthetic biology and its problems like bioethics or safety. The other is images of Radioation. We asked people who came not only from biology departments but also from various fields of study. We also asked visitors at the open campus mentioned above. Furthermore, we made it able to answer from website so that we could collect the answer from various classes.

The Questionnaire

1. When shopping, do you buy "not genetically modified food”?
[ Always buy / Tend to buy / Hardly mind / Not mind / I have never seen such an indication ]
2. Have you ever heard the word, "Synthetic biology"?
[ YES / NO ]
3. What do you associate with [ genetic engineering and biotechnology ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Clone / GM crops (foods) / Patent / DNA / Genome / Medicine / Cosmetic / Bioethics / Virus / Artificial Life / Novel Prize / Environment / Biological weapon / iPS cells / ES cells / Biofuel / Biohazard / The Umbrella Corporation / Others( ) ]
4. What do you associate with [ flies ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Dirty / Clean / Harmful / Useful / Cause of the disease / are used in the research of the disease / Flap wings are dissonant / Often see / Others( ) ]
5. Which do you guess [ an incurable disease ]? (※Please circle five that apply)
[ Conjunctivitis / Cold / Otitis media / Leukemia / Pollen allergy / Cavities / Stomatitis / Pneumonia / Osteoporosis / Osteomyelitis / Stroke / Parkinson's disease / Disc hernia / Arteriosclerosis / Dystrophy / Encephalitis / Influenza / Asthma / Pulmonary tuberculosis / Heart failure / Hyperlipidemia / Diabetes / Vitamin deficiency / The lack of blood / Hemophilia / Cancer / Lymphadenitis / Others( ) ]
6. Do you know [ leukemia ]?
[ Yes / Only hear the word / No ]
7. Which do you guess [ leukemia ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Little understand / Scary / Small number of patient / Incurable / Treatable / Get infected / Blood is white / By nature / bombed / bone-marrow bank / visitation is difficult / Cancer / asymptomatic ill / not lead a normal life / Anti-cancer drug / Others( ) ]
8. Do you register a bone-marrow bank?
[ YES / NO ]
9. What do you associate with [ radiation ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Terrible / Cancer / Nuclear power plant / Useful / Wisdom of science / unnecessary / negative legacy / Little understand ]
10. 放射線についてどれだけの知識があると思いますか(※Please check all that apply)
[ Terrible / Cancer / Nuclear power plant / Useful / Wisdom of science / unnecessary / negative legacy / Little understand ]
11. 放射能関係についての情報はどこから集めていますか?(※Please circle all that apply)
[ Newspapers / weekly magagines / TV / Internet / Radio / 知り合いの話 / 専門家から直接 ]
12. 放射能関係についての情報をどう思っていますか?(※Please circle all that apply)
[ 全て信じている / 半分ほど信じている / 殆ど疑わしい / 自分ではわからない / 興味ない ]
13. 放射能と微生物の関係について聞いたことはありますか?(Radioresistant bacteria , EM Bacteria etc. )
[ YES / NO ]
14. 13番で「はい」と回答した方は具体的な内容をお聞かせください。
[ ]
