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  The history of Zhejiang University goes back to 114 years ago.As a university founded in 1897, Zhejiang university is one of the earliest Western academic new type schools in China. During the Second World War, Zhejiang University suffered disaster. but insisted on the school's spirits. And moved to the hinterland of China to avoid the aggressor. After called on Zhejiang Univeristy, the British scholar Joseph Needham said, "I found in this oriental Cambridge."

  Zhejiang University survived the War and gradually become one of the top universitys in China. As a truly comprehensive institution with a full range of disciplines, Zhejiang University covers lots of subjects and aims at providing an outstanding education that will enable its students to build a future of professional, intellectual and personal success, capable of leadership in different areas, whether it be political, economic or academic. The elective system of the school is very flexible,so students can enroll whatever the courses they are interested in. That is why we could build such a team with various majors but have no difficulity in understanding each other.

  The school locates in the city of Hangzhou. A saying goes that:"Hangzhou is the most beautiful city in the world!"I don't know whether it is true,but it is the the most beautiful city I've ever seen.And I find that the school equips the beauty of this city.We have five campuses. The names are:"Yuquan", "Xixi", "Huajiachi", "Zhijiang", and"Zijingang". These names are all "water" related. In English,they mean spring, stream, pool, river, and port. Each campus has its own beauty. Yuquan is charming, Xixi is elegant, Huajiachi is simple, Zhijiang is ancient and Zijingang is modern.