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Grenoble 2011, Mercuro-Coli iGEM

Promotion of Synthetic Biology

To promote synthetic biology and its interdisciplinary approach, our team has given a conference at the scientific polygon of Grenoble “Minatec/CEA” that was attended by more than 200 researchers and students from different specialties working in Grenoble laboratories.

During our presentation:

      1. We gave general information about synthetic biology, its origin, development and about the founders of this emerging field.
      2. We presented our project, highlighting its environmental aspects.
      3. We spoke about our Human Practice Project focused on the communication difficulties experimented by scientists working in different fields.
      4. We presented our flyers and invited people to comment it.

Then we answered questions from the assistance, and finished with a discussion about the interest and contribution of our Human Practice Project for the iGEM community and for the society in general.

We had a positive feedback from the assistance concerning our Human Practices project. Teachers from high school and university even proposed to use our flyers in their courses in order to explain the synthetic biology and its interdisciplinary approach.


For our Human practice we organized a Quiz to evaluate the impact of our educational flyers. At the end of the test we opened a brainstorm with our participants, it was the opportunity to share about different aspects of synthetic biology, through relevant questions were asked :

What the synthetic biology evokes for you?

Do you think synthetic biology is a discipline that requires an interdisciplinary approach?

This brain was organized as part of our collaboration with Paris Bettencourt 2011 team, we sent them the film to contribute to its human practice project which is citizen and scientific proposal on synthetic biology, We thanks the iGEM Paris Bettencourt 2011 team its collaboration in testing our flyers.