Team:UEA-JIC Norwich


Revision as of 10:02, 20 June 2011 by Benjevans1 (Talk | contribs)


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The University of East Anglia and the John Innes Centre are entering the iGEM competition for the first time! We are a team of nine students from a range of disciplines within Biology supported by a long-suffering collaboration of advisors. We're based in the Norwich Research Park, and are using the facilities there to engineer E. coli and a species of algae to glow in the dark. For a full outline of our project and the reasons behind it, visit our "Aims" section. Follow us on Twitter and facebook too!

Our Sponsors:

The John Innes CentreJIC Logo (2).jpg UEAUEA logo2.jpg John & Pamela Salter Trust Welcome TrustWellcome-trust-logo.jpg New England BiolabsFile:Neb logo.gif EppendorfEppendorf Logo.jpg