Team:Wageningen UR/UserRobSpee
Member of the Wageningen_UR team
Name: Rob Spee
Age: 25
Nationality: Dutch
Studies: Master Bioinformatics
Role within the team: Modeling synthetic systems
Shoe size: 43
Favourite lab song: Blame it on the Boogie by the Jacksons, because you need to blame something when the program isn't working.
Favourite Hot beverage: Tea, to calm the nerves and because anything watery is ok to spill over a keyboard (though not ideal)
Favourite Lab Job: Creating anything displaying oscillatory behaviour (programs, graphs, tables, desk chairs, people...)
Favourite computer anecdote: David creating a fire urinoir in Maya. This guy must end up at Dreamworks some day.
Favourite Lab apparatus: The coffee trays conveniently placed on the front of every PC.
If you would need to pick a pirate attribute what would it be? A parrot, but only if it glows in the dark. Imagine having your own flying light with you, powered by bird seed! Friendly to the environment and useful at the same time.