Team:BU Wellesley Software/Notebook/ChenkaiNotebook
Chenkai iGem Notebook
Work Stack
CURRENT-record reaction history, also protocol history
CURRENT-debugging purposes, log everything that happens
CHECK-add incubator
CHECK-add string name for wells and incubator slots, plates
CHECK-unique identifier for each well/sample
CHECK-fix duplicate restriction digests
CHECK-tip size, must specify
CHECK-if two wells have partial amounts, combine them
CHECK-swap column and row
-different buffer for each protocol
-using multiple tips
-be generic with plate dimensions, specifying locations (grid/site), this is only with the Tecan robots
-move transversing the tree out of assemblymanager, we want to a separate **program to annotated the tree and produce the protocol graph
-tell user when new plate gets allocated
-why does resourcemanager give the printout out of order? investigate
-fix naming, 3 parts (UUIDS,User defined names,auto-generated linearized tree name)
-save resourcemanager state
-Talk to Jeno about Puppetshow GUI
Work Diary
- Wednesday 6/8
Just flew back from China, got to PHO209 at 4pm and caught up with other team members on what they are up to. Had a discussion with Viktor about the road ahead, what problems are on our to do list.
- Thursday, 6/9
Found a fix to the sample name duplication issue, instead of using sample names to identify sample, we are now adding a new UUID field to each liquid, this 8 digit randomly generated code will make sure two no samples of the same content will be confused with each other.
- Friday 6/10
Implemented tips of different sizes, 50ul, 100ul, 200ul Removed duplicate entries from Puppeteer output Implemented incubator functionality
- Monday 6/13
Planned and implemented history recording, reaction history and incubation history Got the robot moving and tested in the wetlab
- Tuesday 6/14
Swapped rows with columns to optimize robot pippetting Added feature to ResourceManager to combine liquids in multiple wells to minimize waste
- Wednesday 6/15