Team:Groningen/team jori


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  • name: Jori Huisman
  • country: I think Netherlands
  • study: Something with computers and robots and lasers
  • I like computers and robots and lasers
  • I don't like yellow cars
  • When I was 10, I wanted to become a robot
  • I cannot become a robot :(
  • I would like to (be able to) become a robot
  • My favourite color: yellow and robot grey
  • My favourite farytale: the beauty and the robot
  • My favourite drink is machine oil because robots cannot drink beer
  • Before I die, I want to become a robot with a laser
  • When I'm bored, I imagine I am a robot
  • If I would be a superhero, my power would be to do those things that transformers do
  • People, who don't like me, say I'm not a robot
  • People, who like me, say I'm like an efficient robot
  • If I win the lottery, I will buy a robot