Team:UNAM-Genomics Mexico/Modeling/GT


Revision as of 08:48, 26 September 2011 by Hmedina (Talk | contribs)



As self-respecting geeks, we are gamers. In this case, we wanted to corroborate a Worst-Case-Scenario using Game Theory. The Scenario in question is the following:

The transgenic turns out to be highly incompetent in N fixation, so you knock-out said pathway. It then escapes all known containment methods, and is released to the environment. What will happen?


So we believe the system will behave as a Snowdrift game. This game is characterized by two antagonizing forces. Each force has two options, of which one is the favorite. However, if both select the favorite, everybody is penalized. It is a variation of the Chicken Game where the penalization is not death. You may consult the All-Knowing-Oracle on this topic [ here].

We believe our system will behave as said game because