Team:UPO-Sevilla/Foundational Advances/BioBrick Creator
BioBrick Creator
CartelThis new tool is designed to help and make accessible to everyone the process of creating and designing BioBricks. This program has three main modules:
Modulos videoMain features and built-in options:
All features in the application include help buttons to guide users through all the modules. All the resulting sequences have been optimized to provide the user with a useful experience.
Module I Creating a new BioBrick:
Text (.txt) files reading (no sequence text must be deleted from the file).
Fasta files reading (in case of multifasta files the first sequence is chosen by default).
Built-in whole sequence codon optimisation option for the main model organisms in synthetic biology.
All the results can be saved in a text (.txt) file with all the required information for being added to the parts registry.
Resulting sequence can also be saved in a fasta file.
Module II Assembly parts:
Full integration with fasta and text files from Module I.
Possibility of uploading more BioBricks created with the program.
Module III Plasmid Backbone:
Possibility of choosing between all well characterised (part assembly, system operation and DNA synthesis) plasmids available at the iGEM database.
Future updates:
Conversion of the whole system to a web-based application.
Integration with the iGEM database to help the user experience.
Design improvement.
System Requirements: Java Version 6 Update 27