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Future Direction

As mentioned in the introduction, the purpose of this part of the project is to bring cloning from single gene level to multi-genes level to increase the complexity of the circuit that can possibly be constructed.....

1) Gibson Vector We have developed and submitted several vectors that are Gibson Cloning friendly(see the "parts submitted" page). More of such vectors should be developed in the future...

2) Magnetosome Project: The ability to produce and control uniform, nano-sized magnetic particles is attractive in areas such as medical imaging and nano-electronics where scientists and engineers are actively seeking innovative solutions for breakthrough in size and accuracy. Thus this project is worth continuing and we propose the following to be done in the future....

-Express the rest of the gene in the MAI region in E.coli -Co-express the genes and study their interaction -Build the scaffold structure in E.coli -Express the full assembly in E.coli -Develop assay for the magnet formation?