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Week 12

From Monday the 5th of September to Friday the 9th of September 2011


Transformations and controls for future tests

Miniprep of three individual clones of MC4100/piG6 and MC4100/piG2 isolated on 09/02 in order to chek the presence of the right plasmid.

Results of Flocculation Test and New Test

Crystal Violet coloration for the series of 09/02.

Start of a fourth test in M63G medium with :
-MC4100/piG6 (AmpR) without Co and with Co 10µM (negative controls)
-MC4100/piG2 (AmpR) without Co and with Co 10µM, 25µM, 50µM, 100µM.
(three repetitions)

These liquid cultures are let for two days at 30°C and low stirring (75).

Adherence Test – pRcn-csgBAEFG Characterization

Start of three replica of 24 well plates in M63G medium + Amp with MC4100/piG6 without Co and with Co 10µM
(negative control) and MC4100/piG2 without Co and with Co 10µM, 25µM, 50µM, 100µM.
Incubation at 30°C for 48h.

Revealing of the well plates started on 09/02.
Measuring OD600 and Crystal Violet coloration.


Transformations and controls for future tests

TSS transformation of MC4100 with pIG27 (Cm) or pIG16 (Amp).

Digestion and electrophoresis of the previously extracted DNA of MC4100+pIG6 clones and MC4100+pIG2 clones. Comparison made with the parts put in the collection.--> Verification is OK.

Strain Collection

Storage of the strains :
-S25 = MC4100/piG6 (clone #3)
-S26 = MC4100/piG2 (clone #3)

Microscopy Test

Start of 5mL liquid cultures of PHL1414/piG2 (AmpR), PHL1414/piG6 (AmpR) from solid cultures (09/02)
and S19/p127 (KanR/AmpR), S19/p116 (KanR/AmpR) from solid cultures (08/23).

Preparation of plates for the following strains (two repetitions):
-S19/p127 KanR/AmpR
-S19/p116 KanR/AmpR = negative control
(18A-OmpR234 Characterization)
-PHL1414/piG6 AmpR = negative control without Co and with Co 10µM
-PHL1414/piG2 AmpR without Co and with Co 10µM, Co 25µM, Co 50µM, Co 100µM
(pRcn-csgBAEFG Characterization)
Incubation at 30°C overnight (for 15 hours).

CFA Test

Liquid culture of strains for the test.


Culture of S22 in LB with Cm (NM522/pIG33) for conservation.


Transformations and controls for future tests

Results of tuesday transformations : no clone on the negative controls, several on the tests. Isolation of 4 clones per transformation in solid and liquid culture.

Results of Microscopy Test

Observation of the different slides with a fluorescent microscope.
There is a problem with S19/p127 and S19/p116 so we start again the same test for these two strains.

Results of Adherence Test - pRcn-csgBAEFG Characterization

Revealing of the well plates started on Monday.
Measuring OD600 and Crystal Violet coloration.

CFA Test

CFA test (4 plates) to check stickiness of strains with PHL1414, MC4100, NM522, S18, S20, S21, S23, S24, S25, S26 (10µL of overnight culture)


Pouring of Amp>
No growth of S22 (Too much antibiotic), new culture with the right dose of antibiotics.


Transformations and controls for future tests

E+P digestion and electrophoresis of all the isolated clones for the following transformations : MC4100+pIG27, MC4100 + pIG16, MC4100 + rcn-ompR234.
All clones are correct for pIG27 and pIG16. No clone is correct for rcn-ompR234 -> detection of an error in the ligation.

Plasmid Collection

Storage of clone 1 for pIG27 and pIG16.
Plating of those same clones on LB+antibiotic (Cm and Amp respectively ).

Results of Microscopy Test

Observation of the different slides with a fluorescent microscope.

Result of Flocculation Test

Test started on 09/05.
Crystal Violet coloration for the three series.

CFA Test

No significative results with this test


No growth of S22 again. Culture of S22 with and without antibiotics.



Nanodrop quantification of the previous pIG27 miniprep : 48.0 ng/µL.
Preparation of tubes for sequencing (30µL at approximately 50-100 ng/µL).
The pIG27 miniprep is used as such.
pIG25 is diluted from 5µL of the collection (371.4 ng/µL) with 25µL water.


No growth of S22 neither with antibiotic nor without antibiotic. We drop the conservation of the plasmid and restart the construction of pIG33 (fusion between promoter Rcn and ompR234).

ENS assystem Biomérieux INSA INSA