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Gene H-transfer: bile acid receptor in E.coli & proteorhodpsin in mitochindrial inner membrane


In order to celebrate the power of gene H(orizontal)-transfer between pro- and eukaryotes, we constructed two fusion proteins and tested their function: (1) a synthetic bile acid receptor in E.coli using a mammalian nuclear receptor LXR. As proof-of-principle, the regulatory circuit in symbiotic bacteria could be harmoniously linked to metabolic pathway of their host. Potential application includes in situ synthesis of pharmaceuticals on-demand in the digestive tract. (2) a synthetic light-driven proton pump in human mitocondrial inner membrane using a bacterial proteorhodopsin. Preliminary testing demonstrated cellular sensitivity to light radiation. Application and utility relies on result of in-depth characterization of such system design.

Using lacI DNA-binding domain and LXRbeta ligand-binding domain, we made an artificial bile acid receptor which can regulate expression of target gene within a natural lacI operon. As proof of principle, we demonstrated that regulation of bacteria gene expression by host eukaryocyte metabolites is achievable using chimeric nuclear receptors. Through directed molecular evolution, a harmonious signal network regulating metabolism of both prokaryocytes and their host eukaryocytes in the digestive tract is feasible.


First "reversely" discovered from proteobacteria in 2000,proteorhodopsin (PR) acts as a light-activated proton pump and generates proton motive force across the membrane. We modified PR coding sequence. We replaced its precusor sequence with the leader peptide of human cytochrome cxidase subunit 4 isoform 1, targeting mitochondrial inner membrane. In addition, all the codons were optimized according to codon usage bias for Homo sapiens. As a result, we made a synthetic light-driven proton pump and positioned it on the inner membrane of mitochondria, which under certain conditions, can positvely use light energy to drive human cells in vitro.
