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<span class="hidden">Welcome to Uppsala-SwedeniGEM '2011</span>
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<span class="hidden">This is the looong logo</span>
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<span class="hidden">This is Esplanade!</span>
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<div class="grid_1 link selflink">[[Team:Uppsala-Sweden | <span class="selflink">Home</span>]]</div><div class="grid_2 link">[[Team:NTU-Singapore/Project | pLaq''U''<span class="sup">e</span> Out!]]</div><div class="grid_2 link">[[Team:NTU-Singapore/HPA | DIYbio]]</div><div class="grid_3 link">[[Team:NTU-Singapore/Notebook/Deliverables | <span class="red">Accomplishments!</span>]]</div><div class="grid_2 link">[[Team:NTU-Singapore/Notebook | Notebook]]</div><div class="grid_2 link">[[Team:NTU-Singapore/About/Team | About Us]]</div>
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<span class="title">''Hello'' <span class="bold">iGEM</span>.</span>
Coming soon !
=== About our project ===
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<!--bla bla bla ''bla'' bla bla.-->
<!--#'''Check out [[Team:Uppsala/Notebook/Deliverables | our accomplishments]]!'''-->
<!--#''bla bla '''bla bla'''! bla bla!''-->
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=== Human Practices Advance ===
'''We will be looking into DIYbio, a branch of hobbyist biology that aims to make biotechnology open and accessible to amateur biologists!'''
We researched intensively on the origins and scope of DIYbio, debated its merits and demerits, conducted a public survey & interviewed the top names in DIYbio.
Read more [[Team:NTU-Singapore/HPA | here]]!
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=== About the team ===
This marks the second year NTU-Singapore is taking part in this competition. The team consists of 8 undergraduates, guided by 7 instructors and 3 advisors.
''See you at the Jamboree!''
[[Team:NTU-Singapore/Contact | Contact Us!]]
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=== Our top sponsors ===
We would like to sincerely thank our Gold sponsors, Genentech Singapore and Johnson & Johnson Singapore for their invaluable contribution to the team!
<br /><div class="grid_4 alpha">[[Image:NTUsponsorgenentech.png|center|200px|Genentech]]</div>
<div class="grid_4 omega">[[Image:NTUjnj.png|center|200px|Johnson & Johnson]]</div><br class="clear" />
You can see the complete list of sponsors [[Team:NTU-Singapore/Sponsors | here]].
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=== Visitor's info ===
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Revision as of 21:10, 30 May 2011