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3-2. make DB of deg15_cog that named table by COG.(ex. a,b,c......z)<br>
3-2. make DB of deg15_cog that named table by COG.(ex. a,b,c......z)<br>
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Revision as of 20:54, 5 October 2011

1. DoriC DataBase
1-1. Parse oriC region of Genome from DoriC site.

1-2. Calculate Terminus from Parced Data

2. Essential Gene Pool
2-1. Parse 15 species essential gene from DEG site.

2-2. Get data(Strand, StartPoint, EndPoint, etc) from every NC files.
2-3. base on these data, calculate Distance To the Origin(DTO), Scale, Direction, etc.

3. Distribute Essential Gene Pool By COG to compile statistics.
3-1. make DB of deg15_eg_cog that named table by EGName and COG.(ex. Acinetobacter_a, Acinetobacter_b, ...)

3-2. make DB of deg15_cog that named table by COG.(ex. a,b,c......z)

4. Analysis the data.
4-1. Analysed DB of deg15.

5. 1080 species DB
5-1. Download NC files from
5-2. First step is to check whether a data is existing or not by matching individually between NC file and DoriC DB.
5-3. Second step is that if there is a data, then confirm whether a GenomeSize is same between NC file and DB.
5-4. last step. if it is same, the data goes to DB.

6. Discover which things are in common between 15 species essential genes.
6-1. Find genes that COG Number, strand, scale, and Direction are same from Distributed Essential Gene Pool by COG.