Line 1: |
Line 1: |
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- | position: absolute;
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- | left: 0px;
| + | setOpacity(P2i, 100-.5*(p*p)); |
- | top: 280px;
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- | height: 400px;
| + | setOpacity(P2i, 100); |
- | background: transparent;
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- | <script type="text/javascript">
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- | var Library = {};
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- | Library.ease = function () {
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- | this.target = 0;
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- | this.position = 0;
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- | this.move = function (target, speed)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | this.position += (target - this.position) * speed;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
| } | | } |
- | var tv = {
| + | function TPR() { |
- | O : [],
| + | if (!run) { |
- | screen : {},
| + | run = true; |
- | grid : {
| + | P01i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | size : 4,
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- | borderSize : 2,
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- | zoomed : false
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- | angle : {
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- | x : new Library.ease(),
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- | y : new Library.ease()
| + | for (var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPR_("+i+")", i*32); |
- | },
| + | } else setTimeout("TPR()", 100); |
- | camera : {
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- | x : new Library.ease(),
| + | |
- | y : new Library.ease(),
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- | zoom : new Library.ease(),
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- | focalLength : 750
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- | var n = (tv.grid.size / 2) - .5;
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- | for (var y = -n; y <= n; y++)
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- | {
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- | {
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- | tv.screen.obj.appendChild(o);
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- | o.point3D = {
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- | x : x,
| + | |
- | y : y,
| + | |
- | z : new Library.ease()
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- | };
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- | o.point2D = {};
| + | |
- | o.ratioImage = 1;
| + | |
- | tv.O.push(o);
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- | o.onmouseover = function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (!tv.grid.zoomed)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (tv.o)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | tv.o.point3D.z.target = 0;
| + | |
- | tv.o.className = 'tvout';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this.className = 'tvover';
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- | this.point3D.z.target = -.5;
| + | |
- | tv.o = this;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | o.onclick = function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (!tv.grid.zoomed)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | tv.camera.x.target = this.point3D.x;
| + | |
- | tv.camera.y.target = this.point3D.y;
| + | |
- | tv.camera.zoom.target = tv.screen.w * 1.25;
| + | |
- | tv.grid.zoomed = this;
| + | |
- | } else {
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- | if (this == tv.grid.zoomed){
| + | |
- | tv.camera.x.target = 0;
| + | |
- | tv.camera.y.target = 0;
| + | |
- | tv.camera.zoom.target = tv.screen.w / (tv.grid.size + .1);
| + | |
- | tv.grid.zoomed = false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | o.calc = function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | this.point3D.z.move(this.point3D.z.target, .5);
| + | |
- | var x = (this.point3D.x - tv.camera.x.position) * tv.camera.zoom.position;
| + | |
- | var y = (this.point3D.y - tv.camera.y.position) * tv.camera.zoom.position;
| + | |
- | var z = this.point3D.z.position * tv.camera.zoom.position;
| + | |
- | var xy = tv.angle.cx * y - tv.angle.sx * z;
| + | |
- | var xz = tv.angle.sx * y + tv.angle.cx * z;
| + | |
- | var yz = tv.angle.cy * xz - tv.angle.sy * x;
| + | |
- | var yx = tv.angle.sy * xz + tv.angle.cy * x;
| + | |
- | this.point2D.scale = tv.camera.focalLength / (tv.camera.focalLength + yz);
| + | |
- | this.point2D.x = yx * this.point2D.scale;
| + | |
- | this.point2D.y = xy * this.point2D.scale;
| + | |
- | this.point2D.w = Math.round(
| + | |
- | Math.max(
| + | |
- | 0,
| + | |
- | this.point2D.scale * tv.camera.zoom.position * .8
| + | |
- | )
| + | |
- | );
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- | if (this.ratioImage > 1)
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- | this.point2D.h = Math.round(this.point2D.w / this.ratioImage);
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- | else
| + | |
- | {
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- | this.point2D.h = this.point2D.w;
| + | |
- | this.point2D.w = Math.round(this.point2D.h * this.ratioImage);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | o.draw = function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (this.complete)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (!this.loaded)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | if (!this.img)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | this.img = new Image();
| + | |
- | this.img.src = this.src;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | if (this.img.complete)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | this.style.visibility = 'visible';
| + | |
- | this.ratioImage = this.img.width / this.img.height;
| + | |
- | this.loaded = true;
| + | |
- | this.img = false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this.style.left = Math.round(
| + | |
- | this.point2D.x * this.point2D.scale +
| + | |
- | tv.screen.w - this.point2D.w * .5
| + | |
- | ) + 'px';
| + | |
- | this.style.top = Math.round(
| + | |
- | this.point2D.y * this.point2D.scale +
| + | |
- | tv.screen.h - this.point2D.h * .5
| + | |
- | ) + 'px';
| + | |
- | this.style.width = this.point2D.w + 'px';
| + | |
- | this.style.height = this.point2D.h + 'px';
| + | |
- | this.style.borderWidth = Math.round(
| + | |
- | Math.max(
| + | |
- | this.point2D.w,
| + | |
- | this.point2D.h
| + | |
- | ) * tv.grid.borderSize * .01
| + | |
- | ) + 'px';
| + | |
- | this.style.zIndex = Math.floor(this.point2D.scale * 100);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | tv.resize();
| + | |
- | mouse.y = tv.screen.y + tv.screen.h;
| + | |
- | mouse.x = tv.screen.x + tv.screen.w;
| + | |
- | tv.run();
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | resize : function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | var o = tv.screen.obj;
| + | |
- | tv.screen.w = o.offsetWidth / 2;
| + | |
- | tv.screen.h = o.offsetHeight / 2;
| + | |
- | tv.camera.zoom.target = tv.screen.w / (tv.grid.size + .1);
| + | |
- | for (tv.screen.x = 0, tv.screen.y = 0; o != null; o = o.offsetParent)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | tv.screen.x += o.offsetLeft;
| + | |
- | tv.screen.y += o.offsetTop;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | run : function ()
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | tv.angle.x.move(-(mouse.y - tv.screen.h - tv.screen.y) * .0025, .1);
| + | |
- | tv.angle.y.move( (mouse.x - tv.screen.w - tv.screen.x) * .0025, .1);
| + | |
- | tv.camera.x.move(tv.camera.x.target, tv.grid.zoomed ? .25 : .025);
| + | |
- | tv.camera.y.move(tv.camera.y.target, tv.grid.zoomed ? .25 : .025);
| + | |
- | tv.camera.zoom.move(tv.camera.zoom.target, .05);
| + | |
- | tv.angle.cx = Math.cos(tv.angle.x.position);
| + | |
- | tv.angle.sx = Math.sin(tv.angle.x.position);
| + | |
- | tv.angle.cy = Math.cos(tv.angle.y.position);
| + | |
- | tv.angle.sy = Math.sin(tv.angle.y.position);
| + | |
- | for (var i = 0, o; o = tv.O[i]; i++)
| + | |
- | {
| + | |
- | o.calc();
| + | |
- | o.draw();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | setTimeout(tv.run, 32);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
| } | | } |
- | var mouse = {
| + | |
- | x : 0,
| + | function TPL__(p) { |
- | y : 0
| + | P2.style.width = (2.5*p)+"%"; |
| + | setOpacity(P2i, .5*p*p); |
| + | if (p == 20) run = false; |
| } | | } |
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- | if (window.event) e = window.event; | + | P1.style.width = 40+(10-2.5*p)+"%"; |
- | mouse.x = e.clientX;
| + | setOpacity(P1i, 100-.5*(p*p)); |
- | mouse.y = e.clientY;
| + | if (p == 20) { |
- | return false;
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| + | setOpacity(P1i, 100); |
| + | P1.style.left = 0; |
| + | P1.style.width = "50%"; |
| + | for(var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPL__("+i+")", i*32); |
| + | } |
| } | | } |
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| + | function TPL() { |
- | </head>
| + | if (!run) { |
- | <body>
| + | run = true; |
- | <div id="content1">
| + | P02i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | <div id="demo">
| + | P2.style.width = 0; |
- | <div id="indemo">
| + | kI--; |
- | <div id="demo1">
| + | if (kI < 0) kI = nI-1; |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/e/e6/Whu-1.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | titLe(kI); |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/f/f1/Whu-4-2.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | P01i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/c/c4/Whu-8.jpg" border="1" /></a> | + | P2i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/f/f6/Whu-10.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | for(var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPL_("+i+")", i*32); |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/6/69/Whu-13.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | } else setTimeout("TPL()", 100); |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/e/e1/Whu-18.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | |
- | <a><img src="/wiki/images/4/42/Whu-32.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/f/fc/Whu-43.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | |
- | <a ><img src="/wiki/images/a/a8/Whu-61.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | |
- | <a><img src="/wiki/images/5/57/Whu-47.jpg" border="1" /></a>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div id="demo2"></div>
| + | |
- | <script>
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- | var speed=20;
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- | tab2.innerHTML=tab1.innerHTML;
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- | tab.scrollLeft+=tab2.offsetWidth
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- | else{
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- | tab.scrollLeft--;
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| + | function titLe(p) { |
| + | document.getElementById("TXTBOX").innerHTML = IMGSRC[p].alt; |
| } | | } |
- | var MyMar=setInterval(Marquee,speed);
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- | tab.onmouseover=function() {clearInterval(MyMar)};
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- | <div id="bankImages">
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- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/e/e6/Whu-1.jpg">
| + | nI = IMGSRC.length; |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/f/f1/Whu-4-2.jpg">
| + | P1i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/c/c4/Whu-8.jpg">
| + | P2i.src = IMGSRC[kI].src; |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/f/f6/Whu-10.jpg">
| + | titLe(kI); |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/6/69/Whu-13.jpg">
| + | DB.style.visibility = "visible"; |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/e/e1/Whu-18.jpg">
| + | } |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/4/42/Whu-32.jpg">
| + | //--> |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/f/fc/Whu-43.jpg">
| + | </SCRIPT> |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/a/a8/Whu-61.jpg">
| + | |
- | <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/5/57/Whu-47.jpg">
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- | tv.init();
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| + | <IMG alt="In the early morning he departed." src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/e/e6/Whu-1.jpg"> |
| + | <IMG alt="Believing she had dreamed of the roar of his bike," src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/e/e6/Whu-1.jpg"> |
| + | <IMG alt="she woke up to the sunshine in her eyelids." src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2011/e/e6/Whu-1.jpg"> |
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