Team:Penn State/Modelling


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Revision as of 22:07, 25 September 2011

PSU iGEM 2011 Home Wet lab Research Human Practices Results Penn State Lab Page Selected

We first modeled the Or system to determine the fraction of repressed promoters based on the concentration of Ci repressor. In our designed system RecA will cleave Ci repressor and activate the system. We were able to determine the critical concentration of Ci dimer where the pr promoter is repressed but prm is still active. This will be the targeted concentration for our system to activate. The operating region has three locations where Ci dimer can attach and repress the promotrs. Based on concentration and affinity for the binding sights we were able to determine the probability of any attachment configuration of the Ci dimer. These different configurations can produce four outcomes of promoter activity; all promoters repressed, all promoters active, and one active while the other is repressed.