Team:Freiburg/Notebook/21 September


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==<span style="color:orange;">Lysis cassette</span>==
==<span style="color:orange;">Lysis cassette</span>==
===The little hoped for Experiment VI===
At 9 o'clock in the morning, for the first time in 6 months being so far from the lab in Freiburg (waking up at my parents home in Athens actually), I turn on my computer and see that they have the results.... And what joy and irony at the same time... The much sought after composite part is there.. On the last day of the competition.. 18 hours to go till the wiki-freeze... What to do now? Well, try to present the results the best way possible, work 15 hours straight and resist the temptation to meet old friends you haven't seen for over a year; try not to sleep; just to come to this point.. Writing the final words in this Journal after 6 months of (FRUSTRATING but also with its fun moments and in any case very instructive!!!) work invested in this project at 3:30 am.... Live long and prosper o' homo biologicus
==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==
==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==

Latest revision as of 00:28, 22 September 2011

This is the wiki page
of the Freiburger student
team competing for iGEM 2011.
Thank you for your interest!