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| <h2>Lab Protocols</h2> | | <h2>Lab Protocols</h2> |
| <h3>Clonning procedures</h3> | | <h3>Clonning procedures</h3> |
- |
| + | <ol type="1"> |
| + | <li><strong>Getting the DNA parts</strong></li> |
| + | <ol type="a"> |
| + | <li><strong>For parts in kit plates</strong></li> |
| + | </b> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <li>With a pipette tip, punch a hole through the foil cover into the corresponding well of the Biobrick<sup>TM</sup>-standard part that you want.</li> |
| + | <li>Pipette 10 uL of dH2O (distilled water) into the well. Pipette up and down a few times and let sit for 5 minutes to make sure the dried DNA is fully re-suspended.</li> |
| + | <li><a href="http://partsregistry.org/Help:Transformation_Protocol" target="_blank">Transform</a> |
| + | 1 or 2 uL of the re-suspended DNA into desired competent cells, plate your transformation with the appropriate antibiotic and grow overnight.</li> |
| + | <li>Pick a single colony and inoculate LB medium (again, with the correct antibiotic) and grow for 16 hours.</li> |
| + | <li>Use the resulting culture to <a href="http://openwetware.org/wiki/Miniprep/Kit-free_high-throughput_protocol" target="_blank">miniprep</a> the DNA and make your own glycerol stock.</li> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | |
| + | <li><strong>For new synthesized DNA parts</strong></li> |
| + | |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <li>The DNA parts are sent in nmol values in each. These data are determined for all of them individually</li> |
| + | <li>As a stock solution preparation, these DNA parts are pipetted with PCR water or TE buffer which is 100 times of DNA amount. The final solution is prepared as 100uM.</li> |
| + | <li>For each transformation procedures, the 10uM of stock DNA part in water is transformed. 1uL is taken from stock DNA solution and is added to 9uL PCR water.</li> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | <li><strong>Preparation of Competent Cells</strong> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <li>Inoculate a single colony of E. Coli cells into 50 ml LB medium. Grow overnight at 37 C with moderate shaking (250rpm)</li> |
| + | <li>Inoculate 4 mL of the culture into 400 mL LB medium in a sterile 2-liter flask. Grow at 37 C shaking at 250 rpm to an OD590 of 0.375. |
| + | <p><em>This procedure requires that cells be growing rapidly (early- or mid-log phase). Accordingly, it is very important that the growing cells have sufficient air. Overgrowth of culture (beyond OD590 of 0.4) decreases the efficiency of transformation.</em> </p> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Aliquot culture into eight 50 mL prechilled, sterile polypropylene tubes and leave the tubes on ice 5 to 10 min. |
| + | <p><em>Cells should be kept cold for all subsequent steps.<br /> |
| + | Larger tubes or bottles can be used to centrifuge cells if volumes of all subsequent solutions are increased in direct proportion. </em> </p> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Centrifuge cells 7 min at 1600 g (3000 rpm in JS -5.2), 4 C.</li> |
| + | <p>Allow centrifuge to decelerate without breake.<br /> |
| + | <em>We have not attempted to determine whether deceleration without braking is critical to this procedure. However, we do not use the breake for this step or for the subsequent centrifugation steps. </em> </p> |
| + | <li>Pour off subernant and resuspend each pellet in 10 ml ice-cold CaCl2 solution.Re-suspension should be performed very gently and all cells kept on ice.</li> |
| + | <li>Cetrifuge cells 5 min at 1100 g, 4 C. Discard supernatant and re-suspend each pellet in 10 mL ice-cold CaCl2 solution. Keep re-suspend cells on ice for 30 min.</li> |
| + | <li>Centrifuge cells 5 min at 1100 g, 4 C. Discard supernatant and re-suspend each pellet in 2 mL ice-cold CaCl2 solution. |
| + | <p><em>It is important to re-suspend this final pellet well. The suspension may be left on ice for several days.</em> </p> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Dispense cells into prechilled, sterile polypropylene tubes (250 ml aliquots are convenient). Freeze immediately at -70 C.</li> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li><strong>Transformation</strong> </li> |
| + | |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <li>Aliquot 10 ng of DNA in a volume 10 to 25 mL into a sterile 15 mL round bottom test tube and place on ice.</li> |
| + | <p><em>Plasmid DNA can be used directly from ligation reactions. When this is done , more DNA is usually used. However, if there is <1 mg of DNA in the ligation reaction, or if the ligation reaction is from low gelling/melting temperature agarose, it is wise to dilute the ligation mix.</em></p> |
| + | <li>Rapidly thaw competent cells by warming between hands and dispense 100 mL immediately into test tubes containing DNA. Gently swirl tubes to mix, then place on ice for 10 min.</li> |
| + | <p><em>Competent cells should be used immediately after thawing. Remaining cells should be discarded rather than refrozen</em></p> |
| + | <li>Heat shock cells by placing tubes into a 42 C water bath for 2 min</li> |
| + | <p><em>Alternatively incubate at 37 C for 5 min.</em></p> |
| + | <li>Add 1 ml LB medium to each tube. Place each tube on a roler drum at 250 rpm for 1 hr at 37 C.</li> |
| + | <li>Plate aliquots of transformatin culture on LB /ampicillin or other approprate antibiotic- containing plates.</li><p><em>It is convenient to plate several different dilutions of each transformation culture. The remainder of the mixture can be stored at 4 C for subsequent platings.</em></p> |
| + | <li>When plates are dry, incubate 12 to 16 hr at 37 C.</li> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | <li><strong>Plasmid isolation</strong></li> |
| + | <p>This procedure is performed with Fermentas GeneJET™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit</p> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | <ol> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | <li>Pick a single colony</li> |
| + | <li> Inoculate in 5 mL LB medium for high-copy or 10 mL for low-copy of LB medium supplemented with the appropriate selection antibiotic.</li> |
| + | <li> Incubate at 225 rpm not longer than 12-14 h at 37 C .</li> |
| + | <li> Centrifuge at 4000 rpm for 5 min at 4 C .</li> |
| + | <li> Discard the supernatant and keep pellet.</li> |
| + | <li> Resuspended the pellet with 250 ul Resuspension solution. (Bacteria should be resuspended completely by vortexing until no cell clumps remain)</li> |
| + | <li>Transfer the cell suspension to eppendorf.</li> |
| + | |
| + | <li> Add 250 uL Lysis Solution and mix gently by inverting the tube 4-6 times until the solution becomes slightly clearPlate aliquots of transformatin culture on LB /ampicillin or other approprate antibiotic- containing plates.</li> |
| + | <p><em>Do not vortex!</em><br /> |
| + | <em>Do not incubate for more than 5 min. (To avoid denaturation of supercoiled plasmid DNA!)</em></p> |
| + | <li>Add 350 uL Neutralization solutionand mix immediately and throughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times.</li> |
| + | <p><em>(The neutralized bacterial lysate is cloudy and viscous) ("throughly" to avoid localized precipitation of bacterial cell debris)</em></p> |
| + | <li>Centrifuge at 13000 rpm for 5 min to precipitate cell debris and chromosomal DNA.</li> |
| + | <li>Transfer the supernatant to spin column (about 600 uL).</li> |
| + | <p><em>(Avoid disturbing or transferring the white precipitate)</em></p> |
| + | <li>Centrifuge at 13000 rpm for 1 min. </li> |
| + | <li>Discard the flow-through. </li> |
| + | <li> Place the column back into same collection tube.</li> |
| + | <li> Add 500 uL Wash solution to spin column.</li> |
| + | <li> Centrifuge at 13000 for 1 min</li> |
| + | <li> Discard the flow-through.</li> |
| + | <li> Repeat this step with using 500 uL Wash solution.</li> |
| + | <li> Discard the flow-through</li> |
| + | <li> Centrifuge at 13000 rpm for an additional 1 min to remove residual<strong> </strong>Wash solution.<br /> |
| + | (This step is essential to avoid residual ethanol in plasmid preps)</li> |
| + | <li> Transfer spin column into a fresh 1.5 mL epp.</li> |
| + | <li> Add 50 uL Elution buffer into center of the spin column membrane to elute the plasmid DNA</li> |
| + | <p><em>Do not contact the membrane with pipette tip!</em></p> |
| + | <li>Incubate for 2 min at 25 C. </li> |
| + | <p><em>To increase yield incubation is done for 2 min at heat block at 42 C</em></p> |
| + | <li>Centrifuge at 13000 for 2 min.</li> |
| + | <li>Discard the column and store the purified plasmid DNA at -20 C.</li> |
| + | <p><em>OPTIONAL= additional elution step with elution buffer or water. This step increases the yield by 10-20 %.</em><br /> |
| + | <em>NOTE: For elution of plasmids ≥ 20 kb, prewarm Elution buffer to 70 C before applying.</em></p> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | </ol> |
| + | <li><strong>Restriction digestion</strong></li> |
| + | |
| + | <p>This procedure is performed with NEB BioBrick™ Assembly Kit</p> |
| + | |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li>Digest Upstream Part with EcoRI-HF and Spel<br /> |
| + | 500 ng Upstream Part Plasmid<br /> |
| + | 1 uL EcorI-HF<br /> |
| + | 1 uL Spe I<br /> |
| + | 5 uL 10*NE Buffer 2<br /> |
| + | 0.5 uL 100* BSA<br /> |
| + | To 50 uL add dH2O<br /> |
| + | <br /> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Digest downstream part will Xbal and PstI<br /> |
| + | 500 ng Downstream Part Plasmid<br /> |
| + | 1 ul XbaI<br /> |
| + | 5 uL 10*NE Buffer 2<br /> |
| + | 0.5 uL 100* BSA<br /> |
| + | To 50 uL add dH2O<br /> |
| + | <br /> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Digest the destination plasmid with EcorI-HF and Pst I:</li> |
| + | |
| + | <p>The destination plasmid DNA should either be prepared with PCR or contain the toxic gene (e.g, ccdB, sacB) in the cloning site to avoid the need for gene purification.<br /> |
| + | The Destination Plasmid should also have a different antibiotic resistance marker from both the plasmid containing the Upstream Part and the plasmid containing the Downstream Part to avoid the need to purify the Upstream and Downstream Parts.<br /> |
| + | 500 ng Destination Plasmid DNA<br /> |
| + | 1 uL EcorI- HF<br /> |
| + | 1 uL PstI<br /> |
| + | 15 uL 10* NE Buffer 2<br /> |
| + | 0.5 uL 100*BSA<br /> |
| + | To 50 uL add dH2O<br /> |
| + | <br /> |
| + | Incubate all 3 restriction digest reactions at 37 C for 10 min and then heat inactivate at 80 C for 20 min.</p> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | <li><strong>AGE (Confirmation)</strong></li> |
| + | <h3>Background</h3> |
| + | <ul><li>EtBr stains only dsDNA. You cannot see ssDNA on gel</li> |
| + | <li>Minimum amount of DNA load:</li> |
| + | <p>200 ng (Aysu)<br /> |
| + | • Each band of 1kb ladder is approx. 125 ng (2.5 ul loaded) and can be seen on gel</p> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | |
| + | <h3>Preparetion</h3> |
| + | <ul><li>50X TAE (Tris-Acetate) Buffer<br /> |
| + | |
| + | 121 g/0.5 L Tris<br /> |
| + | 28.6 g/0.5 L Glacial Acetic Acid |
| + | <br /> |
| + | 7.31 g/0.5 L EDTA |
| + | <br /> |
| + | pH 8.0<br /> |
| + | |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Sterile 1.5 mL eppendorf tubes</li> |
| + | <li>Sterile long pipette tips</li> |
| + | <li>DNA standards |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li> [Aysu]: Promega 1.0 kb (1.0-10Kbp), 100 bp (0.1-1.0 Kbp)</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>TAE Buffer</li> |
| + | <li>EtBr sln (10 mg/mL). Purchase as solution ! Store at RT. <strong>Light-sensitive and carcinogenic !</strong></li> |
| + | <li>Sample loading buffer. Store at 4 C.</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | <h3>Protocol</h3> |
| + | <ul><li>Prepare 360 ml, 1X TAE running buffer</li> |
| + | |
| + | |
| + | <li>Prepare gel compartment with tape (do not use parafilm)</li> |
| + | <li>Prepare 60 ml, 1% agarose gel (0.6 g agarose <u>in 60 ml</u> <u>1X TAE buffer)</u> |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li>1-2 min in microwave. Check and swirl after each 30 sec. It must be dissolved completely.</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li>Add 1.0 ul EtBr (10 mg/ml) per 10 ml gel solution, swirl to mix</li> |
| + | <li>Add add 4 ul EtBr (10 mg/ml) per 100 ml running buffer.</li> |
| + | <li>Pour gel into gel compartment. Put comb.</li> |
| + | <li> After gel solidifies (30 min), take out the comb and load buffer to one well to measure its capacity.</li> |
| + | <li>Position the gel compartment and fill gel chamber with running buffer.</li> |
| + | <li> Prepare samples and standards (ladder)</li> |
| + | <li> Prepare samples by mixing 4 ul 6X Loading Buffer + 20 ul sample</li> |
| + | <li> Load the samples (for 24 ul sample, set pipette 24 ul).</li> |
| + | |
| + | <p><em>Do not push the tip to the bottom of the wells. Make a 45 degree angle and support the pipette tip on the edge of the well. Don’t worry, gel will not brake when you take support. Slowly release the sample. Do not use second pipet push not to risk air injection.</em></p> |
| + | <li>Make the connections: Black (-) on sample side, Red (+) opposite side</li> |
| + | <li>Run at 60V<br /> |
| + | 5-10V/cm (distance between anode and cathode) is recommended.<br /> |
| + | 90V causes high heat generation for our unit. Use 60V maximum.<br /> |
| + | For overnight runs: 2V is too low, causes diffusion<br /> |
| + | 35V / 4hrs / ¾ progress</li> |
| + | <li>Gel can be stored in 4 C until next day after completion</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | <h3>Gel Photo</h3> |
| + | <ul><li>Adjust zoom and position using visible light</li> |
| + | |
| + | |
| + | |
| + | |
| + | <li>Before turning on UV load your settings file which has the following parameters: |
| + | <ul> |
| + | <li>Preview tab, all three options checked</li> |
| + | <li> Active image</li> |
| + | <li> Dynamic integration, auto exposure, 10 frames</li> |
| + | <li> 50/50 brigthness/contrast</li> |
| + | <li> 0/0 hue/saturation</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | </li> |
| + | <li> Maximize brigthness with camera knob (counterclockwise)</li> |
| + | <li> Turn on UV light</li> |
| + | <li> Lower brightness from camera knob if necessary</li> |
| + | <p> </p> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | |
| + | </ol> |
| </div> | | </div> |
| </div> | | </div> |