Team:UT Dallas/Protocols


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           <h2><span></span>Gel Electrophoresis Protocol</h2>
           <h2><span></span>Gel Electrophoresis Protocol</h2>
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           <p><li type = "disk">Making a 1% agarose gel<li type = "disk">100mL 1X TBE buffer<li type = "disk">1g agarose<li type = "disk">microwave until agarose dissolves<li type = "disk">let mixture cool<li type = "disk">when cool add 8-10uL ethidium bromide<li type = "disk">stir gently, let cool<li type = "disk">pour into plate with comb already in place<li type = "disk">let harden<li type = "disk">Using the gel<li type = "disk">Add loading buffer to DNA (for 100uL DNA, add 20uL loading buffer)<li type = "disk">Load 2uL of DNA ladder into the gel<li type = "disk">Load DNA into the gel<li type = "disk">Run at 130V for 30min-1hr</p></li>
           <p><li type = "disk">Making a 1% agarose gel<li type = "circle">100mL 1X TBE buffer<li type = "circle">1g agarose<li type = "circle">microwave until agarose dissolves<li type = "circle">let mixture cool<li type = "circle">when cool add 8-10uL ethidium bromide<li type = "circle">stir gently, let cool<li type = "circle">pour into plate with comb already in place<li type = "circle">let harden<li type = "disk">Using the gel<li type = "circle">Add loading buffer to DNA (for 100uL DNA, add 20uL loading buffer)<li type = "circle">Load 2uL of DNA ladder into the gel<li type = "circle">Load DNA into the gel<li type = "circle">Run at 130V for 30min-1hr</p></li>
           <h2><span></span>Digestion Protocol</h2>
           <h2><span></span>Digestion Protocol</h2>
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Revision as of 16:25, 17 August 2011

biz solution


Ligation Protocol

  • Determine insert to vector ratios
  • Calculate the amount of insert needed if 50ng of vector is used (can use different amount of vector)
  • In a PCR tube add the following:
  • 50ng of vector
  • Amount of insert based on ratios (calculated in second step)
  • 2uL of buffer
  • 2uL of DNA ligase
  • Amount of water to bring total volume to 20uL
  • Incubate overnight at 14oC

  • Note: We used T4 DNA ligase and buffer from NEB

    Gel Purification Protocol (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit)

  • Excise DNA fragment from the agarose gel with a clean, sharp scalpel
  • Weigh the gel slice in a microcentrifuge tube.
  • Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel (100mg~100uL)
  • Incubate at 50oC for 10 min (until the gel slice has completely dissolved)
  • After the gel slice has dissolved completely, check that the color of the mixture is yellow
  • Apply the sample to a QIAquick column, and centrifuge for 1 min
  • Maximum volume of the column is 800uL. For samples larger than this, simply load and spin again.
  • Discard flow-through and place QIAquick column back in the same collection tube
  • To wash, add 750uL of Buffer PE to column and centrifuge for 1 min.
  • Discard the flow-through and centrifuge for additional 1 min. at 13,000rpm
  • Place QIAquick column into a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube
  • To elute DNA, add 50uL of Buffer EB to the center of the QIAquick membrane, let the column stand for 1 min. and then centrifuge the column for 1 min.

  • Gel Electrophoresis Protocol

  • Making a 1% agarose gel
  • 100mL 1X TBE buffer
  • 1g agarose
  • microwave until agarose dissolves
  • let mixture cool
  • when cool add 8-10uL ethidium bromide
  • stir gently, let cool
  • pour into plate with comb already in place
  • let harden
  • Using the gel
  • Add loading buffer to DNA (for 100uL DNA, add 20uL loading buffer)
  • Load 2uL of DNA ladder into the gel
  • Load DNA into the gel
  • Run at 130V for 30min-1hr

  • Digestion Protocol

  • Preparing LB+Appropriate Antibiotic Protocol

  • Preparing Agar Plates Protocol (Makes 12 (15mm) Plates)

  • Preparing Competent Cells Protocol

  • Miniprep Protocol (from QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit)

  • Preparing Glycerol Stock Protocol

  • Transformation Protocol

  • Image Gallery


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