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== Questionnaire in our survey ==
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iGEM Kyoto suggested '''a nationwide survey''' to all the iGEM teams in Japan this year.  Five Universities (including Kyoto) participated in this project. 
We Kyoto team led other teams in the project, and successfully got '''over 1,500 answers''' in total!  From the survey, we found that opinions differ between students and non-students. 
To our little surprise, the survey also showed that the majority of Japanese regard biotechnology favorably, while at the same time they worry very much about the safety.
:We conducted a survey widely targeted to public ranging from high school students to citizens in general with Osaka university. The objective of the survey are two things. One is to find how Japanese people feel or think about synthetic biology and its problems like bioethics or safety. The other is images of ''Drosophila'' and leukemia. We asked people who came not only from biology departments but also from various fields of study. We also asked visitors at the open campus mentioned above. Furthermore, we made it able to answer from website so that we could collect the answer from various classes.
This year, we iGEM Japan carried out ”iGEM Japan Human Practices” suggested by iGEM Kyoto. In this project, we drove an attitude survey on genetic engineering and biotechnology cooperating with one another. We attempted to recognize the current situation of Japanese public view, and we will take advantage of this result for future human practice activities.
According to the previous result of human practice activity, which was a survey with questions about genetic engineering, more Japanese people chose "negative" or "neutral" than the other nationalities <sup>[[#RefH001|[1]]]</sup>. In addition, it is often said that many Japanese people hate or avoid genetically modified food <sup>[[#RefH002|[2]]]</sup>. We are interested in this tendency. Thus, we attempted to investigate the reason why many Japanese people have a negative impression on genetic engineering. We made a questionnaire below, asking about the impressions on genetic engineering and words related to iGEM, or Synthetic biology.
'''The Questionnaire'''
# By combining the results from different teams located in the different regions to share some steps of human practice activities, we can avoid labor-intensive but also improve the quality of the survey result with rich amount of samples.
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto" width="900px"  
# We can attract public attention such as Mass-media by driving this activity as iGEM Japan, than as one university team. This will be a great help for many purposes, such as announcing the activities of iGEM, inviting sponsors, or further human practices activities.
!1. When shopping, do you buy "not genetically modified food”?
# This project will be a good opportunity to deepen the relationships between each Japanese iGEMers. Actually, we are planning iGEM JAPAN project, which includes not only human practice activities but also construction of iGEM JAPAN Website, PR by magazines and participation in symposiums for example.
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
: [ Always buy / Tend to buy / Hardly mind / Not mind / I have never seen such an indication ]
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
[ This is the common Introduction article of participating universities of “iGEM Japan Human Practices”([[Team:KIT-Kyoto|KIT-Kyoto]], [[Team:Kyoto|Kyoto]], [[Team:Osaka|Osaka]], [[Team:Tokyo_Metropolitan|Tokyo_Metropolitan]], and [[Team:UT-Tokyo|UT-Tokyo]]). iGEM Kyoto has the responsibility for the wording. ]
!2. Have you ever heard the word, "Synthetic biology"?
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
: [ YES / NO ]
!3. What do you associate with [ genetic engineering and biotechnology ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
Five out of the nine Japanese teams, [[Team:KIT-Kyoto|KIT-Kyoto]], [[Team:Kyoto|Kyoto]], [[Team:Osaka|Osaka]], [[Team:Tokyo_Metropolitan|Tokyo_Metropolitan]], and [[Team:UT-Tokyo|UT-Tokyo]] took part in this project.  We all used paper-based questionnaires, but the sites for the survey and the terms used in the questions varied depending on the team.
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
The survey was conducted from June 30 to September 26 in places near our universities.
: [ Clone / GM crops (foods) / Patent / DNA / Genome / Medicine / Cosmetic / Bioethics / Virus / Artificial Life / Novel Prize / Environment / Biological weapon / iPS cells / ES cells / Biofuel / Biohazard / The Umbrella Corporation / Others( ) ]
====Targets, Terms, and Places====
!4. What do you associate with [ flies ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
* Students
** July 12 - September 26 at Kyoto Institute of Technology University
: [ Dirty / Clean / Harmful / Useful / Cause of the disease / are used in the research of the disease / Flap wings are dissonant / Often see / Others( ) ]
* Others
** August 10 at Open Campus in Kyoto Institute of Technology University
!5. Which do you guess [ an incurable disease ]? (※Please circle five that apply)
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
* Students
: [ Conjunctivitis / Cold / Otitis media / Leukemia / Pollen allergy / Cavities / Stomatitis / Pneumonia / Osteoporosis / Osteomyelitis / Stroke / Parkinson's disease / Disc hernia / Arteriosclerosis / Dystrophy / Encephalitis / Influenza / Asthma / Pulmonary tuberculosis / Heart failure / Hyperlipidemia / Diabetes / Vitamin deficiency / The lack of blood / Hemophilia / Cancer / Lymphadenitis / Others( ) ]
** July 12 - September 26 at Kyoto University
* Others
!6. Do you know [ leukemia ]?
** August 28, 29 at Masukata Shopping Street, Kyoto
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"  
** September 4 at Grace Tanaka, a supermarket, Kyoto
** September 11, 12 at Coop Shimogamo, Kyoto
: [ Yes / Only hear the word / No ]
* Others
!7. Which do you guess [ leukemia ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
** August  10  at  Osaka University  from high school student or their  parents
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
: [ Little understand / Scary / Small number of patient / Incurable / Treatable / Get infected / Blood is white / By nature / bombed / bone-marrow bank / visitation is difficult / Cancer / asymptomatic ill / not lead a normal life / Anti-cancer drug / Others( ) ]
* Students
** July 1 - September 26 at Tokyo Metropolitan University
!8. Do you register a bone-marrow bank?
** July 30 - September 26 (Tokyo_Metropolitan team member’s friends)
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"
* Others
** June 30 - July 2 in BIO EXPO JAPAN ( at Tokyo.
:[ YES / NO ]
** July 16 in Public Forum on Education Development Project at Tokyo Metropolitan University
** July 18, August 20 in Open Lab at Tokyo Metropolitan University
!9. What do you associate with [ radiation ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
** September 18, 19 in Mitaka Science and Technology Fair at Tokyo
|- style="background-color:transplanet;"  
** August 7 - September 26 (Tokyo_Metropolitan team member's family and acquaintances)
: [ Terrible / Cancer / Nuclear power plant / Useful / Wisdom of science / unnecessary / negative legacy / Little understand ]
* Others (High School Students)
** July 31 at SEG, a cram school, Tokyo
We prepared two (very similar) questionnaires: "Attitude survey of genetic engineering" and "Attitude survey of biotechnology."  They are almost the same, but "Attitude survey of biotechnology" contains a little different question from "Attitude survey of genetic engineering". We only changed the word "genetic engineering" of the survey for "biotechnology" in order to make "Attitude survey of biotechnology."
And we attempted to indicate difference of image between "genetic engineering" and "biotechnology".
Attitudes survey of ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )
# When shopping, do you buy "non-genetically modified food”?
#* [ Always buy / Tend to buy / Hardly mind / Not mind / I have never seen such an indication ]
# What do you associate with ( genetic engineering or  biotechnology )? (※Please encircle all that apply)
#* [ Clone / GM crops (foods) / Patent / DNA / Genome / Medicine / Cosmetic / Bioethics / Virus / Artificial Life / Novel Prize / Environment / Biological weapon / iPS cells, ES cells / Biofuel / Biohazard / Others( ) ]
# If there is no difference in effectiveness, what do you think about using the drugs manufactured by ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?
#* [ Not mind I use / Hardly mind I use / If possible, I don't want to use / I must not use / I don't know ]
# What do you think of the artificial genetic mutation by ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?
#* [ Bad / Little bad / Little good / Good ]
# Which trend of information about ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology ) is major, negative or positive?
#* [ Negative / About the same degree / Positive / No idea ]
# Do you think Japan actively tackles on ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?
#* [ Yes / Partly yes / Not so much / No ]
# Do you think the research on ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology ) should continue?
#* [ Yes / No ]
#*If you answered [Yes], please encircle every fit reason from below.
#*# Because it may be useful for food crisis.
#*# Because it may solve environmental problems.
#*# Because it may solve energy problems.
#*# Because it may be applied to medicine.
#*# Because it may create a business opportunity.
#*# Because it can be used in the preservation of the species.
#*# Because it symbolizes the development of science and technology.
#*# Because it has already been put to practical use in many countries.
#*# Because it has many possibilities.
#*# Because it is interesting as an academic subject or a research topic.
#*# Others( )
#*If you answered [No], please encircle every reason from below.
#*# Because it can create evil things harmful to environment and humans.
#*# Because products of it can be harmful to ecosystem.
#*# Because products of it can be harmful to human body.
#*# Because it is unethical.
#*# Because people say it is dangerous.
#*# Because it can be applied to evil use.
#*# Because there are not enough laws governing it.
#*# Because it can be replaced by other technologies.
#*# Because it seems to have less potential than other technologies.
#*# Because I feel somehow uneasy in using it.
#*# Others( )
# Have you ever heard the word, "Synthetic biology"?
#* [ Yes / No ]
[ This is the common Method article of participating universities of “iGEM Japan Human Practice”([[Team:KIT-Kyoto|KIT-Kyoto]], [[Team:Kyoto|Kyoto]], [[Team:Osaka|Osaka]], [[Team:Tokyo_Metropolitan|Tokyo_Metropolitan]], and [[Team:UT-Tokyo|UT-Tokyo]]).iGEM Kyoto has the responsibility for the wording. ]
We drove this survey from July to September 26th.
All data: [ HumanPractice.xls]
Our result is too much to write all on this page. So we write only graphs on this page and upload all result data.
We analyzed mainly following points.
* compare between arts and science(*) in college student
* compare between "genetic engineering" and "biotechnology"
* compare between people with different jobs
* compare between college student and the others
(*)In Japan, classification of arts and science is important. Most Japanese students study different subjects since high school due to the classification, because it is a big factor to decide the subjects required in the entrance examination for universities or colleges. This is the reason we predicted that there might be some differences between arts and science.
Following is the scale of our survey(whole iGEM Japan.)
{| class="small"
|+ Job
|colspan="5"| College Student
! No. || Arts or Science || Genetic Engineering || Biotechnology || Subtotal
| 1 || Arts || 113 || 58 || 171
| 2 || Sciences || 282 || 110 || 392
| 0 || No response || 22 || 1 || 23
| - || Total || 417 || 169 || 586
|colspan="5"| Others
! No. || Job || Genetic Engineering || Biotechnology || Subtotal
| 1 || Full-time House maker || 114 || 0 || 114
| 2 || Part-time Jobber || 57 || 0 || 57
| 3 || Student || 41 || 3 || 44
| 4 || Office Worker || 161 || 1 || 162
| 5 || Civil Servant || 39 || 0 || 39
| 6 || Self-employed || 39 || 1 || 40
| 7 || Managerial Position || 17 || 0 || 17
| 8 || Unemployed || 34 || 0 || 34
| 9 || Others || 44 || 14 || 58
| 10 || High-school Student || 286 || 39 || 325
| 0 || No Response || 35 || 0 || 35
| - || Subtotal || 867 || 58 || 925
| - || Total || 1284 || 227 || 1511
{| class="small"
|+ Sex
| Male || 771
| Female || 702
| No Response || 38
| Total || 1511
=====1. When shopping, do you buy "non-genetically modified food”?=====
* [ Always buy / Tend to buy / Hardly mind / Not mind / I have never seen such an indication ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_1-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.1.1 A comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student.The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_1-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.1.2 A comparison between people with different Jobs (without college students).]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_1-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.1.3 Avoidance index is an average when Always buy is 4 points, Tend to buy is 3 points, Hardly mind is 2points, and Not mind is 1point.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_1-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.1.4 A comparison between college students and the others.]]
=====2. What do you associate with ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )? (※Please encircle all that apply)=====
* [ Clone / GM crops (foods) / Patent / DNA / Genome / Medicine / Cosmetic / Bioethics / Virus / Artificial Life / Novel Prize / Environment / Biological weapon / iPS cells, ES cells / Biofuel / Biohazard / Others( ) ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_2-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.2.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_2-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.2.2 This is comparison between genetic engineering and biotechnology. Both are college student.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_2-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.2.3 This is comparison between college students and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
=====3. If there is no difference in effectiveness, what do you think about using the drugs manufactured by ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?=====
* [ Not mind I use / Hardly mind I use / If possible, I don't want to use / I must not use / I don't know ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_3-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.3.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_3-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.3.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_3-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.3.3 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student). All are genetic engineering survey.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_3-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.3.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
=====4. What do you think of the artificial genetic mutation by ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?=====
* [ Bad / Little bad / Little good / Good ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_4-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.4.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_4-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.4.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_4-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.4.3 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student). All are genetic engineering survey.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_4-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.4.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
=====5. Which trend of information about ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology ) is major, negative or positive?=====
#* [ Negative / About the same degree / Positive / No idea ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_5-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.5.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_5-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.5.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_5-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.5.3 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student). All are genetic engineering survey.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_5-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.5.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
=====6. Do you think Japan actively tackles on ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology )?=====
* [ Yes / Partly yes / Not so much / No ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_6-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.6.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_6-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.6.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_6-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.6.3 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student). All are genetic engineering survey.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_6-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.6.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
=====7 Do you think the research on ( genetic engineering  or  biotechnology ) should continue?=====
* [ Yes / No ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.7.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7.3 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student). All are genetic engineering survey.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7-4.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.7.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey.]]
*If you answered [Yes], please encircle every fit reason from below.
*# Because it may be useful for food crisis.
*# Because it may solve environmental problems.
*# Because it may solve energy problems.
*# Because it may be applied to medicine.
*# Because it may create a business opportunity.
*# Because it can be used in the preservation of the species.
*# Because it symbolizes the development of science and technology.
*# Because it has already been put to practical use in many countries.
*# Because it has many possibilities.
*# Because it is interesting as an academic subject or research topic.
*# Others( )
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7a-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7a.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [Yes] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7a-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.7a.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [Yes] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7a-3.png|900x400px|thumb|center|Fig.7a.3 This is comparison in job (without college student). All are genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [Yes] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7a-4.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7a.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [Yes] to Q7.]]
*If you answered [No], please encircle every reason from below.
*# Because it can create evil things harmful to environment and humans.
*# Because products of it can be harmful to ecosystem.
*# Because products of it can be harmful to human body.
*# Because it is unethical.
*# Because people say it is dangerous.
*# Because it can be applied to evil use.
*# Because there are not enough laws governing it.
*# Because it can be replaced by other technologies.
*# Because it seems to have less potential than other technologies.
*# Because I feel somehow uneasy in using it.
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7b-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7b.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [No] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7b-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.7b.2 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student and biotechnology survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [No] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7b-3.png|900x400px|thumb|center|Fig.7b.3 This is comparison in job (without college student). All are genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [No] to Q7.]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_7b-4.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.7b.4 This is comparison between college student and the others. Both are genetic engineering survey. This proportion is only about those who answered [No] to Q7.]]
=====8. Have you ever heard the word, "Synthetic biology"?=====
* [ Yes / No ]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_8-1.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.8.1 This figure is comparison between arts and sciences. Both are college student. The number of arts plus sciences is not equal to subtotal because subtotal contains the number of no response. ]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_8-2.png|440x400px|thumb|right|Fig.8.2 This is comparison between people with different jobs (without collge student).]]
[[Image:Kyoto_HP_8-3.png|440x400px|thumb|left|Fig.8.3 This is comparison between college student and the others.]]
[ This is the common Result article of participating universities of “iGEM Japan Human Practice”([[Team:KIT-Kyoto|KIT-Kyoto]], [[Team:Kyoto|Kyoto]], [[Team:Osaka|Osaka]], [[Team:Tokyo_Metropolitan|Tokyo_Metropolitan]], and [[Team:UT-Tokyo|UT-Tokyo]]).iGEM Kyoto has the responsibility for the wording. ]
=====Future work =====
We investigated the tendency of impressions on genetic engineering through comparison between Japanese (different ages, majors, job, and regions).We hoped that people became more familier
with synthetic biology.
== Help to other iGEM Team ==
# [ iGEM 2009 - Team:Freiburg_bioware]
# [ iGEM 2009 - Team:Valencia]
:We provided with three DNA parts for Team:Kyoto in 26 August.
:BBa_E0240 GFP generator
:BBa_I20260 Measurement Kit Test of J23101
<div class="clear"><hr></div>
:BBa_K325909 Lux Operon (under pBAD)
:We conducted a survey widely targeted to public ranging from high school students to citizens in general with Osaka university.

Revision as of 14:51, 4 October 2011


Questionnaire in our survey

We conducted a survey widely targeted to public ranging from high school students to citizens in general with Osaka university. The objective of the survey are two things. One is to find how Japanese people feel or think about synthetic biology and its problems like bioethics or safety. The other is images of Drosophila and leukemia. We asked people who came not only from biology departments but also from various fields of study. We also asked visitors at the open campus mentioned above. Furthermore, we made it able to answer from website so that we could collect the answer from various classes.

The Questionnaire

1. When shopping, do you buy "not genetically modified food”?
[ Always buy / Tend to buy / Hardly mind / Not mind / I have never seen such an indication ]
2. Have you ever heard the word, "Synthetic biology"?
[ YES / NO ]
3. What do you associate with [ genetic engineering and biotechnology ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Clone / GM crops (foods) / Patent / DNA / Genome / Medicine / Cosmetic / Bioethics / Virus / Artificial Life / Novel Prize / Environment / Biological weapon / iPS cells / ES cells / Biofuel / Biohazard / The Umbrella Corporation / Others( ) ]
4. What do you associate with [ flies ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Dirty / Clean / Harmful / Useful / Cause of the disease / are used in the research of the disease / Flap wings are dissonant / Often see / Others( ) ]
5. Which do you guess [ an incurable disease ]? (※Please circle five that apply)
[ Conjunctivitis / Cold / Otitis media / Leukemia / Pollen allergy / Cavities / Stomatitis / Pneumonia / Osteoporosis / Osteomyelitis / Stroke / Parkinson's disease / Disc hernia / Arteriosclerosis / Dystrophy / Encephalitis / Influenza / Asthma / Pulmonary tuberculosis / Heart failure / Hyperlipidemia / Diabetes / Vitamin deficiency / The lack of blood / Hemophilia / Cancer / Lymphadenitis / Others( ) ]
6. Do you know [ leukemia ]?
[ Yes / Only hear the word / No ]
7. Which do you guess [ leukemia ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Little understand / Scary / Small number of patient / Incurable / Treatable / Get infected / Blood is white / By nature / bombed / bone-marrow bank / visitation is difficult / Cancer / asymptomatic ill / not lead a normal life / Anti-cancer drug / Others( ) ]
8. Do you register a bone-marrow bank?
[ YES / NO ]
9. What do you associate with [ radiation ]? (※Please circle all that apply)
[ Terrible / Cancer / Nuclear power plant / Useful / Wisdom of science / unnecessary / negative legacy / Little understand ]



Help to other iGEM Team

We provided with three DNA parts for Team:Kyoto in 26 August.
BBa_E0240 GFP generator
BBa_I20260 Measurement Kit Test of J23101
BBa_K325909 Lux Operon (under pBAD)

We conducted a survey widely targeted to public ranging from high school students to citizens in general with Osaka university.