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           <h2><span><b>UT Dallas iGem 2011-</b> Welcome to Our Wiki!</span></h2>
           <h2><span> <b>Protocols</b></span></h2>
          <h2><span></span>Ligation Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">Determine insert to vector ratios<li type = "disk">Calculate the amount of insert needed if 50ng of vector is used (can use different amount of vector)<li type = "disk">In a PCR tube add the following:<blockquote><li type = "circle">50ng of vector<li type = "circle">Amount of insert based on ratios (calculated in second step)<li type = "circle">2uL of buffer<li type = "circle">2uL of DNA ligase<li type = "circle">Amount of water to bring total volume to 20uL</blockquote><li type = "disk">Incubate overnight at 14 degrees Celsius</p></li><p>Note: We used T4 DNA ligase and buffer from NEB</p>
          <!--<p class="post-data"><a href="#" class="com fr"></a> <span class="date">March 16, 2018</span> &nbsp;|&nbsp; Posted by <a href="#">Owner</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; Filed under <a href="#">templates</a>, <a href="#">internet</a></p>-->
          <img src="images/images_1.jpg" width="613" height="193" alt="" />
          <p>This is where we will put the project decription. Above this paragraph, in the white box/picture that won't show up, we will put a team picture. Below this paragraph, there is a blue "Read More" link that will link to the project page. Maybe I can get the picture to link to the team page. In the section right below this we can put the safety proposal that's due July 15th along with the project description, and we can put it right below this just to make sure they see it- and then we can move it later.</p>
          <p class="spec"> <a href="" class="rm fl"><font size="4" face="verdana">Read more</a></font></p>
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           <h2><span></span> Our Project Name</h2>
           <h2><span></span>Gel Purification Protocol (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit)</h2>
          <div class="clr"></div>
          <p><li type = "disk">Excise DNA fragment from the agarose gel with a clean, sharp scalpel<li type = "disk">Weigh the gel slice in a microcentrifuge tube.<li type = "disk">Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel (100mg~100uL)<li type = "disk">Incubate at 50 degrees Celsius for 10 min (until the gel slice has completely dissolved)<li type = "disk">After the gel slice has dissolved completely, check that the color of the mixture is yellow<li type = "disk">Apply the sample to a QIAquick column, and centrifuge for 1 min<li type = "circle"><blockquote>Maximum volume of the column is 800uL. For samples larger than this, simply load and spin again.</blockquote><li type = "disk">Discard flow-through and place QIAquick column back in the same collection tube<li type = "disk">To wash, add 750uL of Buffer PE to column and centrifuge for 1 min.<li type = "disk">Discard the flow-through and centrifuge for additional 1 min. at 13,000rpm<li type = "disk">Place QIAquick column into a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube<li type = "disk">To elute DNA, add 50uL of Buffer EB to the center of the QIAquick membrane, let the column stand for 1 min. and then centrifuge the column for 1 min.</p></li>
          <h2><span></span>Gel Electrophoresis Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">Making a 1% agarose gel<blockquote><li type = "circle">100mL 1X TBE buffer<li type = "circle">1g agarose<li type = "circle">microwave until agarose dissolves<li type = "circle">let mixture cool<li type = "circle">when cool add 8-10uL ethidium bromide<li type = "circle">stir gently, let cool<li type = "circle">pour into plate with comb already in place<li type = "circle">let harden</blockquote><li type = "disk">Using the gel<blockquote><li type = "circle">Add loading buffer to DNA (for 100uL DNA, add 20uL loading buffer)<li type = "circle">Load 2uL of DNA ladder into the gel<li type = "circle">Load DNA into the gel<li type = "circle">Run at 130V for 30min-1hr</p></li></blockquote>
          <h2><span></span>Digestion Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">Using a microcentrifuge tube add the following:<blockquote><li type = "circle">~3000-5000 ng of DNA<li type = "circle">10uL Buffer 4<li type = "circle">10uL BSA<li type = "circle">5uL of appropriate enzyme (if doing a double digest, use 5 uL of both enzymes)<li type = "circle">Amount of H2O needed to make final volume 100uL</blockquote><li type = "disk">Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 1hr and 30min</p></li><p>Note: We used the following enzymes from NEB: EcoRI-HF, PstI-HF, SpeI, and XbaI. All of which can be double digested with each other using Buffer 4.</p>
          <h2><span></span>Preparing LB+Appropriate Antibiotic Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">200 mL LB broth<li type = "disk">Autoclave<blockquote><li type = "circle">Put control thermometer in H2O (from the sink)<li type = "circle">Select vented container mode (Do Not Change Program)</blockquote><li type = "disk">Let cool to 50 degrees Celsius<li type = "disk">Add antibiotic (50-100 ug/mL) (10 mg total)<blockquote><li type = "circle">Weigh on paper<li type = "circle">Add to 0.5 mL DI H2O<li type = "circle">Add to LB mixture when cool enough</blockquote><li type = "disk">Store at 4 degrees Celsius</p></li>
          <h2><span></span>Preparing Agar Plates Protocol (Makes 12 (15mm) Plates)
          <div class="clr"></div>
          <p><li type = "disk">300 mL DI H2O + 11 g LB agar<li type = "disk">Autoclave<blockquote><li type = "circle">Put control thermometer in H2O (from the sink)<li type = "circle">Select vented container mode (Do Not Change Program)</blockquote><li type = "disk">Mix well after autoclaving; let cool to 50 degrees Celsius<li type = "disk">Add antibiotic (50 to 100 µg/mL) (15 mg total)<blockquote><li type = "circle">Weigh on paper<li type = "circle">Add to 0.5 mL DI H2O<li type = "circle">Add to LB mixture when cool enough</blockquote><li type = "disk">Plate<blockquote><li type = "circle">Under flame open lids of all plates<li type = "circle">Slowly pour agar into plate, avoiding bubbles, when it touches all edges stop pouring<li type = "circle">Let sit under flames until gel solidifies<li type = "circle">Replace lids on plates</blockquote><li type = "disk">Store upside down at 4 degrees Celsius</p></li>
          <h2><span></span>Preparing Competent Cells Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">Place 1 colony in 5 mL of LB (with antibiotics if appropriate) Grow overnight at 37 degrees Celsius and 200-300 rpm<li type = "disk">Inoculate 0.25 mL of the overnight strain into 25 mL of LB<li type = "disk">Shake at 37oC until the OD650 is 0.6-0.7<li type = "disk">Harvest cells and resuspend in 12.5 mL ice cold 0.1M MgCl2<li type = "disk">Harvest immediately and resuspend in 7.5 mL cold 0.1M CaCl2<li type = "disk">Leave on ice for 30 minutes. Harvest and resuspend in 2.5 mL cold 0.1M CaCl2<li type = "disk">Leave on ice for 30 minutes<li type = "disk">For long term storage, use 0.1M CaCl2 in 15% glycerol at step 6 and store cells at -800 degrees Celsius</p></li><p>
Note: Harvest cells at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 degrees Celsius</p>
          <h2><span></span>Miniprep Protocol (from QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit)</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">Harvest cells at 5400g 10 minutes 40 degrees Celsius (possibly program 1)<li type = "disk">Resuspend pelleted bacterial cells in 250 µL Buffer P1 and transfer to a microcentrifuge tube<li type = "disk">Add 250 µL Buffer P2 and mix thoroughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times<li type = "disk">Add 350 µL Buffer N3 and mix immediately and thoroughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times<li type = "disk">Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 13000 rpm (~17900g) in a table-top microcentrifuge<li type = "disk">Apply the supernatant (from step 4) to the QIA prep spin column by decanting or pipetting<li type = "disk">Centrifuge for 30-60 seconds. Discard the flow-through<li type = "disk">Wash QIA prep spin column by adding 0.75 mL Buffer PE and centrifuging for 30-60 seconds<li type = "disk">Discard the flow-through, and centrifuge for 1 minute to remove residual wash buffer<li type = "disk">To elute DNA, place the QIA prep column in a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. Add 50 µL Buffer EB or water to the center of each QIA prep spin column, let stand for 1 minute and centrifuge for 1 minute.
          <h2><span></span>Preparing Glycerol Stock Protocol</h2>
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        <!-- <p class="post-data"><a href="#" class="com fr"></a> <span class="date">March 15, 2010</span> &nbsp;|&nbsp; Posted by <a href="#">Owner</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; Filed under <a href="#">templates</a>, <a href="#">internet</a></p>-->
          <p><li type = "disk">Add 150 µL of 50% glycerol to 350 µL of cells<li type = "disk">Place in -80oC freezer</p></li>
          <h2><span></span>Transformation Protocol</h2>
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          <p><li type = "disk">With a pipette tip, punch a hole through the foil cover of the DNA plate<li type = "disk">Add 10 µL of DI water<li type = "disk">Thaw competent cells on ice<li type = "disk">Add 1-2 µL of resuspend DNA and 50 µL of thawed competent cells to labeled tubes<li type = "disk">Incubate the cells on ice for 30 minutes<li type = "disk">Heat shock the cells at 42 degrees Celsius for 45 sec<li type = "disk">Incubate the cells on ice for 2 minutes<li type = "disk">Under flame, add 450 µL SOC broth<li type = "disk">Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 1 hour while rotating or shaking at 300rpm<li type = "disk">Spread cells on appropriate antibiotic LB plates (usually 100 µL)<li type = "disk">Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 18-24 hours<li type = "disk">Take a colony, put in 3 mL of LB + appropriate antibiotic<li type = "disk">Use resulting culture to miniprep DNA and make your own glycerol stock</p></li>
          <img src="images/images_2.jpg" width="613" height="193" alt="" />
          <p>Maybe we can put our Safety Proposal right here just to make sure they see it by the deadline...then later we can move it.</p>
<p><b>1. Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of researcher, public, or environmental safety?</b></p>
<blockquote>Materials that pose a safety risk (i.e. cell cultures, ethidium bromide, UV transilluminator, etc) are handled according to standard lab safety protocol and Materials Safety Data Sheets. Materials containing safety hazards are disposed in separate containers with “biohazard” designations. Appropriate protective gear, such as gloves, is worn at all times. Our bacterial chassis, E. coli DH5α, is disabled to where it is nonpathogenic and cannot survive outside of lab conditions. In addition, all exposed counters are disinfected using 70% ethanol after each use of the lab. All lab equipment is thoroughly cleaned and autoclaved after use and access to the lab is limited by cardkey.</blockquote>
<p><b>2. Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues?</b></p>
<blockquote>We worked with genes encoding known properties and utilized safety measures to ensure that biohazardous materials including antibiotic-resistant cells are contained within the lab and are appropriately disposed.  Therefore, we assess that none of our submitted parts raise safety issues.</blockquote>
<p><b>3. Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution?</b></p>
<blockquote>UT Dallas has an Institutional Biosafety Committee that manages all safety responsibilities under NIH “Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules”. Throughout the course of this work, we ensured that all lab activity respected safety measures. </blockquote>
<p><b>4. Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?</b></p>
<blockquote>The iGEM plasmid backbone could be programmed to include an "inactivation mechanism" whose induction can be used to regulate the activity of cells endowed with BioBrick parts. Disseminating pertinent safety information through the Registry is a practical alternative to engineering biosafety measures into parts, devices and systems.</blockquote>
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<p>...and then we can put our real introduction to our project right here</p>
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             <p><span class="q"><img src="" width="16" height="14" alt="" /></span> We can put our twitter or a link to a youtube video that we have. Twitter, maybe? That would be pretty cool. <span class="q"><img src="" width="16" height="14" alt="" /></span></p>
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       A little portal to learn more about UTD if anyone wants to. Learn more about where we work and some fun facts about UTD. *Add picture of Nserl.</p><p><a href="#"><font size="3" face="verdana">Click here to learn more about UTD</a></font></p>
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       <p>This will just give a brief description of what we've been doing and then link to the Notebook page when anyone clicks the "Learn More" link. See what we've been doing over the past few months.
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Latest revision as of 02:11, 3 September 2011

biz solution


Ligation Protocol

  • Determine insert to vector ratios
  • Calculate the amount of insert needed if 50ng of vector is used (can use different amount of vector)
  • In a PCR tube add the following:
  • 50ng of vector
  • Amount of insert based on ratios (calculated in second step)
  • 2uL of buffer
  • 2uL of DNA ligase
  • Amount of water to bring total volume to 20uL
  • Incubate overnight at 14 degrees Celsius

  • Note: We used T4 DNA ligase and buffer from NEB

    Gel Purification Protocol (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit)

  • Excise DNA fragment from the agarose gel with a clean, sharp scalpel
  • Weigh the gel slice in a microcentrifuge tube.
  • Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel (100mg~100uL)
  • Incubate at 50 degrees Celsius for 10 min (until the gel slice has completely dissolved)
  • After the gel slice has dissolved completely, check that the color of the mixture is yellow
  • Apply the sample to a QIAquick column, and centrifuge for 1 min
  • Maximum volume of the column is 800uL. For samples larger than this, simply load and spin again.
  • Discard flow-through and place QIAquick column back in the same collection tube
  • To wash, add 750uL of Buffer PE to column and centrifuge for 1 min.
  • Discard the flow-through and centrifuge for additional 1 min. at 13,000rpm
  • Place QIAquick column into a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube
  • To elute DNA, add 50uL of Buffer EB to the center of the QIAquick membrane, let the column stand for 1 min. and then centrifuge the column for 1 min.

  • Gel Electrophoresis Protocol

  • Making a 1% agarose gel
  • 100mL 1X TBE buffer
  • 1g agarose
  • microwave until agarose dissolves
  • let mixture cool
  • when cool add 8-10uL ethidium bromide
  • stir gently, let cool
  • pour into plate with comb already in place
  • let harden
  • Using the gel
  • Add loading buffer to DNA (for 100uL DNA, add 20uL loading buffer)
  • Load 2uL of DNA ladder into the gel
  • Load DNA into the gel
  • Run at 130V for 30min-1hr

  • Digestion Protocol

  • Using a microcentrifuge tube add the following:
  • ~3000-5000 ng of DNA
  • 10uL Buffer 4
  • 10uL BSA
  • 5uL of appropriate enzyme (if doing a double digest, use 5 uL of both enzymes)
  • Amount of H2O needed to make final volume 100uL
  • Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 1hr and 30min

  • Note: We used the following enzymes from NEB: EcoRI-HF, PstI-HF, SpeI, and XbaI. All of which can be double digested with each other using Buffer 4.

    Preparing LB+Appropriate Antibiotic Protocol

  • 200 mL LB broth
  • Autoclave
  • Put control thermometer in H2O (from the sink)
  • Select vented container mode (Do Not Change Program)
  • Let cool to 50 degrees Celsius
  • Add antibiotic (50-100 ug/mL) (10 mg total)
  • Weigh on paper
  • Add to 0.5 mL DI H2O
  • Add to LB mixture when cool enough
  • Store at 4 degrees Celsius

  • Preparing Agar Plates Protocol (Makes 12 (15mm) Plates)

  • 300 mL DI H2O + 11 g LB agar
  • Autoclave
  • Put control thermometer in H2O (from the sink)
  • Select vented container mode (Do Not Change Program)
  • Mix well after autoclaving; let cool to 50 degrees Celsius
  • Add antibiotic (50 to 100 µg/mL) (15 mg total)
  • Weigh on paper
  • Add to 0.5 mL DI H2O
  • Add to LB mixture when cool enough
  • Plate
  • Under flame open lids of all plates
  • Slowly pour agar into plate, avoiding bubbles, when it touches all edges stop pouring
  • Let sit under flames until gel solidifies
  • Replace lids on plates
  • Store upside down at 4 degrees Celsius

  • Preparing Competent Cells Protocol

  • Place 1 colony in 5 mL of LB (with antibiotics if appropriate) Grow overnight at 37 degrees Celsius and 200-300 rpm
  • Inoculate 0.25 mL of the overnight strain into 25 mL of LB
  • Shake at 37oC until the OD650 is 0.6-0.7
  • Harvest cells and resuspend in 12.5 mL ice cold 0.1M MgCl2
  • Harvest immediately and resuspend in 7.5 mL cold 0.1M CaCl2
  • Leave on ice for 30 minutes. Harvest and resuspend in 2.5 mL cold 0.1M CaCl2
  • Leave on ice for 30 minutes
  • For long term storage, use 0.1M CaCl2 in 15% glycerol at step 6 and store cells at -800 degrees Celsius

  • Note: Harvest cells at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 degrees Celsius

    Miniprep Protocol (from QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit)

  • Harvest cells at 5400g 10 minutes 40 degrees Celsius (possibly program 1)
  • Resuspend pelleted bacterial cells in 250 µL Buffer P1 and transfer to a microcentrifuge tube
  • Add 250 µL Buffer P2 and mix thoroughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times
  • Add 350 µL Buffer N3 and mix immediately and thoroughly by inverting the tube 4-6 times
  • Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 13000 rpm (~17900g) in a table-top microcentrifuge
  • Apply the supernatant (from step 4) to the QIA prep spin column by decanting or pipetting
  • Centrifuge for 30-60 seconds. Discard the flow-through
  • Wash QIA prep spin column by adding 0.75 mL Buffer PE and centrifuging for 30-60 seconds
  • Discard the flow-through, and centrifuge for 1 minute to remove residual wash buffer
  • To elute DNA, place the QIA prep column in a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. Add 50 µL Buffer EB or water to the center of each QIA prep spin column, let stand for 1 minute and centrifuge for 1 minute.

  • Preparing Glycerol Stock Protocol

  • Add 150 µL of 50% glycerol to 350 µL of cells
  • Place in -80oC freezer

  • Transformation Protocol

  • With a pipette tip, punch a hole through the foil cover of the DNA plate
  • Add 10 µL of DI water
  • Thaw competent cells on ice
  • Add 1-2 µL of resuspend DNA and 50 µL of thawed competent cells to labeled tubes
  • Incubate the cells on ice for 30 minutes
  • Heat shock the cells at 42 degrees Celsius for 45 sec
  • Incubate the cells on ice for 2 minutes
  • Under flame, add 450 µL SOC broth
  • Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 1 hour while rotating or shaking at 300rpm
  • Spread cells on appropriate antibiotic LB plates (usually 100 µL)
  • Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 18-24 hours
  • Take a colony, put in 3 mL of LB + appropriate antibiotic
  • Use resulting culture to miniprep DNA and make your own glycerol stock

  • Image Gallery


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