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(Prototype team page)
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This is a template page. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS.
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<div class="photoframe" style="display:inline-block; height:900px">
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="JacekB">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>prof. Jacek Bielecki
<div id="instructions" style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; font-size: small; color: #f6f6f6; padding: 5px;">
You are provided with this team page template with which to start the iGEM season.  You may choose to personalize it to fit your team but keep the same "look." Or you may choose to take your team wiki to a different level and design your own wiki.  You can find some examples <a href="">HERE</a>.
<div class="foto" style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="MichalL">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Michał Lower
<div id="warning" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: small; color: #f6f6f6; padding: 5px;">
You <strong>MUST</strong> have a team description page, a project abstract, a complete project description, a lab notebook, and a safety page. PLEASE keep all of your pages within your teams namespace.
<div class="foto" style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="AniaO">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Ania Olchowik
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="RadekS">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Radosław Stachowiak
<!-- *** End of the alert box *** -->
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="Ela">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Ela Jankowska
<div class="fotostyle="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="Dorota">
|You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc.  Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Dorota Sabat
''Tell us more about your project. Give us background. Use this is the abstract of your project. Be descriptive but concise (1-2 paragraphs)''
|[[Image:Warsaw_team.png|right|frame|Your team picture]]
|align="center"|[[Team:Warsaw | Team Example]]
<!--- The Mission, Experiments --->
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="Krzysiek">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Krzysiek Szczepaniak
{| style="color:#1b2c8a;background-color:#0c6;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="1" bordercolor="#fff" width="62%" align="center"
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="Pawel">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Paweł Urbański
!align="center"|[ Official Team Profile]
!align="center"|[[Team:Warsaw/Parts|Parts Submitted to the Registry]]
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="AniaP">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Ania Puławska
== '''Who we are''' ==
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="JarekP">
{|border = "0"
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Jarek Pankowski
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="DominikC">
<img class="pic" src=""/>
<br>Dominik Cysewski
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="CherryM">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Cherry Moreno
<div class="foto"  style="display:inline-block; width:auto" id="KamiilK">
<img class="pic" src=""/><br>Kamil Koper
<div id="description"><strong>This is our team and friends</strong><br><br><strong>Click on the pictures to find out more about us!<br><br>You can drag and drop the photos.<br><br>This page looks best in Firefox.</strong> <br><br><br><br></div>
<div style="display:none;" id="MichalL_desc"><strong>Michał Lower</strong><br/>
*''' Advisor 1''':     Mentor for all
I come from Warsaw, our capital city :-). I study Biotechnology at University of Warsaw. My M. Sc. thesis in Department of Virology was about new method of rapid determination of type III DNA methyltransferase recognition sequences. Apart from molecular biology I'm passionated with computer programming.
*'''Advisor 2''':      Our favorite
*'''Grad Student 1''':    Our leader 
*'''Student 1''':    Sleepyhead
<div style="display:none;" id="JacekB_desc">
*'''Student 2''':    Math nerd
*'''Student 3''':  Michael, Is going to save the world
*'''Student 4''':    Loves iGEM
*'''Student 5''':  A normal student... or(r) am I?
*'''Student 6''':  Table football fan
*'''Student 7''':
<strong>prof. dr hab. Jacek Bielecki</strong><br/>
<br>Education: MSc, University of Warsaw, 1975 ;PhD, University of Warsaw, 1981 ;Associated professor, Warsaw University, 1995; Professor at University of Warsaw, 1996 ;Vice Dean of Faculty of Biology, 1996 - 1999, and 1999-2002
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_1.png|Team member 1
<br>Research interests:
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_2.png|Team member 2
Molecular mechanisms of virulence of bacteria <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i>, especially the role of a hemolysin, listeriolysin O (LLO).
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_3.png|Team member 3
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_4.png|Team member 4
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_5.png|Team member 5
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_6.png|Team member 6
Image:Warsaw_Team_member_7.png|Team member 7
<div  style="display:none;" id="Pawel_desc"><strong>Paweł Urbański</strong><br/>
I am a student of physics and biotechnology at the College of Interfaculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw. My scientific interests include engineering biological systems, molecular biology and biophysics. Besides the science I’m interested in travelling, running and Ice skating.    </div>
<div  style="display:none;" id="Ela_desc"><strong>Ela Jankowska</strong><br/>
I am an undergraduate Biotechnology student at the Warsaw University. Lately my scientific interests include ancient DNA of the Pleistocene fauna, but I think that almost everything in biology is interesting, which is why I'm here:) Apart from that I love mountains, travelling and singing in a choir. </div>
<div  style="display:none;" id="Dorota_desc"><strong>Dorota Sabat</strong><br/>
I come from Warsaw :) I am studying biology and psychology at the College of Interfaculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw. I'm interested in genetics, sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. My hobbies include rock climbing and scuba diving :)</div>
<div  style="display:none;" id="Krzysiek_desc"><strong>Krzysiek</strong><br/>
I study Biotechnology at the College of Interfaculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Beside this I'm also interested in chemistry and physics. Outside the lab I am a scout leader, sometimes do some computer programming and I love everything connected with science-fiction and fantasy.</div>
<div  style="display:none;" id="AniaO_desc"><strong>Anna Olchowik</strong><br/>
I am a first year phd student at International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw and I am currently working on bioinformatics of restriction enzymes. I love traveling and ice skating. I enjoy programming.  </div>
<div style="display:none;" id="JarekP_desc"><strong>Jarosław Pankowski</strong><br/>
I live near Warsaw and I study Biotechnology at the University of Warsaw. My M. Sc. thesis in Department of Genetic of Bacteria is about plasmid and chromosome encoded ability of marine bacteria to form biofilm. Besides the science I'm interested in fantasy books, metal music and for some time long sword fencing. </div>
<div style="display:none;" id="KamiilK_desc"><strong>Kamil Koper</strong><br/>
I come from a small town in south-east Poland, but I spent most of my life living in Warsaw. I study Biotechnology at the Warsaw University in the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology. My B. Sc. thesis focused on human mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and their correlation with the occurrence of specific forms of cancer. If I'm not in the lab or out playing billiards with friends you can usually find me in my workshop, or playing vintage video games. </div>
<div style="display:none;" id="RadekS_desc"><strong>Radosław Stachowiak</strong><br/>
My adventure with biology and biotechnology dates back to 1995 when I became a biotechnology student at University of Warsaw. In the year 2000 I completed my MSc thesis and I guess I couldn’t stop there so I immidiately started PhD studies. Now I’m done with studying and my job is to take care of students and introduce them into science. Still, I like being involved in crazy projects so characteristic of Sudents’ Societies. The more crazy and incredible project the better. I guess this is the case so here I am! </div>
<div style="display:none;" id="AniaP_desc"><strong>Ania Puławska</strong><br/>
I'm Anna I study biotechnology at Warsaw University, precisely in Department of Virology. I am sure that this is exactly where I should be:) Probably I'm the happiest student in Warsaw:D
<br>Apart from my duties, I have many hobbies. I love traveling, drawing (check the home page graphic), snowboarding in winter or sailing in spring:) What more can I say? I'm an optimist^^
<div style="display:none;" id="DominikC_desc"><strong>Dominik Cysewski</strong><br/>
I come from Wroclaw, most charming city of Poland;-) I'm a graduate
student at the University of Warsaw (Institute of Genetics and
Biotechnology). Now I'm working on cross-linking of protein complexes
and mapping them. Science is fascinating of course... But my hobby is
<div style="display:none;" id="CherryM_desc"><strong>Cherry Moreno</strong>
studies medical biotechnology in the Department of Immunology at Warsaw Uniwersity, where she works with LPS, natural regulatory T cells and their Tool-like receptors. She sings in a Russian Orthodox Choir, her father comes from Panama and she hates itchy clothes labels. She loves dancing, watching nature and flow cytometry!!!
== '''What we did''' ==
(Provide proper attribution for all work)
== '''Where we're from''' ==

Latest revision as of 18:08, 17 September 2011

Example Tabs

prof. Jacek Bielecki

Michał Lower

Ania Olchowik

Radosław Stachowiak

Ela Jankowska

Dorota Sabat

Krzysiek Szczepaniak

Paweł Urbański

Ania Puławska

Jarek Pankowski

Dominik Cysewski

Cherry Moreno

Kamil Koper
This is our team and friends

Click on the pictures to find out more about us!

You can drag and drop the photos.

This page looks best in Firefox.