Team:Missouri Miners


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<div id="instructions" style="text-align: center; font-weight: regular; font-size: large; color: silver; padding: 5px;"><p><font face="Berlin Sans FB"><font size="7" face="Berlin Sans FB" color="green">I</font>n the bodies of people with diabetes, the ability to recognize and respond to glucose concentrations in the blood has been compromised. As a result, glucose accumulates to dangerous levels. High blood glucose concentrations can cause irreversible damage to critical organs, impairing their functionality. With parts from the iGEM registry, our team created a glucose-controlled promoter linked to a yellow fluorescence production gene in E. coli. The concentrations of glucose to which the promoter responds can be determined. Once the concentration is known, the promoter can be mutated so that it will be activated by varying concentrations of glucose and be used as a glucose sensor for people with diabetes. In the future, an insulin gene could be added to this system for use in insulin pumps, where specific glucose levels trigger insulin production in E. coli.
<div id="instructions" style="text-align: center; font-weight: regular; font-size: large; color: silver; padding: 5px;"><p><font face="Berlin Sans FB"><font size="7" face="Berlin Sans FB" color=#00CC33>I</font>n the bodies of people with diabetes, the ability to recognize and respond to glucose concentrations in the blood has been compromised. As a result, glucose accumulates to dangerous levels. High blood glucose concentrations can cause irreversible damage to critical organs, impairing their functionality. With parts from the iGEM registry, our team created a glucose-controlled promoter linked to a yellow fluorescence production gene in E. coli. The concentrations of glucose to which the promoter responds can be determined. Once the concentration is known, the promoter can be mutated so that it will be activated by varying concentrations of glucose and be used as a glucose sensor for people with diabetes. In the future, an insulin gene could be added to this system for use in insulin pumps, where specific glucose levels trigger insulin production in E. coli.

Revision as of 03:54, 1 September 2011