Team:Caltech/Week 6


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Redo Gibson assembly of pNT001 using a smaller total mass of DNA. Gibson assemble GFP from Joe that is known to have worked before as a positive control<br/>
Redo Gibson assembly of pNT001 using a smaller total mass of DNA. Gibson assemble GFP from Joe that is known to have worked before as a positive control<br/>
Try transforming pSB3K5 with less DNA and as a liquid culture<br/>
Try transforming pSB3K5 with less DNA and as a liquid culture<br/>
PCR concentrations
PCR concentrations
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<table border="1">

Revision as of 18:20, 21 July 2011

Caltech iGEM 2011








Human Impact



July 18

Colonies 1-6 from Gibson plates; 7 and 8 are reswabs of two colonies. From left to right: DNA ladder,(PNT001; colony 1; vector), P2v, P3v, P4v, P5v, P6v, P7v, P8v, (PNT001; colony 1; insert), P3i, P4i, P5i, P6i
from left to right: DNA ladder, (PNT001; reswab 7; insert), P8i, (16s; colony A; vector), 16Bv, 16Cv, (16s; A; insert), 16Bi, 16Ci
Colony PCR of colonies from positive Gibson plates from Friday, for vector and insert

Colony PCR of 16s plasmids, for vector and insert
Gel of short PCR parts to confirm they are being amplified
Pulsed field gel with a larger amount of soil sample DNA
Retransform pSB3K5 into Xl-10s


Gels show mostly expected single bands

July 19

PCR parts for Gibson assembly of pNT001, pNT003 and Joe's positive GFP control


pSB3K5 plate had 0 colonies.
PFGE of soil-extracted DNA shows a smear; will do gel extraction of ~40kbp sequences for fosmid kit.

lane 1 lambda mono-cut ladder, 2 blank, 3 40 kb control DNA, 4 LA River sample 9, 5 LA-River sample 10

Gibson PCR concentrations

Part Concentration (ng/ul)
R0010 for pNT001 86.4
B0014 for pNT001 128.3
B0014 for pNT003 89.1
promoter for GFP Gibson positive control 51.9
GFP for positive control 130.4
terminator for positive control 82.5

July 20

Pulse field gel of soil-extracted DNA, in preparation for fosmid insertion
PCR parts for Gibson assembly of pNT001, pNT003 and positive control
Redo Gibson assembly of pNT001 using a smaller total mass of DNA. Gibson assemble GFP from Joe that is known to have worked before as a positive control
Try transforming pSB3K5 with less DNA and as a liquid culture


PCR concentrations

Part Concentration (ng/ul)
R0010 for pNT003 142.0
K123000 182.2
K123003 43.7
promoter for GFP Gibson positive control 74.8
pSB4A5 92.8

July 21

Gel extraction of 40kb LA River sample DNA from pulse field gel
Transform pSB3K3 into competent cells, since the pSB3K5 transform is not working


Gibson Plates

Plate Number of Colonies
GFP + 10
GFP - 3
pNT001 + 29
pNT001 - 2

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