Team:USTC-Software/human practice


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<h1>Human Practice</h1>
<meta name="revised" content="2011/07/10"/>
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<h2><a href="#survey"><strong> I.  Survey</strong></a></h2>
<p>During the National Science week, we conducted a visiting activity aimed at letting more people know about synthetic biology. A survey was also done at the same time in order to get visitors’ thoughts about this field and issues about ethics, living creatures and the like.</p>
<title>Human Practice</title>
<p>The results of the survey were compiled and we've come to the following conclusion:</P>
<style type="text/css">
<p>Considering our survey respondents includes undergraduates and graduates with different education backgrounds, it wasn't astonishing that 86% of them chose synthetic biology to be designing and constructing new biological functions and systems running on principles of biology as opposed to synthetically creating life.  38% of them also believed advances in synthetic biology will benefit human beings.</p>
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<p>Date: 2011/05/21 & 2011/05/22</p>
padding: 0;
<p>Place: School campus of USTC</p>
line-height: 1.5em;
<p>Sample Size: 200</p>
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
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<a name="survey" id ="survey"></a>
color: #555a4a;
<p>1. What is Synthetic Biology?
    background: #a0c73f;
<ul type="square" class="ul_p">
          <li>A new area of biological research that combines science and engineering which focuses on "Synthetically" creating life.</li>
          <li> Design and construction of new biological functions and systems not found in nature.
          <img src="" width="831"/></li>
a:link, a:visited { color: #0683ab; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; }
<p>2.Do you believe that Synthetic Biology can solve problems concerning energy, environment and health?
a:active, a:hover { color: #0683ab; text-decoration: underline; }
<ul type="square" class="ul_p">
<li>Yes, advances in synthetic biology will surely benefit human beings.</li>
<li>I don't know, it's hard to predict the future.</li>
<li>No, in no case.</li>
<img src="" width="831" />
<p>3.In case of a sever disease, would you take drugs produced by means of synthetic biology?
<ul type="square" class="ul_p">
<li>I don't know.</li>
<img src="">
<p>4.Do you have ethical-moral concerns regarding synthetic biology?
p { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }
<ul type="square" class="ul_p">  
img { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; }
<li>I don't know.</li>
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<img src="">
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<p>5.Which organization do you think should undertake the most responsibility in the process of supervising the development of synthetic biology?
.margin_r10 { margin-right: 10px; }
<ul type="square" class="ul_p">  
.float_l { float: left; }
<li>Research institutions</li>
.float_r { float:  right; }
<li>Commercial institutions</li>
<li>Civil society</li>    
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<h3>Continuing reading:</h3>
    <li><h2><a href="">II.  Safety & Security</a></h2></li>
#header {
    <li><h2><a href="">III. China Meetup</a></h2></li>
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            <h1><img src="" alt="iGEM" width="128" height="92" />
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                <li><a href="#" class="current">Human Practice</a></li>
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          <p>Synthetic Biology is a revolutionary field which combines several disciplines such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics
          and engineering. However, it may cause intentional or accidental harm to humans, agriculture or the environment. </p>
          <p>As a software project our work does not raise many safety issues typically associated with biological wet-lab project. Nevertheless we
          will explicitly present the answer to the four safety questions here:</p>
          <p>1.Q: Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of:
          <ul type="square"> <li>researcher safety,</li> <li>public safety, or</li> <li>environmental safety?</li> </ul>
          A:<ol type="i">
          <li>Safety for researchers<br/>
          The development of software requires many hours` work in front of a computer, which is not ergonomic to programmers, as working
          in such environment may cause much exhaust and stress. Therefore, we made a series of rules to guarantee that we can take regular
          breaks. Furthermore, every time our programmers go to wet labs, to work with our wet team members, we make sure that they are
          properly equipped and supervised by a well-trained staff.</li>
          <li> Safety for public<br/>
          <i>Lachesis</i>, is ONLY for research use, no medical or diagnostic use for applications of novel BioBrick constructs
          generated through our software, and no military (defense or combat) application will be allowed.</li>
          <li>Safety for environment<br/>
          We do not perform any work that put the environment at any risk. </li>
          <p>2.Q: Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues? If yes,
            <ul type="square"> <li>did you document these issues in the Registry?</li>
            <li>how did you manage to handle the safety issue?</li>
            <li>how could other teams learn from your experience?</li>
          A: <i>Lachesis</i>, does not create any new BioBrick parts (or devices) in reality, and the BioBricks we
          used are only encoding non-hazardous genes. No safety issues would arouse as a result.
          <p> 3.Q: Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution?<br/>
          <ul type="square"> <li> If yes, what does your local biosafety group think about your project?</li>
              <li> If no, which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?</li> </ul>
          A:Yes. School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China is aware of
          our project and we are working under the instruction of our instructors.
          (<i> <a href="" target="_blank">Pro.Jiong Hong </a> </i>,
          associate professor of <a href="" target="_blank">synthetic biology lab</a>  
          in <abbr title="University of Science and Technology of China"> USTC</abbr>. <i>Zhaofeng Luo,</i> director
          of protein research instruments group in <abbr title="University of Science and Technology of China"> USTC</abbr>.
          <i> <a href="" target="_blank">Pro.Haiyan Liu</a> </i>,
          professor of <a href="" target="_blank">computational biology </a>
          in <abbr title="University of Science and Technology of China"> USTC</abbr>.)<br/>
          The safety guidelines could be obeyed sufficiently in our working environment during the project.<br/>
          <p>4. Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that
          could be useful for future <abbr title ="International Genetically Engineered Machine">iGEM </abbr> competitions?
          How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?</strong><br/>
          <a href="" target="_blank" style="float:right">
          <img class="logo" src="" width="200" height="200" alt="biohazardsymbol" />  
          A:<ol type="i">
          <li>Yes, A lot of work is expected to be completed in dry lab for the safety issues,
          besides what have been finished now. For example, safety issues for intellectual property should be taken into consideration.
          Thus we suggest that all source codes and documentation should be granted with copyrights before sharing.</li>
          <li>With more detailed and better characterized parts, synthetic biology can be an extremely controlled and safe experience.
          Benefit from this, we would be one step closer in integrating with the environment.</li>
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Latest revision as of 14:16, 26 October 2011

Team:USTC-Software -

Human Practice

I. Survey

During the National Science week, we conducted a visiting activity aimed at letting more people know about synthetic biology. A survey was also done at the same time in order to get visitors’ thoughts about this field and issues about ethics, living creatures and the like.

The results of the survey were compiled and we've come to the following conclusion:

Considering our survey respondents includes undergraduates and graduates with different education backgrounds, it wasn't astonishing that 86% of them chose synthetic biology to be designing and constructing new biological functions and systems running on principles of biology as opposed to synthetically creating life. 38% of them also believed advances in synthetic biology will benefit human beings.


Date: 2011/05/21 & 2011/05/22

Place: School campus of USTC

Sample Size: 200

1. What is Synthetic Biology?

  • A new area of biological research that combines science and engineering which focuses on "Synthetically" creating life.
  • Design and construction of new biological functions and systems not found in nature.

2.Do you believe that Synthetic Biology can solve problems concerning energy, environment and health?

  • Yes, advances in synthetic biology will surely benefit human beings.
  • I don't know, it's hard to predict the future.
  • No, in no case.

3.In case of a sever disease, would you take drugs produced by means of synthetic biology?

  • Yes.
  • I don't know.
  • No.

4.Do you have ethical-moral concerns regarding synthetic biology?

  • Yes.
  • I don't know.
  • No.

5.Which organization do you think should undertake the most responsibility in the process of supervising the development of synthetic biology?

  • Government
  • Research institutions
  • Commercial institutions
  • Civil society

Continuing reading: