Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <html><script type="text/javascript"> | | <html><script type="text/javascript"> |
- | (function($) { | + | (function(b){function a(d,c){if(d){if(c){return true}}return false}b.fn.lightbox_me=function(c){return this.each(function(){var f=b.extend({},b.fn.lightbox_me.defaults,c),m=b(),l=b(this),n=b('<iframe id="foo" style="z-index: '+(f.zIndex+1)+';border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; filter: mask();"/>'),h=a(b.browser.msie,b.browser.version<7);if(f.showOverlay){var g=b(".js_lb_overlay:visible");if(g.length>0){m=b('<div class="lb_overlay_clear js_lb_overlay"/>')}else{m=b('<div class="'+f.classPrefix+'_overlay js_lb_overlay"/>')}}if(h){var e=/^https/i.test(window.location.href||"")?"javascript:false":"about:blank";n.attr("src",e);b("body").append(n)}b("body").append(l.hide()).append(m);if(f.showOverlay){i();m.css({position:"absolute",width:"100%",top:0,left:0,right:0,bottom:0,zIndex:(f.zIndex+2),display:"none"});if(!m.hasClass("lb_overlay_clear")){m.css(f.overlayCSS)}}if(f.showOverlay){m.fadeIn(f.overlaySpeed,function(){d();l[f.appearEffect](f.lightboxSpeed,function(){i();d();f.onLoad()})})}else{d();l[f.appearEffect](f.lightboxSpeed,function(){f.onLoad()})}if(f.parentLightbox){f.parentLightbox.fadeOut(200)}b(window).resize(i).resize(d).scroll(d).keyup(k);if(f.closeClick){m.click(function(o){j();o.preventDefault})}l.delegate(f.closeSelector,"click",function(o){j();o.preventDefault()});l.bind("close",j);l.bind("reposition",d);function j(){var o=l[0].style;if(f.destroyOnClose){l.add(m).remove()}else{l.add(m).hide()}if(f.parentLightbox){f.parentLightbox.fadeIn(200)}n.remove();l.undelegate(f.closeSelector,"click");b(window).unbind("reposition",i);b(window).unbind("reposition",d);b(window).unbind("scroll",d);b(document).unbind("keyup",k);if(h){o.removeExpression("top")}f.onClose()}function k(o){if(a(o.keyCode==27||a(o.DOM_VK_ESCAPE==27,o.which==0),f.closeEsc)){j()}}function i(){if(b(window).height()<b(document).height()){m.css({height:b(document).height()+"px"});n.css({height:b(document).height()+"px"})}else{m.css({height:"100%"});if(h){b("html,body").css("height","100%");n.css("height","100%")}}}function d(){var p=l[0].style;l.css({left:"50%",marginLeft:(l.outerWidth()/2)*-1,zIndex:(f.zIndex+3)});if(a((l.height()+80>=b(window).height()),(l.css("position")!="absolute"||h))){var o=b(document).scrollTop()+40;l.css({position:"absolute",top:o+"px",marginTop:0});if(h){p.removeExpression("top")}}else{if(l.height()+80<b(window).height()){if(h){p.position="absolute";if(f.centered){p.setExpression("top",'(document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "px"');p.marginTop=0}else{var q=a(f.modalCSS,f.modalCSS.top)?parseInt(f.modalCSS.top):0;p.setExpression("top","((blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "+q+') + "px"')}}else{if(f.centered){l.css({position:"fixed",top:"50%",marginTop:(l.outerHeight()/2)*-1})}else{l.css({position:"fixed"}).css(f.modalCSS)}}}}}})};b.fn.lightbox_me.defaults={appearEffect:"fadeIn",appearEase:"",overlaySpeed:250,lightboxSpeed:300,closeSelector:".close",closeClick:true,closeEsc:true,destroyOnClose:false,showOverlay:true,parentLightbox:false,onLoad:function(){},onClose:function(){},classPrefix:"lb",zIndex:999,centered:false,modalCSS:{top:"40px"},overlayCSS:{background:"black",opacity:0.3}}})(jQuery); |
- | | + | |
- | $.fn.lightbox_me = function(options) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return this.each(function() {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var
| + | |
- | opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.lightbox_me.defaults, options),
| + | |
- | $overlay = $(),
| + | |
- | $self = $(this),
| + | |
- | $iframe = $('<iframe id="foo" style="z-index: ' + (opts.zIndex + 1) + ';border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; filter: mask();"/>'),
| + | |
- | ie6 = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if (opts.showOverlay) {
| + | |
- | //check if there's an existing overlay, if so, make subequent ones clear
| + | |
- | var $currentOverlays = $(".js_lb_overlay:visible");
| + | |
- | if ($currentOverlays.length > 0){
| + | |
- | $overlay = $('<div class="lb_overlay_clear js_lb_overlay"/>');
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | $overlay = $('<div class="' + opts.classPrefix + '_overlay js_lb_overlay"/>');
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | DOM Building
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | if (ie6) {
| + | |
- | var src = /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:false' : 'about:blank';
| + | |
- | $iframe.attr('src', src);
| + | |
- | $('body').append($iframe);
| + | |
- | } // iframe shim for ie6, to hide select elements
| + | |
- | $('body').append($self.hide()).append($overlay);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | Overlay CSS stuffs
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // set css of the overlay
| + | |
- | if (opts.showOverlay) {
| + | |
- | setOverlayHeight(); // pulled this into a function because it is called on window resize.
| + | |
- | $overlay.css({ position: 'absolute', width: '100%', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, zIndex: (opts.zIndex + 2), display: 'none' });
| + | |
- | if (!$overlay.hasClass('lb_overlay_clear')){
| + | |
- | $overlay.css(opts.overlayCSS);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | Animate it in.
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | //
| + | |
- | if (opts.showOverlay) {
| + | |
- | $overlay.fadeIn(opts.overlaySpeed, function() {
| + | |
- | setSelfPosition();
| + | |
- | $self[opts.appearEffect](opts.lightboxSpeed, function() { setOverlayHeight(); setSelfPosition(); opts.onLoad()});
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | setSelfPosition();
| + | |
- | $self[opts.appearEffect](opts.lightboxSpeed, function() { opts.onLoad()});
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | Hide parent if parent specified (parentLightbox should be jquery reference to any parent lightbox)
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | if (opts.parentLightbox) {
| + | |
- | opts.parentLightbox.fadeOut(200);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | Bind Events
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $(window).resize(setOverlayHeight)
| + | |
- | .resize(setSelfPosition)
| + | |
- | .scroll(setSelfPosition)
| + | |
- | .keyup(observeKeyPress);
| + | |
- | if (opts.closeClick) {
| + | |
- | $overlay.click(function(e) { closeLightbox(); e.preventDefault; });
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | $self.delegate(opts.closeSelector, "click", function(e) {
| + | |
- | closeLightbox(); e.preventDefault();
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | $self.bind('close', closeLightbox);
| + | |
- | $self.bind('reposition', setSelfPosition);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- |
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*----------------------------------------------------
| + | |
- | Private Functions
| + | |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- */
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /* Remove or hide all elements */
| + | |
- | function closeLightbox() {
| + | |
- | var s = $self[0].style;
| + | |
- | if (opts.destroyOnClose) {
| + | |
- | $self.add($overlay).remove();
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | $self.add($overlay).hide();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | //show the hidden parent lightbox
| + | |
- | if (opts.parentLightbox) {
| + | |
- | opts.parentLightbox.fadeIn(200);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $iframe.remove();
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | // clean up events.
| + | |
- | $self.undelegate(opts.closeSelector, "click");
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $(window).unbind('reposition', setOverlayHeight);
| + | |
- | $(window).unbind('reposition', setSelfPosition);
| + | |
- | $(window).unbind('scroll', setSelfPosition);
| + | |
- | $(document).unbind('keyup', observeKeyPress);
| + | |
- | if (ie6)
| + | |
- | s.removeExpression('top');
| + | |
- | opts.onClose();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /* Function to bind to the window to observe the escape/enter key press */
| + | |
- | function observeKeyPress(e) {
| + | |
- | if((e.keyCode == 27 || (e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE == 27 && e.which==0)) && opts.closeEsc) closeLightbox();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /* Set the height of the overlay
| + | |
- | : if the document height is taller than the window, then set the overlay height to the document height.
| + | |
- | : otherwise, just set overlay height: 100%
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | function setOverlayHeight() {
| + | |
- | if ($(window).height() < $(document).height()) {
| + | |
- | $overlay.css({height: $(document).height() + 'px'});
| + | |
- | $iframe.css({height: $(document).height() + 'px'});
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | $overlay.css({height: '100%'});
| + | |
- | if (ie6) {
| + | |
- | $('html,body').css('height','100%');
| + | |
- | $iframe.css('height', '100%');
| + | |
- | } // ie6 hack for height: 100%; TODO: handle this in IE7
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /* Set the position of the modal'd window ($self)
| + | |
- | : if $self is taller than the window, then make it absolutely positioned
| + | |
- | : otherwise fixed
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | function setSelfPosition() {
| + | |
- | var s = $self[0].style;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // reset CSS so width is re-calculated for margin-left CSS
| + | |
- | $self.css({left: '50%', marginLeft: ($self.outerWidth() / 2) * -1, zIndex: (opts.zIndex + 3) });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /* we have to get a little fancy when dealing with height, because lightbox_me
| + | |
- | is just so fancy.
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // if the height of $self is bigger than the window and self isn't already position absolute
| + | |
- | if (($self.height() + 80 >= $(window).height()) && ($self.css('position') != 'absolute' || ie6)) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // we are going to make it positioned where the user can see it, but they can still scroll
| + | |
- | // so the top offset is based on the user's scroll position.
| + | |
- | var topOffset = $(document).scrollTop() + 40;
| + | |
- | $self.css({position: 'absolute', top: topOffset + 'px', marginTop: 0})
| + | |
- | if (ie6) {
| + | |
- | s.removeExpression('top');
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | } else if ($self.height()+ 80 < $(window).height()) {
| + | |
- | //if the height is less than the window height, then we're gonna make this thing position: fixed.
| + | |
- | // in ie6 we're gonna fake it.
| + | |
- | if (ie6) {
| + | |
- | s.position = 'absolute';
| + | |
- | if (opts.centered) {
| + | |
- | s.setExpression('top', '(document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "px"')
| + | |
- | s.marginTop = 0;
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | var top = (opts.modalCSS && opts.modalCSS.top) ? parseInt(opts.modalCSS.top) : 0;
| + | |
- | s.setExpression('top', '((blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + '+top+') + "px"')
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | if (opts.centered) {
| + | |
- | $self.css({ position: 'fixed', top: '50%', marginTop: ($self.outerHeight() / 2) * -1})
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | $self.css({ position: 'fixed'}).css(opts.modalCSS);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $.fn.lightbox_me.defaults = {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // animation
| + | |
- | appearEffect: "fadeIn",
| + | |
- | appearEase: "",
| + | |
- | overlaySpeed: 250,
| + | |
- | lightboxSpeed: 300,
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // close
| + | |
- | closeSelector: ".close",
| + | |
- | closeClick: true,
| + | |
- | closeEsc: true,
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // behavior
| + | |
- | destroyOnClose: false,
| + | |
- | showOverlay: true,
| + | |
- | parentLightbox: false,
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // callbacks
| + | |
- | onLoad: function() {},
| + | |
- | onClose: function() {},
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // style
| + | |
- | classPrefix: 'lb',
| + | |
- | zIndex: 999,
| + | |
- | centered: false,
| + | |
- | modalCSS: {top: '40px'},
| + | |
- | overlayCSS: {background: 'black', opacity: .3}
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | })(jQuery); | + | |
| </script> | | </script> |
| <script type="text/javascript"> | | <script type="text/javascript"> |