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(Week 17 - September 19th-25th)
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<br><u>Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase</u><br><br>
<br><u>Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase</u><br><br>
JC:  To further improve ethanol production, we contacted UniPavia, who in 2009 was able to attain 3% ethanol production.  They used 10% glucose and induced cultures with 1% ethanol (to improve ADH activity).   
JC:  To further improve ethanol production, we contacted UniPavia, who in 2009 was able to attain 3% ethanol production.  They used 10% glucose and induced cultures with 1% ethanol (to improve ADH activity).   
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Revision as of 21:53, 25 September 2011

Weeks 1-4    Weeks 5-8    Weeks 9-12    Weeks 13-16   

Calender Weeks 13-16
To edit on a specific week. Click on the edit button corresponding to the week.


Week 13 - August 22nd-28th

E. Coli

Trc Promoter

LT:The protocol from week #11 was repeated but the transformation reaction was plated onto LB-CHL plates for proper selection. Results: The BTE digest was successful as confirmed by the gel. The trc promoter digest had the same inconclusive results as seen preciously. Colonies successfully grew from the ligation and transformation.

Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase

JC: To test viability of PDC, found information regarding Aldehyde detection plates. Since PDC converts Pyruvate to Acetaldehyde, these plates could be a quick way to test for the presence of aldehydes in our constructs. Growing s70/PDC/ADH in NEB B10 cells yielded bright pink colonies (aldehydes present).

Bay Laurel Thioesterase

MT: Five cultures of BTE coding region in the Topo vector (pUC57) were grown, and minipreped. The BTE samples and pSB1C3 were digested with Xba I and Pst I and ligated. Ligation was transformed using NEB Beta cells. Colonies were selected to culture overnight and minipreped, digested to check for correct band size.

A Free Fatty Acid Assay was done on BTE with the promoter sigma 70. A sample was also ran through a Gas chromatographer to check the length of hydrocabons we are producing. Results are in the assay section.

BTE with sigma 70 promoter and pSB1C3 were digested with EcoRI and PstI and ligated, transformed, and cultured.


All the colonies only grew on CMR, except for colonies 14 and 19, which grew on both AMP and CMR. The first twenty colonies that grew on CMR plates only were minipreped using the Qiagen protocol and the sequencing for GLF was checked using blast. It appeared that there was a high chance of GLF being in the pUC57 vector. Thus, we decided to digest GLF from the pUC57 vector and pSB1C3 with EcoRI and SpeI and trying another ligation. 0.5mg of the first twenty CMR only colonies from the INV/pSB1C3 ligation (Elaine) were digested with EcoRI HIFI and PstI, along with GLF (5) in pUC57 and pSBIC3. Colonies 9, 11, and 15 on the gel looked correct, showing two bands at 2000bp and 1600bp. They will be minipreped and checked further with EcoRI and SpeI digests, EcoRI digests only, and sent in for sequencing. The GLF digest did not show up on the gel. Thus, we will digest GLF again along with pSB1C3 and try a ligation.


CL:This week we used the GC to analyze the fatty acids being produced by one of the BTE IQ cell samples (BTE13). The fatty acids were extracted from cell supernatent using hexane and tested with a carbon disulfide solvent. We used FAME standards ranging from C:8-C:19 as well as a C:19 internal standard for comparison. Results proved positive as we were looking for C:12 FA's and there were C:8, C:10 and C:12 FA's present in the sample. We suspect that the small chains could possibly be the larger C:12 chain being metabolized and we plan to further analyzed this data. This was just a test or a pre-run and we did not use a negative control or test very many samples. We plan to do a definite run next week on four new BTE samples as well as negative controls of wild-type IQ cells and a known concentration of a C:17 internal standard will be used for quantification. Also this week we performed our third ethanol assay using the BioSystems Ethanol assay kit on 4 of the ADH/PDC IQ cell cultures. We retrieved positive results for one of the samples (ACH/PDC17) with an ethanol production of 3.4mM. We are planning to perform the ADH activity assay on this culture and four new samples next week.

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Week 14 - August 29th- September 4th

E. Coli

Trc Promoter

LT:Colonies #1-15 were selected from the BTE/trc promoter transformation, inoculated in TB-CHL, and minipreped. Colonies #16-45 were selected and used for colony PCR using VF and VR primers. Half the PCR products were loaded onto a 0.7% gel to check the products. Results: There is no DNA present on the gel. It appears that a mistake was made during preparation of the PCR reaction. Only the standards were visible.

Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase

JC: To again test PDC and ADH activity, s70/PDC/ADH was transformed into NEB High Expression Iq cells. These cells were plated on the aldehyde detection plates and demonstrated a more intense pink colony than the NEB B10 cells.

Bay Laurel Thioesterase

MT: The cultures of the transformation of BTE with sigma 70 promoter in pSB1C3 were minipreped, digested with EcoRI and PstI, and checked on a 1% gel. Four of the five had full digestion. Sample #4 was sent for sequencing.

0.5mg of colonies 9, 11, and 15 were digested with EcoRI and PstI and EcoRI only and 0.25mg of pSB1C3 were digested with EcoRI and PstI. The digests appeared correct for colonies 9 and 11. These samples were sent in for sequencing to the Nevada Genomics Center. GLF in the ampicillin resistant pUC57 vector was successfully digested with EcoRI and PstI and ligated with digested pSB1C3 vector. Digested GLF and pSB1C3 were also run on a 1.2% agarose gel and the gene and vector fragments were cut out of the gel, purified, and ligated. Both ligations were transformed in NEB10β E.coli cells and checked with restriction digests prior to sequencing. 2 Liters of media were also prepared to make more AMP and CMR plates.


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Week 15 - September 5th-11th

E. Coli
Trc Promoter

LT:BTE in puc57 was recultured in LB-Amp broth from glycerol stocks. Cultures were minipreped and quantitated using Nanodrop spectrophotometry.

The trc promoter was isolated from pTRC99A plasmid using PCR. Products were purified using the QIAquick PCR purification protocol and quantitated using Nanodrop spectrophotometry. Products were verified by running them on a 1.2% agarose gel. Results: The PCR reaction was successful. There is a band corresponding to the 100bp fragment that we expected to see.

Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase

JC: Since 70/PDC/ADH construct is producing aldehydes at this point (PDC is working), prepared for submission to iGEM. The construct was digested and ligated into pSB1C3 and transformed into NEB10 β cells. Selected single colonies from LB-Chloramphenicol plates and single colony streaked onto LB-Chl and LB-Amp plates to perform plasmid check. Grew liquid cultures in LB-Chl and performed minipreps and nanodrop analysis.

To confirm s70/PDC/ADH insertion into pSB1C3, 0.5ug of s70/PDC/ADH/pSB1C3 was digested with EcoRI and PstI. Digestions were run on a 1% agarose gel, and bands obtained confirmed s70/PDC/ADH (3089bp) and pSB1C3 (2070bp).

s70/PDC/ADH/pSB1C3 was sent to Nevada Genomics Center for sequencing.


The digest ligation of pSB1C3 and GLF grew red and white colonies. Fifteen white colonies were selected, line streaked, and minipreped. 0.5mg of all fifteen samples were digested with EcoRI and PstI and EcoRI only to confirm a band at 1605 bp for GLF and a second band at 2070 bp for pSB1C3. The samples were run on a 1% agarose gel. All the digested samples appear correct, except for sample six. Thus, we can send any of the remaining fourteen samples to the Nevada Genomics Center for sequencing.The sequencing data for INV was checked and the presence of INV in pSB1C3 was confirmed. Thus, we will submit the DNA as a part to the iGEM Registry of Biological Parts.


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Week 16 - September 12th-18th

E. Coli

Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase

JC: The EnzyChrom Ethanol Detection Kit was used again to test ethanol production in s70/PDC/ADH in NEB Iq E. coli cells. The cultures were grown with the addition of 2% glucose, to test the effects of glucose on E. coli growth. With these constructs, 0.02% Ethanol was detected.

Bay Laurel Thioesterase

MT: The sequencing results of sigma 70/ BTE in pSB1C3 showed a succseful clone and is ready for submission to iGEM.

A Free Fatty Acid Assay was done on the BTE with sigma 70 promter in Iq cells. The samples were also ran through a Gas Chromotagrapher to determine concentration of C-12 fatty acids. ( For more specific results please look in Enymology section.)


The sequencing data for GLF was checked and confirmed the presence of GLF in pSB1C3. Thus, we will submit the DNA as a part to the iGEM Registry of Biological Parts.

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Week 17 - September 19th-25th

E. Coli

Trc Promoter

LT:Psb1C3 was digested using Eco RI and Pst I, incubated for 1 hour at 37°C, and heat deactivated at 80°C for 20 minutes. The restriction digest was run on a 0.7% agarose gel. Results: The digest was not complete. There is plasmid DNA cut with only one of the two enzymes. However, most of the plasmid DNA was successfully digested with a band at approximately 2040bp and 900 corresponding to the plasmid and red fluorescent protein.

Psb1C3 and the trc PCR products were ligated using sticky end ligation in a 1:1 ratio and 10:1 (plasmid:insert) ratios then transformed into IQ cells. Results: The transformation was unsuccessful because a chloramphenicol vector was transformed into chloramphenicol resistant cells.

Pyruvate Decarboxylase & Alcohol Dehydrogenase

JC: To further improve ethanol production, we contacted UniPavia, who in 2009 was able to attain 3% ethanol production. They used 10% glucose and induced cultures with 1% ethanol (to improve ADH activity).


GLF and INV were added to the Nevada 2011 iGEM team page as parts and a DNA sample of each was sent to Meagan Lizarazo at MIT.

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