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(Experimental setup)
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==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==
==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==
===<span style="color:grey;">Plastic binding domain</span>===
==<span style="color:green;">Green light receptor</span>==
We could successfully amplify the gene sequences for ''CcaS'' and ''CcaR'' and the promotor region ''PcpcG'' via <br/>PCR from the whole ''Synechocystis sp.'' PCC6803 genome.<br/>
Later two parts ([ BBa_K608101] , [ BBa_K608102]), were inserted into the iGEM-Vector pSB1C3 and send to the registry.<br/>
Twice we tried to clone the promotor region ''PcpcG'' into a vector, but had no insert at all.
After a summer full of cloning we ran out of time to assemble <br/>
the green light receptor cassette like we planned to.<br/>
==<span style="color:red;">red light receptor</span>==
In August we decided to drop the red light receptor system.<br/>
The main reason beeing Jakob having to leave the team to start studying in Strasbourg.<br/>
So the FreiGEM team shrunk to five people.<br/>
Still we did submit one part for this system which is [ BBa_K608151]
the translational unit of pcyA
We talked to some of the iGEM teams like TU Munich also working with this system<br/>
and we are sure that the red light receptor is not lost.<br/>
==<span style="color:blue;">blue light receptor</span>==
The handling with the LOV domain and TrpR domain was very difficult.<br/>
On the one hand it was difficlut to digest the parts, because there was a SpeI restriction site in the tryptophan repressible promoter region. So we first had to mutate SpeI into NehI restriction site to digest our parts without digesting the promotor. In the beginning we also tried the Gibson assembly. Primer design was quite difficult because of the lenght, the usually very high annealing temperature and unspecifity of the primer sequences, combined to the mutations we had to include.  These hassel leaded to trouble to amplify the Lov domain.The 3A-assembly with the mutated parts wasn´t successful either. We only cloned the Not-Gate in the pSB1C3 vector. We tried this experiment with different parameters but we weren´t successful.
==<span style="color:orange;">Lysis cassette</span>==
After a lot of mishappenings concerning the 2 parts making up the temperature sensitive lysis cassette, we made a last attempt to ligate them (link to workbook) and transform the novel composite over the last weekend before the Wiki-freeze. After putative positive colonies were picked, we managed to perform a last-minute, "blind" -ie not knowing if the sequence of the insert was correct-, and preliminary OD-measurement testing.
We later verified the part sequence. Since we cannot upload .ab1 files, we made 2 base-call files from them without changing absolutely anything (that means that there are some false bases at the beginning and end of every file).
*[[file:Freiburg11_S48+S66_Nr3-P8,fw.ab1 basecalls .gb]]<br>
:Forward Primer
*[[file:Freiburg11_S48+S66_Nr3-P9,rev.ab1 basecalls .gb]]<br>
:Reverse Primer
The OD values of the measurement are shown in the chart (please do bear in mind that this was a measurement done under deadline-stress, without the possibility to plan and perform something more concrete before the Wiki-Freeze)
:LB with Cm (Chloramphenicol) was used as a blank before every (hourly) measurement
{| style="color:black; background-color:lightgrey;" cellpadding="10%" cellpadding="15%" cellspacing="0" border="1" align="center"
|[[Image:Freiburg11TeoGraph.jpg|600px|Nr1 and Nr2 acted unknowingly as great controls (see description below) and Nr3, ie the novel lysis composite, clearly shows lysis though the correlation between the degree of lysis and amount of time incubated at the higher temperature (or for that matter even at 30°C) cannot be found. This could be due to the the lack of sensible control measurements at all time points and also the lack of testing every one of the two components individually.]]
Nr1: Insert is only part ([ BBa_K608351])
Nr2: Insert is only part ([ BBa_K608352])
Nr3: Both parts were correctly assembled (1:([ BBa_K608351]) + 2:([ BBa_K608352]))
Therefore the temperature sensitive lysis cassette seems to be pretty temperature-sensitive but also functioning properly. More tests are planned if time allows (ie wiki-unfreeze ;) )
=Parts submitted to the registry=
All our results are documented in our notebook and summarized in the partsregistry.
Here we shortly describe what happened to give you an idea about the current status of the different subprojects.
Please follow the links for more information.
==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==
[ BBa_K608404]
IPTG-inducible Promoter with plastic binding domain-tagged GFP
[ BBa_K608406]
[ BBa_K608406]
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<!-- Add more about the biology of this part here
===Usage and Biology===
===Usage and Biology===
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'''Precipitator fused with GST tag'''
===[ Mathematical modeling]===
To determine the Affinity k_D, experiments to find out the binding affinity of the plastic binding domain are necessary. To get a direct access to these values, we cloned the plastic binding domain in front of a GFP. Then, dilution and washing assays could be performed on polystyrene microtiter plates, red out by a fluorescence plate reader.
The desired parameters could be calculated by measuring dilution rows of GFP proteins and measuring the fluorescence signals at the different concentrations. C_total could be determined by a dilution row with subsequent washing steps, to find out at what [P] concentration there is a saturation. See description of the plastic binding subproject for more detailed explanation on the experimental setup.
A qualitative experiment to prove that Nickel is binding the Precipitator is sufficient, since k_2 >> 1 and does not play a significant role in our setup. This experiment could have been done using a nanofilter that blocks protein but let through ions. The Nickel concentration of the flow through can then be measured.
Alternatively purification of the Precipitator by fusing it with a GST-tag could be done, to subsequently measure the absorbance of the protein, before and after adding Nickel to the solution. After Jordan 1974 a detectable change in the absorbance should be detectable after the complex is formed. A similar effect – a colorshift from white to blue -  is visible when one prepares a Ni-NTA column. For this purpose we cloned the GST domain in front of the Precipitator. However towards the end of the project there was no more time to perfom these experiments.
Tiandi Wei; "LRRML: a conformational database and an XML description of
leucine-rich repeats (LRRs)"; BMC Structural Biology 2008 doi: 10.1186/1472-6807-8-47
Schmidt, Marc; "Crucial role for human Toll-like receptor 4 in the development of contact allergy to nickel";
Nature 2010
Letter, J.E.; "Complexing of Nickel( 11) by Cysteine, Tyrosine,
and Related Ligands and Evidence for Zwitterion Reactivity";
Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G2, Canada.
Kajava, A.V.;"Structural Diversity of Leucine-rich Repeat Proteins"
J. Mol. Biol. (1998) 277, 519±527
Kim, Ho Min et. al.; "Crystal Structure of the TLR4-MD-2 Complex with Bound Endotoxin Antagonist Eritoran"
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2007.08.002
==='''Precipitator fused with GST tag'''===
The Precipitator was fused with the C-terminus of our GST tag in order to extract and further test the construct for its Nickel binding affinity. We successfully cloned it together using the Gibson Assembly and then subsequently pasted it into the iGEM vector. The submitted sequence was partially confirmed by sequencing.
The Precipitator was fused with the C-terminus of our GST tag in order to extract and further test the construct for its Nickel binding affinity. We successfully cloned it together using the Gibson Assembly and then subsequently pasted it into the iGEM vector. The submitted sequence was partially confirmed by sequencing.
Line 280: Line 237:
Sandra Harper, David W. Speicher  (2008); „Expression and Purification of GST Fusion Proteins“; John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; DOI: 10.1002/0471140864.ps0606s52
Sandra Harper, David W. Speicher  (2008); „Expression and Purification of GST Fusion Proteins“; John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; DOI: 10.1002/0471140864.ps0606s52
===<span style="color:grey;">Plastic binding domain</span>===
[ BBa_K608404]
IPTG-inducible Promoter with plastic binding domain-tagged GFP
====Experimental setup====
According to [ Adey et al.] the plastic binding domain (pbd) binds to the polystyrene surface of micro titer plates (96 well plates). To investigate the binding properties of the plastic binding tag we started several spectroscopic assays using a plate reader (FLUOstar Omega) and polystyrene plates (Greiner bio one) To detect the fluorescence of the GFP tagged to the plastic binding domain we used black plates and a well scanning program measuring 10x10 spots in each well of the micro titer plate. We performed several washing steps to find out how much of the proteins can be found in the eluate and how much remains bound on the plate’s surface. To compare the pbd-tagged GFP to a normal GFP without special plastic binding ability we also measured GFP obtained via expression with our diverse PR (Promoter-Ribosome-binding-site constructs). To affirm the results obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy used the Bradford assay and screened for different protein concentrations in transparent polystyrene plates.
The calibration lines necessary for calculation of protein concentration can be found [[Media:Bradford+Fluorescence calibration.pdf|here]].
[[Image:picture 1 pbd.jpg|250px|right|thumb|Picture 1: % of tagged (red) or untagged (blue) GFP remaining in the well after washing compared to previous washing step / original concentration]] After the first measurement of the basic fluorescence intensity we transferred the samples onto another well, refilled the exhausted well with PBS and measured both eluate and remaining protein. In a second washing step the liquid was taken out of the first well again and given to another well. This washing was performed a third time, resulting in three eluates and a triply washed well with more or less protein remaining on the walls.
As shown in picture 1, both pbd-tagged and untagged GFP fluorescence decreases after the first washing step. Only 0- 4% of the original concentrations of the untagged GFP and 2-7% of the pbd-tagged GFP remained in the well.[[Image:picture 2 pbd.jpg|250px|right|thumb|Picture 2: % of pbd-tagged GFP that can be eluted in the first washing step. The curve decreases with the amount of the start concentration. If the GFP-pbd solution is not oversaturated a lower amount of this protein can be washed away.]] After a second washing step there were differences observable between the tagged and the untagged GFP.  While the percentage of the remaining “normal” GFP was scattered around zero, an average of 60% of the pbd-tagged GFP remained in the well. In a third washing step, this observation was confirmed. While, like before, the main part of the pbd-GFP remained in its original well, nearly all of the untagged GFP was washed off.
Taking a look at the pbd-bound GFP, it is striking that after the solution has already been diluted by one washing step, the percentage of protein that can be washed away diminishes. It comes to mind that the massive loss of pbd-tagged GFP after the first washing step might be due to an oversaturation of pbd-GFP in the solution.  In this case there would be too much pbd-GFP for the available plastic surface, so that most of the protein could be eluated.
As shown in picture 2 the percentage of eluted GFP diminishes when the used start concentration is lower. [[Image: pbd_better_than_GFP.jpg|250px|right| thumb | Picture 3: if the start concentration is not oversaturated pbd-coupled is much more resistant to washing steps than GFP alone.]]
To investigate this phenomenon  we compared different start concentrations of pbd-GFP concerning the amount of pbd-GFP that could be washed away.
polystyrene micro titer plates provide only a limited surface for the pbd to bind, the solution shouldn’t be oversaturated with plastic binding protein. In our case the diluted protein could only reach a surface of  91.5 mm2  per well. With a remaining protein amount of ~220 pg/well after three washing steps we estimate that 2,4 pg pbd-tagged protein can be bound per mm2.
In a range of 1-30ng/µL start concentration there remains about seven times more pbd-GFP after washing than "normal" GFP (see picture 3).
In the experiments described above we could show that in a certain range of start concentration the plastic binding domain (pbd)-coupled GFP was more resistant to elution steps than GFP alone. This result indicates that the pbd-tagged GFP bound stronger to the plastic surface of the microtiter plate than “normal” GFP. The fact that in case of a rather high start concentration the majority of the pbd-GFP was washed away can be explained by the limitation of available binding surface. It seems like the pbd-GFP binds seven times better to the used polystyrene material than GFP alone. The amount of pbd-GFP that can bind to 1 mm2 is about 2,4 pg. To prove this supposition further measurement and more washing steps should be performed.
==<span style="color:green;">Green light receptor</span>==
We could successfully amplify the gene sequences for ''CcaS'' and ''CcaR'' and the promotor region ''PcpcG'' via <br/>PCR from the whole ''Synechocystis sp.'' PCC6803 genome.<br/>
Later two parts ([ BBa_K608101] , [ BBa_K608102]), were inserted into the iGEM-Vector pSB1C3 and send to the registry.<br/>
Twice we tried to clone the promotor region ''PcpcG'' into a vector, but had no insert at all.<br/>
After a summer full of cloning we ran out of time to assemble <br/>
the green light receptor cassette like we planned to.<br/>
For this reason we could not test the green light receptor and can not provide more information.<br/>
==<span style="color:red;">red light receptor</span>==
In August we decided to drop the red light receptor system.<br/>
The main reason beeing Jakob having to leave the team to start studying in Strasbourg.<br/>
So the FreiGEM team shrunk to five people.<br/>
Still we did submit one part for this system which is [ BBa_K608151]
the translational unit of pcyA
We talked to some of the iGEM teams like TU Munich also working with this system<br/>
and we are sure that the red light receptor is not lost.<br/>
==<span style="color:blue;">blue light receptor</span>==
The handling with the LOV domain and TrpR domain was very difficult.<br/>
On the one hand it was difficlut to digest the parts, because there was a SpeI restriction site in the tryptophan repressible promoter region. So we first had to mutate SpeI into NehI restriction site to digest our parts without digesting the promotor. In the beginning we also tried the Gibson assembly. Primer design was quite difficult because of the lenght, the usually very high annealing temperature and unspecifity of the primer sequences, combined to the mutations we had to include.  These hassel leaded to trouble to amplify the Lov domain.The 3A-assembly with the mutated parts wasn´t successful either. We only cloned the Not-Gate in the pSB1C3 vector. We tried this experiment with different parameters but we weren´t successful.
==<span style="color:orange;">Lysis cassette</span>==
After a lot of mishappenings concerning the 2 parts making up the temperature sensitive lysis cassette, we made a last attempt to ligate them (link to workbook) and transform the novel composite over the last weekend before the Wiki-freeze. After putative positive colonies were picked, we managed to perform a last-minute, "blind" -ie not knowing if the sequence of the insert was correct-, and preliminary OD-measurement testing.
We later verified the part sequence. Since we cannot upload .ab1 files, we made 2 base-call files from them without changing absolutely anything (that means that there are some false bases at the beginning and end of every file).
*[[file:Freiburg11_S48+S66_Nr3-P8,fw.ab1 basecalls .gb]]<br>
:Forward Primer
*[[file:Freiburg11_S48+S66_Nr3-P9,rev.ab1 basecalls .gb]]<br>
:Reverse Primer
The OD values of the measurement are shown in the chart (please do bear in mind that this was a measurement done under deadline-stress, without the possibility to plan and perform something more concrete before the Wiki-Freeze)
:LB with Cm (Chloramphenicol) was used as a blank before every (hourly) measurement
{| style="color:black; background-color:lightgrey;" cellpadding="10%" cellpadding="15%" cellspacing="0" border="1" align="center"
|[[Image:Freiburg11TeoGraph.jpg|600px|Nr1 and Nr2 acted unknowingly as great controls (see description below) and Nr3, ie the novel lysis composite, clearly shows lysis though the correlation between the degree of lysis and amount of time incubated at the higher temperature (or for that matter even at 30°C) cannot be found. This could be due to the the lack of sensible control measurements at all time points and also the lack of testing every one of the two components individually.]]
Nr1: Insert is only part ([ BBa_K608351])
Nr2: Insert is only part ([ BBa_K608352])
Nr3: Both parts were correctly assembled (1:([ BBa_K608351]) + 2:([ BBa_K608352]))
Therefore the temperature sensitive lysis cassette seems to be pretty temperature-sensitive but also functioning properly. More tests are planned if time allows (ie wiki-unfreeze ;) )
=Parts submitted to the registry=
All our results are documented in our notebook and summarized in the partsregistry.
Here we shortly describe what happened to give you an idea about the current status of the different subprojects.
Please follow the links for more information.
==<span style="color:grey;">Precipitator</span>==
[ BBa_K608404]
IPTG-inducible Promoter with '''plastic binding domain'''-tagged GFP
[ BBa_K608406]
The Precipitator is a new artificially designed LRR protein. It is meant as protein that binds Nickel ions with Histidines grouped on its surface. The bound Nickel can then precipitate His-tagged proteins. In our Lab in a Cell it should function as an adaptor between the plastic surface of pipettes and the His-tagged protein. Please look at our detailed description of the design layout in our modeling section. The sequence was synthesised and cloned into the iGEm vector. The submitted sequence was fully confirmed by sequencing.
[ BBa_K608407]
'''Precipitator fused with GST tag'''
The Precipitator was fused with the C-terminus of our GST tag in order to extract and further test the construct for its Nickel binding affinity. We successfully cloned it together using the Gibson Assembly and then subsequently pasted it into the iGEM vector. The submitted sequence was partially confirmed by sequencing.
[ BBa_K608408]
The GST-tag was PCR amplified from a pGEX vector with overhang primers including the iGEM restriction sites and then pasted into the iGEM vector. To verify the functionality of the construct we cloned it before a GFP sequence and expressed it with an IPTG inducible vector. Results see partsregistry page. The submitted sequence was partially confirmed by sequencing.
==<span style="color:green;">Green light receptor</span>==
==<span style="color:green;">Green light receptor</span>==
Line 290: Line 373:
[ BBa_K608102]
[ BBa_K608102]
CcaS, green light receptor
'''CcaS''' , green light receptor
[ BBa_K608151]
[ BBa_K608151]
Line 308: Line 392:
The cloning procedure was time-consuming (circa two weeks), so we decided to<br/>
The cloning procedure was time-consuming (circa two weeks), so we decided to<br/>
send our constructs to the registry. Herewith we hope to help others save some time.<br/>
send our constructs to the registry. We hope to help other teams saving some time.<br/>
We called these constructs ''PR'' to abbreviate "Promoter and RBS"
We called these constructs ''PR'' to abbreviate "Promoter and RBS"
[ BBa_K608002]
[ BBa_K608002]
strong Promoter and strong RBS
strong Promoter and strong RBS (PR1)
[ BBa_K608003]
[ BBa_K608003]
strong Promoter , medium RBS
strong Promoter , medium RBS (PR2)
[ BBa_K608004]
[ BBa_K608004]
strong Promoter , weak RBS
strong Promoter , weak RBS (PR3)
[ BBa_K608005]
[ BBa_K608005]
medium Promoter , strong RBS  
medium Promoter , strong RBS (PR4)
[ BBa_K608006]
[ BBa_K608006]
medium Promoter , medium RBS
medium Promoter , medium RBS (PR5)
[ BBa_K608007]
[ BBa_K608007]
medium Promoter , weak RBS
medium Promoter , weak RBS (PR6)
'''Measurement of fluorescence intensity of PR-GFP and PR-RFP'''
Line 334: Line 423:
To quantify the strength of our PR-constructs we cloned GFP and RFP behind it<br/>
To quantify the strength of our PR-constructs we cloned GFP and RFP behind it<br/>
and quantified the protein output.<br/>
and quantified the protein output.<br/>
[[File:Freiburg2011_BSA.jpg|400px|right|thumb|BSA calibration line]]
The fluorescence was measured with a plate reader:<br/>
The fluorescence intensity and protein concentration were measured with the FLUOstar Omega, <br/>
which is a multi-mode microplate reader.
Samples were pipetted into the microplate and analyzed via the plate reader. In this experiment we focused on the protein concentration and the fluorescence intensity of RFP.
We measured the protein concentration with the bradford-assay. This is a method to determine the total protein concentration. To analyze the protein concentration of the samples, Coomassie Brillant Blue was pippeted to each sample. With the binding of the dye to the proteins the color changes from dark red to blue. The more protein in the solution the more Coomassie dye can bind to proteins and the more the color changes into blue. The absorption of bound Coomassie dye is 595nm. The absorbance is proportional with the amount of bound dye. With a series of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) measurements the exact protein concentration of the samples can be determined. BSA acts like a “marker” because the concentration of BSA is known and with a linear calibration line the exact protein concentration can be detected.
The values of the fluorescence intensity of RFP and GFP deviate from the expected values. We´ve expected PR1 to have the strongest GFP/RFP signal and PR6 with the lowest GFP/RFP signal. The data shows the differences. We could not repeat this measurement another time because of lack of time. We could not measure PR1-GFP because the sequencing was negative and there was no time for repeating. The measurement of PR3-RFP was an error and was excluded.
[[File:Freiburg2011_GFP1.jpg|400px|thumb|right|GFP fluorescence intensity dependent on the strenght of promoter and RBS.]]
GFP served as a reporter of expression. We wanted to know how strong the promoter and RBS activity is. With this reporter gene it was possible to analyze the expression via plate reader. GFP is excited at a wavelength of 509nm and has an emission of 520nm. The plate reader illuminates the samples with a high energy xenon flash lamp. Optical filters or monochromator create the exact wavelength. The more GFP in the sample the higher is the GFP fluorescence intensity. The intensity is collected with the second optical system and is detected with a side window photomultiplier tube.
[ BBa_K608008]
[ BBa_K608008]
constitutive strong promoter with medium RBS and GFP
constitutive strong promoter with medium RBS and GFP (PR2-GFP)
[ BBa_K608009]
[ BBa_K608009]
Strong promoter with weak RBS and GFP  
Strong promoter with weak RBS and GFP (PR3-GFP)
[ BBa_K608010]
[ BBa_K608010]
Medium promoter with strong RBS and GFP
Medium promoter with strong RBS and GFP (PR4-GFP)
[ BBa_K608011]
[ BBa_K608011]
Medium promoter with medium RBS and GFP
Medium promoter with medium RBS and GFP (PR5-GFP)
[ BBa_K608012]
[ BBa_K608012]
Medium promoter with weak RBS and GFP
Medium promoter with weak RBS and GFP (PR6-GFP)
[[File:Freiburg2011_RFP.jpg|400px|thumb|right|RFP fluorescence intensity dependent on the strength of promotor and RBS.]]
With RFP (Red Fluorescence Protein) the activity of promoter and RBS can be quantified.
RFP served like GFP as a reporter to determine the expression level. RFP is excited at a wavelength of 580nm. The more RFP in the solution the more is the RFP fluorescence intensity.The plate reader illuminates the samples with a high energy xenon flash lamp. Optical filters or monochromator create the exact wavelength. The more RFP in the sample the higher is the RFP fluorescence intensity. The intensity is collected with the second optical system and is detected with a side window photomultiplier tube.
[ BBa_K608013]
[ BBa_K608013]
strong Promoter with strong RBS and RFP
strong Promoter with strong RBS and RFP (PR1-RFP)
[ BBa_K608014 ]
[ BBa_K608014 ]
PR with RFP
PR with RFP (PR2-RFP)
[ BBa_K608015]
[ BBa_K608015]
PR with RFP  
PR with RFP (PR3-RFP)
[ BBa_K608016]
[ BBa_K608016]
PR with RFP  
PR with RFP (PR4-RFP)
[ BBa_K608017]
[ BBa_K608017]
PR with RFP  
PR with RFP (PR5-RFP)
[ BBa_K608018]
[ BBa_K608018]
PR with RFP  
PR with RFP (PR6-RFP)

Latest revision as of 03:54, 22 September 2011

This is the wiki page
of the Freiburger student
team competing for iGEM 2011.
Thank you for your interest!