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Results & Disccusions

Cell viability


recA gene could induce high cell viability. RecA protein has key role of SOS response.

This result revealed that the cell inserted recA gene can get tolerance against DNA damage.

pprM gene could also confer high tolerance to inserted cells.

we expected that all cells inserted each genes could increase its ratio of cell survival, however, two genes, pprI and pprA, couldn't confer tolerance. PprI protein is known as a inducer to genes expression such as recA and pprA. Therefore, expression of only pprI was ineffective for cell survival.


PprM,RecAは生存率アップ、 I,Aは微妙な結果

PprIはRecAとPprAを誘導 PprAはRecAに依存しない修復機構をもっているらしい(変異が入った?) PprMは不明

RecA欠損株であるDH5αを用いたためPpr系の生存率は変化しなかった? RecAを持つ株なら生存率上がってたかも。

Future work

We created some parts (PprI , PprA , PprM , RecA) but did not have time to evaluate them. Also, devices containing 2 or more DNA repair gene should have been constructed and assayed.


放射線抵抗性細菌の新規DNA修復促進タンパク質 , 佐藤勝也 その他 (2006)
PprA: a protein implicated in radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans stimulates catalase activity in Escherichia coli, Swathi Kota et al (2006)