Team:Freiburg/Notebook/8 June


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(Amplification of different parts)
(3. Labday)
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=='''3. Labday'''==
==Protein modelling with pymol==
==Protein modelling with pymol==

Revision as of 12:10, 14 July 2011

Protein modelling with pymol

Investigators: Rüdiger

Amplification of different parts

Investigators: Julia and Jacob

antibiotics plates:
1oo mg/ml ampicillin (amp) (100 microliter per plate)
1oo mikroliter H2O + 2 microliter canamycin (cm)
1oo mikroliter H2O + 40 microliter tetracyclin(tet)
1oo mikroliter H2O + 10 microliter kanamycin (kn)

part location(p=plate) resistance info
BBa_K098995 P3, 1E amp heat sensitive cI QPI with high promoter
BBa_K112022 P3, 24E amp Lambda phage lysis device - no promoter, This part is in BBb Format.
It is flanked by BamHI and BglII sites instead of XbaI and SpeI.
pSB1K3 P1, 5A kan high copy BioBrick assemby plasmid
pSB1A3 P1, 1G amp high copy BioBrick assemby plasmid
pSB1C3 P1,3A cm high copy BioBrick assemby plasmid
pSB1T3 P1, 7A tet high copy BioBrick assemby plasmid
J23104 P1, 18K promotor
J23110 P1, 20 C promotor
J23116 P1, 20M promotor
B0034 P1, 2M RBS (strong)
B0032 P1, 2 I RBS.3 (medium)
B0031 P1, 2G RBS.2 (weak)

Transformation of parts in competent cells and plating them out on plates with specific antiobiotic resistance.