

How Our System Works
Sample Data Page device illustration

Data For Our Favorite New Parts
  1. [ Main Page] - Plant CYP79 B1 BBa_K527002: hydroxylate trypthophane and convert it to an oxime - Made by the Team DTU_Denmark2's user assambly methods
  2. [ Main Page] - Plant CYP79A2, BBa_K527001: hydroxylate phenylalanine and convert it to an oxime - Made by the Team DTU_Denmark2's user assambly methods
  3. [ Main Page] - Plant CYP79A2, BBa_K527000: hydroxylate phenylalanine and convert it to an oxime

Data For Pre-existing Parts
  1. [ Experience] - Expressionvector, BBa_J0450 (iGEM_Davidson, iGEM 2005): Ekspressionvector
  2. [ Experience] - RBS, BBa_0034 (Registry, 2003): RBS
  3. [ Experience] - Promoter, BBa_R0010 : IPTG induced promoter