

Revision as of 15:38, 22 July 2011 by Vinoo (Talk | contribs)


The iGEM community page lets you see what some of your fellow iGEM Teams are up to. If your want to add something to this list, send us an email to hq at igem dot org and we'll add it.

Note: It is iGEM policy not to share our email list with anyone, so unfortunately teams may not request a mailing list in order to contact other iGEM participants.

Team KULeuven - Social Media Overview

Team KULeuven has kindly put together a social media overview page on their wiki. Keep yourself updated on how teams are progressing through: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Flickr. If you'd like to add yourself to their list, contact them through twitter ([ @KULeuven_iGEM]) or facebook ([ KULeuven_iGEM]).

iGEM Community Videos

Are you an iGEM team, lab, or sponsor? If you have a video that you would like to share with the community send us an email to hq (at) igem . org. We'll add it to our community videos page.

  • Tell us who you would like the video to be attributed to: your iGEM team, your actors, etc.
  • All videos should have a [ Creative Commons Attribution] license at the very least.
  • Provide a description and any resources that would go well with your video
  • We prefer that videos be uploaded to [ Vimeo] or [ Youtube] as quality tends to be good and embedding is easy.