Team:Hong Kong-CUHK/Human practice


Revision as of 21:16, 26 October 2011 by Suuny (Talk | contribs)

In order to reach Synthetic Biology to the public, to ease their worries on this before the public can make good use of it, we designed a variety of methods to introduce and promote Synthetic Biology to the outsiders.

Last year, the team from our school designed a mini-questionnaire to know more about the perception of the public on Synthetic Biology. To achieve more, we put much more effort in human practice this year.

The questionnaire this year was done in a greater scale with larger sample sizes. Also, the participants were from a wider variety of academic background as well. Besides understanding their perception, we stressed on more about the safety issue this time. Other than the questionnaire, we have also organized a variety of talks and radio shows that target different types of audience. For instance, we held high school talks to interest our leaders in future generation. We hope that our effort in human practice can blossom into greater public awareness and acceptance of Synthetic Biology in the future.

Our team takes safety issues seriously. In addition to employ "risk mangement" approach in our research work, our instructors had also conducted a risk assessment report. You may learn more from our safety page.

"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." - Theodore Levitt

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