Team:TzuChiU Formosa/Humanpractice


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Synthetic biology has been hailed as the next future science as rapid growing economies invested heavily in science and technology to drive further growth in the industry. The tremendous interdisciplinary growth of synthetic biology has brought about impact to human life to a positive extent.

[[File:Tcu_hp4.JPG|right|400px|caption]]Summer is officially over and it’s the start of a brand new semester. In conjunction with the enrolment of the 100th year intake, we conducted a few workshops on the subject of synthetic biology in collaboration with the College of Life Sciences. Prof. Sun Der Shan and Prof. Woon Peng Yeong coordinated the workshops while our teammates operated as the tutors to the participants. Our team members not only carried out and learnt their project; they also shared their experiences with others and promote synthetic biology to the general public.

*Poster exhibition in the campus

During the 1st day of the workshops, we managed to cover various aspects of synthetic biology, from the introduction of synthetic biology including the history, current applications and future directions as well as the iGEM competition. On the other hand, we also performed the basic techniques in molecular biology such as plasmid isolation, enzyme digestion, Polymerase Chain Reaction, gel electrophoresis, insert preparation, gel extraction, ligation and transformation, cloning, autoclaving, flaming, primer design, growth curves, as well as screening techniques to the participants.

*Joanne is introducing synthetic biology laboratory techniques to the newly intake freshmen.

The highlight of the event is the plasmid isolation and enzyme digestion workshop held on the 2nd day. All the participants were given a chance to perform in the activity. We, as the tutors assisted them throughout the whole process. By the end of the workshop, they learned to cut a plasmid with restriction enzyme, to paste DNA with ligase and PCR amplification.

*Li-Yi sharing our project main idea with the audience

*Fellow classmates raise questions on model organisms

At the last day of the workshops, we had posters exhibition showcasing our projects as well as those focusing on the subject of synthetic biology. We share our stories our experiences with all the audience, giving them the big picture of synthetic biology.

*Fellow mates bestow their wishes to us

Questionnaires were distributed to all the participants at the end of the event. Results show that 90% of them were thoroughly inspired by our idea and 10% of them even professed that they would like to join us again for the event next year! In a nutshell, it was a great week with the freshies.

*TzuChiU_Formosa team