Team:BU Wellesley Software/Notebook/JenhanNotebook


Revision as of 21:52, 16 June 2011 by Jenhantao (Talk | contribs)


Daily Updates

Today was the Clotho boot camp. Trying to build an application on the fly revealed how much I still had to learn about the infrastructure. Most of what I'm missing relates to the Clotho connection and how an object is persisted. I learned about the existence of a transient collection.

I also spent the better part of the boot camp tracking down an error that caused the Sequence View to crash. Turns out it was just an xml error. Xml errors and build file errors combined make up the vast majority of errors that I've encountered while building Clotho.

With the Sequence View stabilized in Clotho Biofab Edition, I can begin looking for quick conversions to a TopComponent. I think I should be able to grab the Content Pane of the JFrame and then use that to populate the TopComponent. Once I confirm this works, then I can begin completing the Sequence View. There is a lot remaining to be done and learned.

Still quite a bit confused about what everyone is doing. Chenkai gets back tomorrow and so will Swapnil; hopefully the comp team can have a meeting to coordinate a bit better. We need to agree on some things about Clotho architecture. I'm learning a lot about swing, and at the rate things are going, I can actually get the Sequence View done pretty soon. Next thing on my list is to work on the actual ide interface or maybe spreadedit features. Sequence View depends on spreadit features right now, but I might change that. I'm not quite sure about how encapsulated an app should be.
Presented my ideas for the new ClothoTool definition to the comp team today; they were generally receptive.

Main points:

  1. drag and drop
  2. size constraints
  3. jframe implementation
  4. windowing compatibility*

I will be drafting a formal proposal for Doug soon, and so more to follow next week.

Still felling like I'm still learning java swing fundamentals: highlighting, caret positioning, etc. A little bland, but the Sequence View should be in working order in a day or two.
Finished Sequence View today. Admittedly, there is more that could be added. However, the core of the challenge, highlighting features/orfs, has been implemented in full. The code has been rigorously tested and it is bullet proof. I want to present the app to the wetlab team but Traci is at sb 5.0 I think. I think I will consider following the instructions to deploy a clotho app. Also, need to make my wiki look nicer; Janoo has incited a wiki war.
I drafted my proposal for a new format for ClothoTools today: Media:New_Clothotool_Specifications.pdf. I will be polishing the contents and using this document to create a presentation. I hope to present this to the the Wellesley team. Maybe they can optimize the interface or something. I'm still unsure what Wellesley will contribute to the team, and so I am looking forward to the upcoming meeting on the 27th.

Asides from the working on the proposal today, I spent a decent chunk of time learning how to produce proper wiki pages. When this notebook is complete, I hope it is something that I can be reasonably proud of.

The team some time coming up with a new name for a tool current called the Plasmid Architecture Design Suite (or PADS...). I am a fan of Flipper, but I'm not sure that would be serious enough. I also suggested IDEAS (Invertase DEsign Alogrithm Suite). I have a sneaking suspicion that Swapnil's suggestion of Kirigami will win though. [ Kirigami] is a form of Japanese papercraft.