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My Booklet plugin

I wanted to change the image gallery in mycraft, and I’ve made this booklet plugin based on Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet and on Booklet

I’ll share it with you in case someone else will like to use it. Any ideas for improvements are very welcomed.
This is a first draft, I’m working on a new version now which will have options too.


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It’s pretty easy in use, just follow those steps
1. Go to your WordPress admin panel to Plugins section
2. Go to Add New.
3.Go to Upload, browse to the directory where you have saved the downloaded plugin
4 . Press “Install Now”
5. Press “Activate Plugin”
6. After you activate the plugin, you go to your server dir where you have your plugins.
7. Find the “mc-booklet” folder in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory and create a new folder and named it “galleries” or any other name you like.
8. You zip your images and you upload them into that folder (” /wp-content/plugins/mc-booklet/galleries”)

Now all you have to do, is write your post and then insert into your post the code which you’ll find in the readme.txt file within your plugin directory.
You copy the “image source tag” as many times as the number of your images and you may write a small description under each image within the html

That’s all !!! Download Plugin

I would appreciate it if you leave your comments tell me what you think about it, if you like it, what improvements you reckon should be made.
I’ll keep you posted about how the development goes.

Posted in Plugins for | Tagged as: , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to My Booklet plugin

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SourceLand, Vassiliki Marineli and others. Vassiliki Marineli said: RT @mycraftgr: Download #wordpress Moleskine Notebook Booklet #plugin [...]

  2. Brad says:

    Brilliant. I looked into adding the Moleskine jQuery Booklet to my WordPress site but I couldn’t be bothered messing with all the CSS and JS files. This plugin just works. Unfortunately there was no readme so I had to look through the code to see what the shortcodes were and how to use it, but other than that the plugin works very well and works as expected.

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