

Revision as of 14:18, 5 September 2011 by Helge (Talk | contribs)


Include a link to the official team description?

Who we are


BSc in Biochemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark I always wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to travel and uncoil the unknown corridors of space itself. As my envisioned future gradually decayed and steadily got replaced by the grim and earth-bound realities of scholarship, I found myself still gazing towards stellar things. If I could still see them, that is. Eyesight was never a prime attribute due to heavy book-reading. It was at this point in time that I fell in love with the art of pipetting and working long hours in slightly unexplored corners of just about any laboratory, furiously and with great care moving small amounts of liquids from one container to another. As for know this constitutes enough reason for existence, refraining me from killing myself in a freak-space-rocket accident.

What we did

About atribution ?