Template:Http://2011.igem.org/Team:Peking R/Teampagegallery/spryeffect

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Grasscliff (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with "// Spry.Effect.js - version 0.39 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 // // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and...")

Latest revision as of 09:57, 26 July 2011

// Spry.Effect.js - version 0.39 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 // // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this // software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.

(function() { // BeginSpryComponent

if (typeof Spry == "undefined") window.Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Effect) Spry.Effect = {};

Spry.forwards = 1; // const Spry.backwards = 2; // const

Spry.Effect.Transitions = { linearTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + (time / duration) * change; }, sinusoidalTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + ((-Math.cos((time/duration)*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * change; }, squareTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + Math.pow(time/duration, 2) * change; }, squarerootTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + Math.sqrt(time/duration) * change; }, fifthTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + Math.sqrt((-Math.cos((time/duration)*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * change; }, circleTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; var pos = time/duration; return begin + Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow((pos-1), 2))* change; }, pulsateTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; return begin + (0.5 + Math.sin(17*time/duration)/2) * change; }, growSpecificTransition: function(time, begin, change, duration) { if (time > duration) return change+begin; var pos = time/duration; return begin + (5 * Math.pow(pos, 3) - 6.4 * Math.pow(pos, 2) + 2 * pos) * change; } }; for (var trans in Spry.Effect.Transitions) { Spry[trans] = Spry.Effect.Transitions[trans]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Registry // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Registry = function() { this.effects = []; };

Spry.Effect.Registry.prototype.getRegisteredEffect = function(element, options) { var a = {}; a.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); a.options = options;

for (var i=0; i<this.effects.length; i++) if (this.effectsAreTheSame(this.effects[i], a)) return this.effects[i].effect;

return false; };

Spry.Effect.Registry.prototype.addEffect = function(effect, element, options) { if (!this.getRegisteredEffect(element, options)) { var len = this.effects.length; this.effects[len] = {}; var eff = this.effects[len]; eff.effect = effect; eff.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); eff.options = options; } };

Spry.Effect.Registry.prototype.effectsAreTheSame = function(effectA, effectB) { if (effectA.element != effectB.element) return false;

var compare = Spry.Effect.Utils.optionsAreIdentical(effectA.options, effectB.options); // reset finish and setup functions if (compare) { if (typeof effectB.options.setup == 'function') effectA.options.setup = effectB.options.setup;

if (typeof effectB.options.finish == 'function') effectA.options.finish = effectB.options.finish; }

return compare; };

var SpryRegistry = new Spry.Effect.Registry;

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

if (!Spry.Effect.Utils) Spry.Effect.Utils = {};

Spry.Effect.Utils.showError = function(msg) { alert('Spry.Effect ERR: ' + msg); }; Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError = function(effect){ Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('The ' + effect + ' class can\'t be accessed as a static function anymore. '+ "\n" + 'Please read Spry Effects migration documentation.'); return false; }; Spry.Effect.Utils.Position = function() { this.x = 0; // left this.y = 0; // top this.units = "px"; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle = function() { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.units = "px"; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.intToHex = function(integerNum) { var result = integerNum.toString(16); if (result.length == 1) result = "0" + result; return result; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt = function(hexStr) { return parseInt(hexStr, 16); };

Spry.Effect.Utils.rgb = function(redInt, greenInt, blueInt) { var intToHex = Spry.Effect.Utils.intToHex; var redHex = intToHex(redInt); var greenHex = intToHex(greenInt); var blueHex = intToHex(blueInt); compositeColorHex = redHex.concat(greenHex, blueHex).toUpperCase(); compositeColorHex = '#' + compositeColorHex; return compositeColorHex; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.longColorVersion = function(color){ if ( color.match(/^#[0-9a-f]{3}$/i) ){ var tmp = color.split(); var color = '#'; for (var i = 1; i < tmp.length; i++){ color += tmp[i] + + tmp[i]; } } return color; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.camelize = function(stringToCamelize) { if (stringToCamelize.indexOf('-') == -1){ return stringToCamelize; } var oStringList = stringToCamelize.split('-'); var isFirstEntry = true; var camelizedString = ;

for(var i=0; i < oStringList.length; i++) { if(oStringList[i].length>0) { if(isFirstEntry) { camelizedString = oStringList[i]; isFirstEntry = false; } else { var s = oStringList[i]; camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); } } }

return camelizedString; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue = function(value) { var result = false; if (typeof value == 'string' && value.length > 0 && value.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) result = true;

return result; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue = function(value) { var result = 0; try { result = Number(value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf("%"))); } catch (e) {Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue: ' + e);} return result; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue = function(value) { var result = 0; if (typeof value == 'number') return value; var unitIndex = value.lastIndexOf("px"); if ( unitIndex == -1) unitIndex = value.length; try { result = parseInt(value.substring(0, unitIndex), 10); } catch (e){} return result; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.getFirstChildElement = function(node) { if (node) { var childCurr = node.firstChild; while (childCurr) { if (childCurr.nodeType == 1) // Node.ELEMENT_NODE return childCurr;

childCurr = childCurr.nextSibling; } }

return null; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.fetchChildImages = function(startEltIn, targetImagesOut) { if(!startEltIn || startEltIn.nodeType != 1 || !targetImagesOut) return;

if(startEltIn.hasChildNodes()) { var childImages = startEltIn.getElementsByTagName('img'); var imageCnt = childImages.length; for(var i=0; i<imageCnt; i++) { var imgCurr = childImages[i]; var dimensionsCurr = Spry.Effect.getDimensions(imgCurr); targetImagesOut.push([imgCurr,dimensionsCurr.width,dimensionsCurr.height]); } } };

Spry.Effect.Utils.optionsAreIdentical = function(optionsA, optionsB) { if(optionsA == null && optionsB == null) return true;

if(optionsA != null && optionsB != null) { var objectCountA = 0; var objectCountB = 0;

for (var propA in optionsA) objectCountA++; for (var propB in optionsB) objectCountB++;

if(objectCountA != objectCountB) return false;

for (var prop in optionsA) { var typeA = typeof optionsA[prop]; var typeB = typeof optionsB[prop]; if ( typeA != typeB || (typeA != 'undefined' && optionsA[prop] != optionsB[prop])) return false; }

return true; }

return false; };

Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect = function (effectName, element, options) { if (!options) var options = {};

options.name = effectName; var ef = SpryRegistry.getRegisteredEffect(element, options); if (!ef) { ef = new Spry.Effect[effectName](element, options); SpryRegistry.addEffect(ef, element, options); } ef.start(); return true; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The notification class // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!Spry.Utils) Spry.Utils = {};

Spry.Utils.Notifier = function() { this.observers = []; this.suppressNotifications = 0; };

Spry.Utils.Notifier.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) { if (!observer) return;

// Make sure the observer isn't already on the list.

var len = this.observers.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) if (this.observers[i] == observer) return;

this.observers[len] = observer; };

Spry.Utils.Notifier.prototype.removeObserver = function(observer) { if (!observer) return;

for (var i = 0; i < this.observers.length; i++) { if (this.observers[i] == observer) { this.observers.splice(i, 1); break; } } };

Spry.Utils.Notifier.prototype.notifyObservers = function(methodName, data) { if (!methodName) return;

if (!this.suppressNotifications) { var len = this.observers.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var obs = this.observers[i]; if (obs) { if (typeof obs == "function") obs(methodName, this, data); else if (obs[methodName]) obs[methodName](this, data); } } } };

Spry.Utils.Notifier.prototype.enableNotifications = function() { if (--this.suppressNotifications < 0) { this.suppressNotifications = 0; Spry.Effect.Utils.showError("Unbalanced enableNotifications() call!\n"); } };

Spry.Utils.Notifier.prototype.disableNotifications = function() { ++this.suppressNotifications; };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DHTML manipulation // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.getElement = function(ele) { var element = ele; if (typeof ele == "string") element = document.getElementById(ele);

if (element == null) Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Element "' + ele + '" not found.');

return element; };

Spry.Effect.getStyleProp = function(element, prop) { var value; var camelized = Spry.Effect.Utils.camelize(prop); try { if (element.style) value = element.style[camelized];

if (!value) { if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(prop) : null; } else if (element.currentStyle) { value = element.currentStyle[camelized]; } } } catch (e) {Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.getStyleProp: ' + e);}

return value == 'auto' ? null : value; };

Spry.Effect.setStyleProp = function(element, prop, value) { try { element.style[Spry.Effect.Utils.camelize(prop)] = value; } catch (e) {Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.setStyleProp: ' + e);} };

Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState = function(element, prop, displayElement) { var refElement = displayElement ? displayElement : element; var displayOrig = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(refElement, 'display'); var visibilityOrig = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility');

if(displayOrig == 'none') { Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility', 'hidden'); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'display', 'block');

if(window.opera) // opera needs focus to calculate the size for hidden elements refElement.focus(); }

var styleProp = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, prop);

if(displayOrig == 'none') // reset the original values { Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'display', 'none'); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility', visibilityOrig); } return styleProp; };

Spry.Effect.makePositioned = function(element) { var pos = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'position'); if (!pos || pos == 'static') { element.style.position = 'relative';

// Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined if (window.opera) { element.style.top = 0; element.style.left = 0; } } };

Spry.Effect.isInvisible = function(element) { var propDisplay = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'display'); if (propDisplay && propDisplay.toLowerCase() == 'none') return true;

var propVisible = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'visibility'); if (propVisible && propVisible.toLowerCase() == 'hidden') return true;

return false; };

Spry.Effect.enforceVisible = function(element) { var propDisplay = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'display'); if (propDisplay && propDisplay.toLowerCase() == 'none') Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'display', 'block');

var propVisible = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'visibility'); if (propVisible && propVisible.toLowerCase() == 'hidden') Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'visibility', 'visible'); };

Spry.Effect.makeClipping = function(element) { var overflow = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'overflow'); if (!overflow || (overflow.toLowerCase() != 'hidden' && overflow.toLowerCase() != 'scroll')) { // IE 7 bug: set overflow property to hidden changes the element height to 0 // -> therefore we save the height before changing the overflow property and set the old size back var heightCache = 0; var needsCache = /MSIE 7.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Windows NT/.test(navigator.userAgent); if(needsCache) heightCache = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element).height;

Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'overflow', 'hidden');

if(needsCache) Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'height', heightCache+'px'); } };

Spry.Effect.cleanWhitespace = function(element) { var childCountInit = element.childNodes.length;

 for (var i = childCountInit - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 	var node = element.childNodes[i];

if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) try { element.removeChild(node); } catch (e) {Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.cleanWhitespace: ' + e);} } };

Spry.Effect.getComputedStyle = function(element) { return /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? element.currentStyle : document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); };

Spry.Effect.getDimensions = function(element) { var dimensions = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; var computedStyle = null;

if (element.style.width && /px/i.test(element.style.width)) dimensions.width = parseInt(element.style.width, 10); // without padding else { computedStyle = Spry.Effect.getComputedStyle(element); var tryComputedStyle = computedStyle && computedStyle.width && /px/i.test(computedStyle.width);

if (tryComputedStyle) dimensions.width = parseInt(computedStyle.width, 10); // without padding, includes css

if (!tryComputedStyle || dimensions.width == 0) // otherwise we might run into problems on safari and opera (mac only) dimensions.width = element.offsetWidth; // includes padding }

if (element.style.height && /px/i.test(element.style.height)) dimensions.height = parseInt(element.style.height, 10); // without padding else { if (!computedStyle) computedStyle = Spry.Effect.getComputedStyle(element);

var tryComputedStyle = computedStyle && computedStyle.height && /px/i.test(computedStyle.height);

if (tryComputedStyle) dimensions.height = parseInt(computedStyle.height, 10); // without padding, includes css

if(!tryComputedStyle || dimensions.height == 0) // otherwise we might run into problems on safari and opera (mac only) dimensions.height = element.offsetHeight; // includes padding } return dimensions; };

Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState = function(element, displayElement) { // If the displayElement display property is set to 'none', we temporarily set its // visibility state to 'hidden' to be able to calculate the dimension.

var refElement = displayElement ? displayElement : element; var displayOrig = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(refElement, 'display'); var visibilityOrig = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility');

if(displayOrig == 'none') { Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility', 'hidden'); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'display', 'block');

if(window.opera) // opera needs focus to calculate the size for hidden elements refElement.focus(); }

var dimensions = Spry.Effect.getDimensions(element);

if(displayOrig == 'none') // reset the original values { Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'display', 'none'); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(refElement, 'visibility', visibilityOrig); } return dimensions; };

Spry.Effect.getOpacity = function(element) {

 var o = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, "opacity");
 if (typeof o == 'undefined' || o == null)
   o = 1.0;
 return o;


Spry.Effect.getBgColor = function(ele) {

 return Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(ele, "background-color");


Spry.Effect.intPropStyle = function(e, prop){ var i = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(e, prop), 10); if (isNaN(i)) return 0; return i; };

Spry.Effect.getPosition = function(element) { var position = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; var computedStyle = null;

if (element.style.left && /px/i.test(element.style.left)) position.x = parseInt(element.style.left, 10); // without padding else { computedStyle = Spry.Effect.getComputedStyle(element); var tryComputedStyle = computedStyle && computedStyle.left && /px/i.test(computedStyle.left);

if (tryComputedStyle) position.x = parseInt(computedStyle.left, 10); // without padding, includes css

if(!tryComputedStyle || position.x == 0) // otherwise we might run into problems on safari and opera (mac only) position.x = element.offsetLeft; // includes padding }

if (element.style.top && /px/i.test(element.style.top)) position.y = parseInt(element.style.top, 10); // without padding else { if (!computedStyle) computedStyle = Spry.Effect.getComputedStyle(element);

   var tryComputedStyle = computedStyle && computedStyle.top && /px/i.test(computedStyle.top);

if (tryComputedStyle) position.y = parseInt(computedStyle.top, 10); // without padding, includes css

if(!tryComputedStyle || position.y == 0) // otherwise we might run into problems on safari and opera (mac only) position.y = element.offsetTop; // includes padding } return position; };

Spry.Effect.getOffsetPosition = Spry.Effect.getPosition; // deprecated

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Animator // (base class) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Animator = function(options) { Spry.Utils.Notifier.call(this);

this.name = 'Animator'; this.element = null; this.startMilliseconds = 0; this.repeat = 'none'; this.isRunning = false; this.timer = null; this.cancelRemaining = 0;

if (!options) var options = {};

if (options.toggle) this.direction = false; else this.direction = Spry.forwards;

var self = this; if (options.setup != null) this.addObserver({onPreEffect: function(){try{self.options.setup(self.element, self);}catch(e){Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.start: setup callback: ' + e);}}});

if (options.finish != null) this.addObserver({onPostEffect: function(){try{self.options.finish(self.element, self);}catch(e){Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.stop: finish callback: ' + e);}}});

this.options = { duration: 1000, toggle: false, transition: Spry.linearTransition, interval: 16 // ca. 62 fps };

this.setOptions(options); if (options.transition) this.setTransition(options.transition);

if (options.fps) this.setFps(options.fps); }; Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype = new Spry.Utils.Notifier(); Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.constructor = Spry.Utils.Animator;

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.notStaticAnimator = true;

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.setOptions = function(options) { if (!options) return; for (var prop in options) this.options[prop] = options[prop]; }; Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.setTransition = function(transition){ if (typeof transition == 'number' || transition == "1" || transition == "2") switch (parseInt(transition,10)) { case 1: transition = Spry.linearTransition; break; case 2: transition = Spry.sinusoidalTransition; break; default: Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('unknown transition'); }

else if (typeof transition == 'string') { if (typeof window[transition] == 'function') transition = window[transition]; else if (typeof Spry[transition] == 'function') transition = Spry[transition]; else Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('unknown transition'); }

this.options.transition = transition; if (typeof this.effectsArray != 'undefined'){ var l = this.effectsArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) this.effectsArray[i].effect.setTransition(transition); } };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.setDuration = function(duration){ this.options.duration = duration; if (typeof this.effectsArray != 'undefined') { var l = this.effectsArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { this.effectsArray[i].effect.setDuration(duration); } } };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.setFps = function(fps){ this.options.interval = parseInt(1000 / fps, 10); this.options.fps = fps; if (typeof this.effectsArray != 'undefined') { var l = this.effectsArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { this.effectsArray[i].effect.setFps(fps); } } };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.start = function(withoutTimer) { if (!this.element) return;

if (arguments.length == 0) withoutTimer = false;

if (this.isRunning) this.cancel();

this.prepareStart(); var currDate = new Date(); this.startMilliseconds = currDate.getTime();

if (this.element.id) this.element = document.getElementById(this.element.id);

if (this.cancelRemaining != 0 && this.options.toggle) { if (this.cancelRemaining < 1 && typeof this.options.transition == 'function') { var startTime = 0; var stopTime = this.options.duration; var start = 0; var stop = 1; var emergency = 0; this.cancelRemaining = Math.round(this.cancelRemaining * 1000) / 1000; var found = false; var middle = 0; while (!found) { if (emergency++ > this.options.duration) break; var half = startTime + ((stopTime - startTime) / 2); middle = Math.round(this.options.transition(half, 1, -1, this.options.duration) * 1000) / 1000; if (middle == this.cancelRemaining) { this.startMilliseconds -= half; found = true; } if (middle < this.cancelRemaining) { stopTime = half; stop = middle; } else { startTime = half; start = middle; } } } this.cancelRemaining = 0; } this.notifyObservers('onPreEffect', this);

if (withoutTimer == false) { var self = this; this.timer = setInterval(function() { self.drawEffect(); }, this.options.interval); } this.isRunning = true; }; Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.stopFlagReset = function() { if (this.timer) { clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; } this.startMilliseconds = 0; }; Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.stop = function() { this.stopFlagReset(); this.notifyObservers('onPostEffect', this); this.isRunning = false; };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.cancel = function() { var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds(); if (this.startMilliseconds > 0 && elapsed < this.options.duration) this.cancelRemaining = this.options.transition(elapsed, 0, 1, this.options.duration);

this.stopFlagReset(); this.notifyObservers('onCancel', this); this.isRunning = false; };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.drawEffect = function() { var isRunning = true;

this.notifyObservers('onStep', this); var timeElapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds();

if (typeof this.options.transition != 'function'){ Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('unknown transition'); return; } this.animate();

if (timeElapsed > this.options.duration) { isRunning = false; this.stop(); } return isRunning; };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.getElapsedMilliseconds = function() { if (this.startMilliseconds > 0) { var currDate = new Date(); return (currDate.getTime() - this.startMilliseconds); } return 0; };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.doToggle = function() { if (!this.direction) { this.direction = Spry.forwards; return; } if (this.options.toggle == true) { if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) { this.direction = Spry.backwards; this.notifyObservers('onToggle', this); } else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) { this.direction = Spry.forwards; } } };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.prepareStart = function() { if (this.options && this.options.toggle) this.doToggle(); };

Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.animate = function(){}; Spry.Effect.Animator.prototype.onStep = function(el) { if (el != this) this.notifyObservers('onStep', this); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Move // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Move = function(element, fromPos, toPos, options) { this.dynamicFromPos = false; if (arguments.length == 3) { options = toPos; toPos = fromPos; fromPos = Spry.Effect.getPosition(element); this.dynamicFromPos = true; }

Spry.Effect.Animator.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Move'; this.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); if (!this.element) return;

if (fromPos.units != toPos.units) Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.Move: Conflicting units (' + fromPos.units + ', ' + toPos.units + ')');

this.units = fromPos.units; this.startX = Number(fromPos.x); this.stopX = Number(toPos.x); this.startY = Number(fromPos.y); this.stopY = Number(toPos.y); };

Spry.Effect.Move.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Animator(); Spry.Effect.Move.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Move;

Spry.Effect.Move.prototype.animate = function() { var left = 0; var top = 0; var floor = Math.floor; var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds(); if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) { left = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startX, this.stopX - this.startX, this.options.duration)); top = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startY, this.stopY - this.startY, this.options.duration)); } else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) { left = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopX, this.startX - this.stopX, this.options.duration)); top = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopY, this.startY - this.stopY, this.options.duration)); }

this.element.style.left = left + this.units; this.element.style.top = top + this.units; };

Spry.Effect.Move.prototype.prepareStart = function() { if (this.options && this.options.toggle) this.doToggle();

if (this.dynamicFromPos == true) { var fromPos = Spry.Effect.getPosition(this.element); this.startX = fromPos.x; this.startY = fromPos.y;

this.rangeMoveX = this.startX - this.stopX; this.rangeMoveY= this.startY - this.stopY; } };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Size // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Size = function(element, fromRect, toRect, options) { this.dynamicFromRect = false;

if (arguments.length == 3) { options = toRect; toRect = fromRect; fromRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element); this.dynamicFromRect = true; }

Spry.Effect.Animator.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Size'; this.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); if (!this.element) return;

element = this.element;

if (fromRect.units != toRect.units) { Spry.Effect.Utils.showError('Spry.Effect.Size: Conflicting units (' + fromRect.units + ', ' + toRect.units + ')'); return false; }

this.units = fromRect.units;

var originalRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element); this.originalWidth = originalRect.width; this.originalHeight = originalRect.height;

this.startWidth = fromRect.width; this.startHeight = fromRect.height; this.stopWidth = toRect.width; this.stopHeight = toRect.height; this.childImages = new Array();

if (this.options.useCSSBox){ Spry.Effect.makePositioned(this.element); var intProp = Spry.Effect.intPropStyle; this.startFromBorder_top = intProp(element, 'border-top-width'); this.startFromBorder_bottom = intProp(element, 'border-bottom-width'); this.startFromBorder_left = intProp(element, 'border-left-width'); this.startFromBorder_right = intProp(element, 'border-right-width'); this.startFromPadding_top = intProp(element, 'padding-top'); this.startFromPadding_bottom = intProp(element, 'padding-bottom'); this.startFromPadding_left = intProp(element, 'padding-left'); this.startFromPadding_right = intProp(element, 'padding-right'); this.startFromMargin_top = intProp(element, 'margin-top'); this.startFromMargin_bottom = intProp(element, 'margin-bottom'); this.startFromMargin_right = intProp(element, 'margin-right'); this.startFromMargin_left = intProp(element, 'margin-left'); this.startLeft = intProp(element, 'left'); this.startTop = intProp(element, 'top'); }

if(this.options.scaleContent) Spry.Effect.Utils.fetchChildImages(element, this.childImages);

this.fontFactor = 1.0; var fontSize = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(this.element, 'font-size'); if(fontSize && /em\s*$/.test(fontSize)) this.fontFactor = parseFloat(fontSize);

var isPercent = Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue;

if (isPercent(this.startWidth)) { var startWidthPercent = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(this.startWidth); this.startWidth = originalRect.width * (startWidthPercent / 100); }

if (isPercent(this.startHeight)) { var startHeightPercent = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(this.startHeight); this.startHeight = originalRect.height * (startHeightPercent / 100); }

if (isPercent(this.stopWidth)) { var stopWidthPercent = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(this.stopWidth); this.stopWidth = originalRect.width * (stopWidthPercent / 100); }

if (isPercent(this.stopHeight)) { var stopHeightPercent = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(this.stopHeight); this.stopHeight = originalRect.height * (stopHeightPercent / 100); }

this.enforceVisible = Spry.Effect.isInvisible(this.element); };

Spry.Effect.Size.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Animator(); Spry.Effect.Size.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Size;

Spry.Effect.Size.prototype.animate = function() { var width = 0; var height = 0; var fontSize = 0; var direction = 0; var floor = Math.floor; var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds();

if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) { width = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startWidth, this.stopWidth - this.startWidth, this.options.duration)); height = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startHeight, this.stopHeight - this.startHeight, this.options.duration)); direction = 1; } else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) { width = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopWidth, this.startWidth - this.stopWidth, this.options.duration)); height = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopHeight, this.startHeight - this.stopHeight, this.options.duration)); direction = -1; }

var propFactor = width/this.originalWidth; fontSize = this.fontFactor * propFactor;

var elStyle = this.element.style; if (width < 0) width = 0;

if (height < 0) height = 0;

elStyle.width = width + this.units; elStyle.height = height + this.units;

if (typeof this.options.useCSSBox != 'undefined' && this.options.useCSSBox == true) { var intProp = Spry.Effect.intPropStyle; var origTop = intProp(this.element, 'top'); var origLeft = intProp(this.element, 'left'); var origMarginTop = intProp(this.element, 'margin-top'); var origMarginLeft = intProp(this.element, 'margin-left');

var widthFactor = propFactor; var heightFactor = height / this.originalHeight; var border_top = floor(this.startFromBorder_top * heightFactor); var border_bottom = floor(this.startFromBorder_bottom * heightFactor); var border_left = floor(this.startFromBorder_left * widthFactor); var border_right = floor(this.startFromBorder_right * widthFactor); var padding_top = floor(this.startFromPadding_top * heightFactor); var padding_bottom = floor(this.startFromPadding_bottom * heightFactor); var padding_left = floor(this.startFromPadding_left * widthFactor); var padding_right = floor(this.startFromPadding_right * widthFactor); var margin_top = floor(this.startFromMargin_top * heightFactor); var margin_bottom = floor(this.startFromMargin_bottom * heightFactor); var margin_right = floor(this.startFromMargin_right * widthFactor); var margin_left = floor(this.startFromMargin_left * widthFactor);

elStyle.borderTopWidth = border_top + this.units; elStyle.borderBottomWidth = border_bottom + this.units; elStyle.borderLeftWidth = border_left + this.units; elStyle.borderRightWidth = border_right + this.units; elStyle.paddingTop = padding_top + this.units; elStyle.paddingBottom = padding_bottom + this.units; elStyle.paddingLeft = padding_left + this.units; elStyle.paddingRight = padding_right + this.units; elStyle.marginTop = margin_top + this.units; elStyle.marginBottom = margin_bottom + this.units; elStyle.marginLeft = margin_left + this.units; elStyle.marginRight = margin_right + this.units;

// compensate the margin shrinking elStyle.left = floor(origLeft + origMarginLeft - margin_left) + this.units; elStyle.top = floor(origTop + origMarginTop - margin_top) + this.units; }

if (this.options.scaleContent) {

for(var i=0; i < this.childImages.length; i++) { this.childImages[i][0].style.width = propFactor * this.childImages[i][1] + this.units; this.childImages[i][0].style.height = propFactor * this.childImages[i][2] + this.units; } this.element.style.fontSize = fontSize + 'em'; }

if(this.enforceVisible) { Spry.Effect.enforceVisible(this.element); this.enforceVisible = false; } };

Spry.Effect.Size.prototype.prepareStart = function() { if (this.options && this.options.toggle) this.doToggle();

if (this.dynamicFromRect == true) { var fromRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensions(this.element); this.startWidth = fromRect.width; this.startHeight = fromRect.height;

this.widthRange = this.startWidth - this.stopWidth; this.heightRange = this.startHeight - this.stopHeight; } };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Opacity // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Opacity = function(element, startOpacity, stopOpacity, options) { this.dynamicStartOpacity = false; if (arguments.length == 3) { options = stopOpacity; stopOpacity = startOpacity; startOpacity = Spry.Effect.getOpacity(element); this.dynamicStartOpacity = true; }

Spry.Effect.Animator.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Opacity'; this.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); if (!this.element) return;

	// make this work on IE on elements without 'layout'

if(/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (!this.element.hasLayout)) Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(this.element, 'zoom', '1');

this.startOpacity = startOpacity; this.stopOpacity = stopOpacity; this.enforceVisible = Spry.Effect.isInvisible(this.element); };

Spry.Effect.Opacity.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Animator(); Spry.Effect.Opacity.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Opacity;

Spry.Effect.Opacity.prototype.animate = function() { var opacity = 0; var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds(); if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) opacity = this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startOpacity, this.stopOpacity - this.startOpacity, this.options.duration); else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) opacity = this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopOpacity, this.startOpacity - this.stopOpacity, this.options.duration);

if (opacity < 0) opacity = 0;

if(/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var tmpval = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(this.element,'filter'); if (tmpval){ tmpval = tmpval.replace(/alpha\(opacity=[0-9]{1,3}\)/g, ); } this.element.style.filter = tmpval + "alpha(opacity=" + Math.floor(opacity * 100) + ")"; } else this.element.style.opacity = opacity;

if(this.enforceVisible) { Spry.Effect.enforceVisible(this.element); this.enforceVisible = false; } };

Spry.Effect.Opacity.prototype.prepareStart = function() { if (this.options && this.options.toggle) this.doToggle();

if (this.dynamicStartOpacity == true) { this.startOpacity = Spry.Effect.getOpacity(this.element); this.opacityRange = this.startOpacity - this.stopOpacity; } };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Color // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Color = function(element, startColor, stopColor, options) { this.dynamicStartColor = false; if (arguments.length == 3) { options = stopColor; stopColor = startColor; startColor = Spry.Effect.getBgColor(element); this.dynamicStartColor = true; }

Spry.Effect.Animator.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Color'; this.element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); if (!this.element) return;

this.startColor = startColor; this.stopColor = stopColor; this.startRedColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(1,2)); this.startGreenColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(3,2)); this.startBlueColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(5,2)); this.stopRedColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(stopColor.substr(1,2)); this.stopGreenColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(stopColor.substr(3,2)); this.stopBlueColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(stopColor.substr(5,2)); };

Spry.Effect.Color.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Animator(); Spry.Effect.Color.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Color;

Spry.Effect.Color.prototype.animate = function() { var redColor = 0; var greenColor = 0; var blueColor = 0; var floor = Math.floor; var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds();

if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) { redColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startRedColor, this.stopRedColor - this.startRedColor, this.options.duration)); greenColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startGreenColor, this.stopGreenColor - this.startGreenColor, this.options.duration)); blueColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.startBlueColor, this.stopBlueColor - this.startBlueColor, this.options.duration)); } else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) { redColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopRedColor, this.startRedColor - this.stopRedColor, this.options.duration)); greenColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopGreenColor, this.startGreenColor - this.stopGreenColor, this.options.duration)); blueColor = floor(this.options.transition(elapsed, this.stopBlueColor, this.startBlueColor - this.stopBlueColor, this.options.duration)); }

this.element.style.backgroundColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.rgb(redColor, greenColor, blueColor); };

Spry.Effect.Color.prototype.prepareStart = function() { if (this.options && this.options.toggle) this.doToggle();

if (this.dynamicStartColor == true) { this.startColor = Spry.Effect.getBgColor(element); this.startRedColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(1,2)); this.startGreenColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(3,2)); this.startBlueColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.hexToInt(startColor.substr(5,2)); this.redColorRange = this.startRedColor - this.stopRedColor; this.greenColorRange = this.startGreenColor - this.stopGreenColor; this.blueColorRange = this.startBlueColor - this.stopBlueColor; } };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spry.Effect.Cluster // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Cluster = function(options) { Spry.Effect.Animator.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Cluster'; this.effectsArray = new Array(); this.currIdx = -1; var _ClusteredEffect = function(effect, kind) { this.effect = effect; this.kind = kind; // "parallel" or "queue" this.isRunning = false; };

this.ClusteredEffect = _ClusteredEffect; };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Animator(); Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Cluster;

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.setInterval = function(interval){ var l = this.effectsArray.length; this.options.interval = interval; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { this.effectsArray[i].effect.setInterval(interval); } }; Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.drawEffect = function() { var isRunning = true; var allEffectsDidRun = false; var baseEffectIsStillRunning = false; var evalNextEffectsRunning = false;

if ((this.currIdx == -1 && this.direction == Spry.forwards) || (this.currIdx == this.effectsArray.length && this.direction == Spry.backwards)) this.initNextEffectsRunning();

var start = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? 0 : this.effectsArray.length-1; var stop = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? this.effectsArray.length : -1; var step = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? 1 : -1; for (var i = start; i != stop; i+=step) { if (this.effectsArray[i].isRunning == true) { baseEffectIsStillRunning = this.effectsArray[i].effect.drawEffect(); if (baseEffectIsStillRunning == false && i == this.currIdx) { this.effectsArray[i].isRunning = false; evalNextEffectsRunning = true; } } }

if (evalNextEffectsRunning == true) allEffectsDidRun = this.initNextEffectsRunning();

if (allEffectsDidRun == true) { this.stop(); isRunning = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.effectsArray.length; i++) this.effectsArray[i].isRunning = false;

this.currIdx = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? this.effectsArray.length: -1; } return isRunning; };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.initNextEffectsRunning = function() { var allEffectsDidRun = false; var step = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? 1 : -1; var stop = this.direction == Spry.forwards ? this.effectsArray.length : -1; this.currIdx+=step; if ( (this.currIdx > (this.effectsArray.length - 1) && this.direction == Spry.forwards) || (this.currIdx < 0 && this.direction == Spry.backwards)) allEffectsDidRun = true; else for (var i = this.currIdx; i != stop; i+=step) { if ((i > this.currIdx && this.direction == Spry.forwards || i < this.currIdx && this.direction == Spry.backwards) && this.effectsArray[i].kind == "queue") break; this.effectsArray[i].effect.start(true); this.effectsArray[i].isRunning = true; this.currIdx = i; }

return allEffectsDidRun; };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.toggleCluster = function() { if (!this.direction) { this.direction = Spry.forwards; return; }

if (this.options.toggle == true) { if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) { this.direction = Spry.backwards; this.notifyObservers('onToggle', this); this.currIdx = this.effectsArray.length; } else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) { this.direction = Spry.forwards; this.currIdx = -1; } } else { if (this.direction == Spry.forwards) this.currIdx = -1; else if (this.direction == Spry.backwards) this.currIdx = this.effectsArray.length; } };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.doToggle = function() { this.toggleCluster();

// toggle all effects of the cluster, too for (var i = 0; i < this.effectsArray.length; i++) { if (this.effectsArray[i].effect.options && (this.effectsArray[i].effect.options.toggle != null)) if (this.effectsArray[i].effect.options.toggle == true) this.effectsArray[i].effect.doToggle(); } };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.cancel = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.effectsArray.length; i++) if (this.effectsArray[i].effect.isRunning) this.effectsArray[i].effect.cancel();

var elapsed = this.getElapsedMilliseconds(); if (this.startMilliseconds > 0 && elapsed < this.options.duration) this.cancelRemaining = this.options.transition(elapsed, 0, 1, this.options.duration); this.stopFlagReset(); this.notifyObservers('onCancel', this); this.isRunning = false; };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.addNextEffect = function(effect) { effect.addObserver(this); this.effectsArray[this.effectsArray.length] = new this.ClusteredEffect(effect, "queue"); if (this.effectsArray.length == 1) { // with the first added effect we know the element // that the cluster is working on this.element = effect.element; } };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.addParallelEffect = function(effect) { if (this.effectsArray.length == 0 || this.effectsArray[this.effectsArray.length-1].kind != 'parallel') effect.addObserver(this);

this.effectsArray[this.effectsArray.length] = new this.ClusteredEffect(effect, "parallel"); if (this.effectsArray.length == 1) { // with the first added effect we know the element // that the cluster is working on this.element = effect.element; } };

Spry.Effect.Cluster.prototype.prepareStart = function() { this.toggleCluster(); };

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Combination effects // Custom effects can be build by combining basic effect bahaviour // like Move, Size, Color, Opacity // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.Fade = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Fade');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Fade'; var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var fromOpacity = 0.0; var toOpacity = 100.0; var doToggle = false; var transition = Spry.fifthTransition; var fps = 60; var originalOpacity = 0; if(/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) originalOpacity = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(this.element, 'filter').replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]{1,3})\)/g, '$1'), 10); else originalOpacity = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(this.element, 'opacity') * 100, 10);

if (isNaN(originalOpacity)) originalOpacity = 100;

if (options) { if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.from != null){ if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) fromOpacity = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) * originalOpacity / 100; else fromOpacity = options.from; } if (options.to != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) toOpacity = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) * originalOpacity / 100; else toOpacity = options.to; } if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.transition != null) transition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; else this.options.transition = transition; }

fromOpacity = fromOpacity/ 100.0; toOpacity = toOpacity / 100.0;

options = {duration: durationInMilliseconds, toggle: doToggle, transition: transition, from: fromOpacity, to: toOpacity, fps: fps}; var fadeEffect = new Spry.Effect.Opacity(element, fromOpacity, toOpacity, options); this.addNextEffect(fadeEffect); };

Spry.Effect.Fade.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Fade.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Fade;

Spry.Effect.Blind = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Blind');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Blind'; var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var doToggle = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.circleTransition; var fps = 60; var doScaleContent = false;


var originalRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element); var fromHeightPx = originalRect.height; var toHeightPx = 0; var optionFrom = options ? options.from : originalRect.height; var optionTo = options ? options.to : 0; var fullCSSBox = false;

if (options) { if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.from != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) fromHeightPx = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) * originalRect.height / 100; else fromHeightPx = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.from); } if (options.to != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) toHeightPx = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) * originalRect.height / 100; else toHeightPx = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.to); } if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; if (options.useCSSBox != null) fullCSSBox = options.useCSSBox; }

var fromRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; fromRect.width = originalRect.width; fromRect.height = fromHeightPx;

var toRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; toRect.width = originalRect.width; toRect.height = toHeightPx;

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition:kindOfTransition, scaleContent:doScaleContent, useCSSBox: fullCSSBox, from: optionFrom, to: optionTo, fps: fps}; var blindEffect = new Spry.Effect.Size(element, fromRect, toRect, options); this.addNextEffect(blindEffect); };

Spry.Effect.Blind.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Blind.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Blind;

Spry.Effect.Highlight = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Highlight');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Highlight'; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var toColor = "#ffffff"; var doToggle = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.sinusoidalTransition; var fps = 60; var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var fromColor = Spry.Effect.getBgColor(element); if (fromColor == "transparent") fromColor = "#ffff99";

if (options) { if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.from != null) fromColor = options.from; if (options.to != null) toColor = options.to; if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; }

if ( fromColor.indexOf('rgb') != -1 ) var fromColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.rgb(parseInt(fromColor.substring(fromColor.indexOf('(')+1, fromColor.indexOf(',')),10), parseInt(fromColor.substring(fromColor.indexOf(',')+1, fromColor.lastIndexOf(',')),10), parseInt(fromColor.substring(fromColor.lastIndexOf(',')+1, fromColor.indexOf(')')),10));

if ( toColor.indexOf('rgb') != -1 ) var toColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.rgb(parseInt(toColor.substring(toColor.indexOf('(')+1, toColor.indexOf(',')),10), parseInt(toColor.substring(toColor.indexOf(',')+1, toColor.lastIndexOf(',')),10), parseInt(toColor.substring(toColor.lastIndexOf(',')+1, toColor.indexOf(')')),10));

var fromColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.longColorVersion(fromColor); var toColor = Spry.Effect.Utils.longColorVersion(toColor);

this.restoreBackgroundImage = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'background-image');

options = {duration: durationInMilliseconds, toggle: doToggle, transition: kindOfTransition, fps: fps}; var highlightEffect = new Spry.Effect.Color(element, fromColor, toColor, options); this.addNextEffect(highlightEffect);

this.addObserver({ onPreEffect: function(effect){ Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(effect.element, 'background-image', 'none'); }, onPostEffect: function(effect){ Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(effect.element, 'background-image', effect.restoreBackgroundImage);

if (effect.direction == Spry.forwards && effect.options.restoreColor) Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'background-color', effect.options.restoreColor); } }); };

Spry.Effect.Highlight.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Highlight.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Highlight;

Spry.Effect.Slide = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Slide');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Slide'; var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var doToggle = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.sinusoidalTransition; var fps = 60; var slideHorizontally = false; var firstChildElt = Spry.Effect.Utils.getFirstChildElement(element); var direction = -1;

// IE 7 does not clip static positioned elements -> make element position relative if(/MSIE 7.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Windows NT/.test(navigator.userAgent)) Spry.Effect.makePositioned(element);


// for IE 6 on win: check if position is static or fixed -> not supported and would cause trouble if(/MSIE 6.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Windows NT/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var pos = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, 'position'); if(pos && (pos == 'static' || pos == 'fixed')) { Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'position', 'relative'); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'top', ); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(element, 'left', ); } }

if(firstChildElt) { Spry.Effect.makePositioned(firstChildElt); Spry.Effect.makeClipping(firstChildElt);

var childRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(firstChildElt, element); Spry.Effect.setStyleProp(firstChildElt, 'width', childRect.width + 'px'); }

var fromDim = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element);

var initDim = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle(); var toDim = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle(); initDim.width = toDim.width = fromDim.width; initDim.height = toDim.height = fromDim.height;

if (!this.options.to){ if (!options) options = {};

options.to = '0%'; }

if (options && options.horizontal !== null && options.horizontal === true) slideHorizontally = true;

if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration;

if (options.from != null) { if(slideHorizontally) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) fromDim.width = initDim.width * Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) / 100; else fromDim.width = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.from); } else { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) fromDim.height = initDim.height * Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) / 100; else fromDim.height = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.from); } }

if (options.to != null) { if(slideHorizontally) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) toDim.width = initDim.width * Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) / 100; else toDim.width = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.to); } else { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) toDim.height = initDim.height * Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) / 100; else toDim.height = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue(options.to); } } if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps;

options = {duration: durationInMilliseconds, transition: kindOfTransition, scaleContent: false, toggle:doToggle, fps: fps}; var size = new Spry.Effect.Size(element, fromDim, toDim, options); this.addParallelEffect(size);

if ( (fromDim.width < toDim.width && slideHorizontally) || (fromDim.height < toDim.height && !slideHorizontally)) direction = 1;

var fromPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position(); var toPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position(); toPos.x = fromPos.x = Spry.Effect.intPropStyle(firstChildElt, 'left'); toPos.y = fromPos.y = Spry.Effect.intPropStyle(firstChildElt, 'top'); toPos.units = fromPos.units;

if (slideHorizontally) toPos.x = parseInt(fromPos.x + direction * (fromDim.width - toDim.width), 10); else toPos.y = parseInt(fromPos.y + direction * (fromDim.height - toDim.height), 10);

if (direction == 1){ var tmp = fromPos; var fromPos = toPos; var toPos = tmp; }

options = {duration: durationInMilliseconds, transition: kindOfTransition, toggle:doToggle, from: fromPos, to: toPos, fps: fps}; var move = new Spry.Effect.Move(firstChildElt, fromPos, toPos, options); this.addParallelEffect(move); };

Spry.Effect.Slide.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Slide.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Slide;

Spry.Effect.Grow = function (element, options) { if (!element) return; if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Grow');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

this.name = 'Grow'; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var doToggle = false; var doScaleContent = true; var calcHeight = false; var growFromCenter = true; var fullCSSBox = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.squareTransition; var fps = 60; var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return;


var dimRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element); var originalWidth = dimRect.width; var originalHeight = dimRect.height; var propFactor = (originalWidth == 0) ? 1 :originalHeight/originalWidth;

var fromRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; fromRect.width = 0; fromRect.height = 0;

var toRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; toRect.width = originalWidth; toRect.height = originalHeight;

var optionFrom = options ? options.from : dimRect.width; var optionTo = options ? options.to : 0; var pixelValue = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPixelValue;

if (options) { if (options.growCenter != null) growFromCenter = options.growCenter; if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.useCSSBox != null) fullCSSBox = options.useCSSBox; if (options.scaleContent != null) doScaleContent = options.scaleContent; if (options.from != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) { fromRect.width = originalWidth * (Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) / 100); fromRect.height = originalHeight * (Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) / 100); } else { if(calcHeight) { fromRect.height = pixelValue(options.from); fromRect.width = pixelValue(options.from) / propFactor; } else { fromRect.width = pixelValue(options.from); fromRect.height = propFactor * pixelValue(options.from); } } } if (options.to != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) { toRect.width = originalWidth * (Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) / 100); toRect.height = originalHeight * (Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) / 100); } else { if(calcHeight) { toRect.height = pixelValue(options.to); toRect.width = pixelValue(options.to) / propFactor; } else { toRect.width = pixelValue(options.to); toRect.height = propFactor * pixelValue(options.to); } } } if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; }

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition:kindOfTransition, scaleContent:doScaleContent, useCSSBox: fullCSSBox, fps: fps}; var sizeEffect = new Spry.Effect.Size(element, fromRect, toRect, options); this.addParallelEffect(sizeEffect);

if(growFromCenter) { Spry.Effect.makePositioned(element);

var startOffsetPosition = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position(); startOffsetPosition.x = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(element, "left"), 10); startOffsetPosition.y = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(element, "top"), 10); if (!startOffsetPosition.x) startOffsetPosition.x = 0; if (!startOffsetPosition.y) startOffsetPosition.y = 0;

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition:kindOfTransition, from: optionFrom, to: optionTo, fps: fps}; var fromPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; fromPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + (originalWidth - fromRect.width) / 2.0; fromPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + (originalHeight - fromRect.height) / 2.0;

var toPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; toPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + (originalWidth - toRect.width) / 2.0; toPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + (originalHeight - toRect.height) / 2.0;

var moveEffect = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, fromPos, toPos, options); this.addParallelEffect(moveEffect); } };

Spry.Effect.Grow.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Grow.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Grow;

Spry.Effect.Shake = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Shake');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

// toggle is not supported this.options.direction = false; if (this.options.toggle) this.options.toggle = false;

this.name = 'Shake';

var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var durationInMilliseconds = 100; var kindOfTransition = Spry.linearTransition; var fps = 60; var steps = 4;

if (options) { if (options.duration != null) steps = Math.ceil(this.options.duration / durationInMilliseconds) - 1; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; }


var startOffsetPosition = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position(); startOffsetPosition.x = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, "left"), 10); startOffsetPosition.y = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, "top"), 10); if (!startOffsetPosition.x) startOffsetPosition.x = 0; if (!startOffsetPosition.y) startOffsetPosition.y = 0;

var centerPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; centerPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x; centerPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y;

var rightPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; rightPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + 20; rightPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + 0;

var leftPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; leftPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + -20; leftPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + 0;

options = {duration:Math.ceil(durationInMilliseconds / 2), toggle:false, fps: fps, transition: kindOfTransition}; var effect = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, centerPos, rightPos, options); this.addNextEffect(effect);

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:false, fps:fps, transition: kindOfTransition}; var effectToRight = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, rightPos, leftPos, options); var effectToLeft = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, leftPos, rightPos, options);

for (var i=0; i < steps; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) this.addNextEffect(effectToRight); else this.addNextEffect(effectToLeft); } var pos = (steps % 2 == 0) ? rightPos: leftPos;

options = {duration:Math.ceil(durationInMilliseconds / 2), toggle:false, fps: fps, transition: kindOfTransition}; var effect = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, pos, centerPos, options); this.addNextEffect(effect); }; Spry.Effect.Shake.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Shake.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Shake; Spry.Effect.Shake.prototype.doToggle = function(){};

Spry.Effect.Squish = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Squish');

if (!options) options = {}; if (!options.to) options.to = '0%'; if (!options.from) options.from = '100%';

options.growCenter = false; Spry.Effect.Grow.call(this, element, options); this.name = 'Squish'; }; Spry.Effect.Squish.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Grow(); Spry.Effect.Squish.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Squish;

Spry.Effect.Pulsate = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Pulsate');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

// toggle is not supported this.options.direction = false; if (this.options.toggle) this.options.toggle = false;

var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); var originalOpacity = 0; this.element = element; if (!this.element) return;

this.name = 'Pulsate'; var durationInMilliseconds = 100; var fromOpacity = 100.0; var toOpacity = 0.0; var doToggle = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.linearTransition; var fps = 60; if(/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) originalOpacity = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(this.element, 'filter').replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]{1,3})\)/g, '$1'), 10); else originalOpacity = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState(this.element, 'opacity') * 100, 10);

if (isNaN(originalOpacity)){ originalOpacity = 100; }

if (options) { if (options.from != null){ if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.from)) fromOpacity = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.from) * originalOpacity / 100; else fromOpacity = options.from; } if (options.to != null) { if (Spry.Effect.Utils.isPercentValue(options.to)) toOpacity = Spry.Effect.Utils.getPercentValue(options.to) * originalOpacity / 100; else toOpacity = options.to; } if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; }

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition:kindOfTransition, fps:fps}; fromOpacity = fromOpacity / 100.0; toOpacity = toOpacity / 100.0;

var fadeEffect = new Spry.Effect.Opacity(element, fromOpacity, toOpacity, options); var appearEffect = new Spry.Effect.Opacity(element, toOpacity, fromOpacity, options); var steps = parseInt(this.options.duration / 200, 10); for (var i=0; i < steps; i++){ this.addNextEffect(fadeEffect); this.addNextEffect(appearEffect); } }; Spry.Effect.Pulsate.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Pulsate.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Pulsate; Spry.Effect.Pulsate.prototype.doToggle = function(){};

Spry.Effect.Puff = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Puff');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; this.name = 'Puff'; var doToggle = false; var doScaleContent = false; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var kindOfTransition = Spry.fifthTransition; var fps = 60;

Spry.Effect.makePositioned(element); // for move

if (options){ if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; } var originalRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensions(element); var startWidth = originalRect.width; var startHeight = originalRect.height;

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition: kindOfTransition, fps: fps};

var fromOpacity = 1.0; var toOpacity = 0.0; var opacityEffect = new Spry.Effect.Opacity(element, fromOpacity, toOpacity, options); this.addParallelEffect(opacityEffect);

var fromPos = Spry.Effect.getPosition(element);

var toPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; toPos.x = startWidth / 2.0 * -1.0; toPos.y = startHeight / 2.0 * -1.0;

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition:kindOfTransition, from: fromPos, to: toPos, fps: fps}; var moveEffect = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, fromPos, toPos, options); this.addParallelEffect(moveEffect);

var self = this; this.addObserver({ onPreEffect:function(){if (self.direction == Spry.backwards){self.element.style.display = 'block';}}, onPostEffect: function(){if (self.direction == Spry.forwards){self.element.style.display = 'none';}} }); }; Spry.Effect.Puff.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster; Spry.Effect.Puff.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Puff;

Spry.Effect.DropOut = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('DropOut');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var fps = 60; var kindOfTransition = Spry.fifthTransition; var direction = Spry.forwards; var doToggle = false; this.name = 'DropOut';


if (options) { if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = options.duration; if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; if (options.dropIn != null) direction = -1; }

var startOffsetPosition = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position(); startOffsetPosition.x = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, "left"), 10); startOffsetPosition.y = parseInt(Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(element, "top"), 10); if (!startOffsetPosition.x) startOffsetPosition.x = 0; if (!startOffsetPosition.y) startOffsetPosition.y = 0;

var fromPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; fromPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + 0; fromPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + 0;

var toPos = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Position; toPos.x = startOffsetPosition.x + 0; toPos.y = startOffsetPosition.y + (direction * 160);

options = {from:fromPos, to:toPos, duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition: kindOfTransition, fps: fps}; var moveEffect = new Spry.Effect.Move(element, options.from, options.to, options); this.addParallelEffect(moveEffect);

var fromOpacity = 1.0; var toOpacity = 0.0; options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, transition: kindOfTransition, fps: fps}; var opacityEffect = new Spry.Effect.Opacity(element, fromOpacity, toOpacity, options); this.addParallelEffect(opacityEffect);

var self = this; this.addObserver({ onPreEffect:function(){self.element.style.display = 'block';}, onPostEffect: function(){if (self.direction == Spry.forwards){self.element.style.display = 'none';}} });

}; Spry.Effect.DropOut.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.DropOut.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.DropOut;

Spry.Effect.Fold = function (element, options) { if (!this.notStaticAnimator) return Spry.Effect.Utils.showInitError('Fold');

Spry.Effect.Cluster.call(this, options);

var element = Spry.Effect.getElement(element); this.element = element; if (!this.element) return; this.name = 'Fold'; var durationInMilliseconds = 1000; var doToggle = false; var doScaleContent = true; var fullCSSBox = false; var kindOfTransition = Spry.fifthTransition; var fps = fps;


var originalRect = Spry.Effect.getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState(element); var startWidth = originalRect.width; var startHeight = originalRect.height;

var stopWidth = startWidth; var stopHeight = startHeight / 5;

var fromRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; fromRect.width = startWidth; fromRect.height = startHeight;

var toRect = new Spry.Effect.Utils.Rectangle; toRect.width = stopWidth; toRect.height = stopHeight;

if (options) { if (options.duration != null) durationInMilliseconds = Math.ceil(options.duration/2); if (options.toggle != null) doToggle = options.toggle; if (options.useCSSBox != null) fullCSSBox = options.useCSSBox; if (options.fps != null) fps = options.fps; if (options.transition != null) kindOfTransition = options.transition; }

options = {duration:durationInMilliseconds, toggle:doToggle, scaleContent:doScaleContent, useCSSBox: fullCSSBox, transition: kindOfTransition, fps: fps}; var sizeEffect = new Spry.Effect.Size(element, fromRect, toRect, options); this.addNextEffect(sizeEffect);

fromRect.width = toRect.width; fromRect.height = toRect.height; toRect.width = '0%'; var sizeEffect = new Spry.Effect.Size(element, fromRect, toRect, options); this.addNextEffect(sizeEffect); };

Spry.Effect.Fold.prototype = new Spry.Effect.Cluster(); Spry.Effect.Fold.prototype.constructor = Spry.Effect.Fold;

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // The names of some of the static effect functions // // changed in Spry 1.5. These wrappers will insure that we // // remain compatible with previous versions of Spry. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spry.Effect.DoFade = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Fade', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoBlind = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Blind', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoHighlight = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Highlight', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoSlide = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Slide', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoGrow = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Grow', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoShake = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Shake', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoSquish = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Squish', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoPulsate = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Pulsate', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoPuff = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Puff', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoDropOut = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('DropOut', element, options); };

Spry.Effect.DoFold = function (element, options) { return Spry.Effect.Utils.DoEffect('Fold', element, options); };

})(); // EndSpryComponent