Team:Paris Liliane Bettencourt/Notebook/2011/08/31/


Team IGEM Paris 2011



extraction of genomic DNA (CodY-) : done

TECAN quantification of DNA: OD260=47,9ng/µL


The sequencing results arrived and it appeared that only the cloning of the promoter Hyperspank in pSB1C3 succeeded. I then launched the clons in liquid culture for glycerols it would be the strain S87.

Mathias & Laura

We tried to insert the Biobricks "LacI controled T7 and reporter for Bacillus" and "T7 Autoamplifier system + Reporter" into pHM3


-LacI controled T7 and reporter for Bacillus

-T7 Autoamplifier system + Reporter


Digestion and gel extraction

-LacI controled T7 and reporter for Bacillus by EcoR1 and Pst1

-T7 Autoamplifier system + Reporter by EcoR1 and Pst1

-pHM3 by EcoR1 and Pst1

Ligation and transformation

-LacI controled T7 and reporter for Bacillus & pHM3

-T7 Autoamplifier system + Reporter & pHM3