Team:British Columbia/Notebook/6 July 2011


Team: British Columbia -

July 06 2011


  • Gel verification of the SDM product shows bands of the correct size suggesting that the SDM was successful.


  • Gel verification of the SDM product shows some lanes with smears, and another with 2 bands suggesting unspecified annealing of primers. SDM failed.
  • Troubleshooting: DMSO could be lowering the Tm of the primers; Repeat the SDM PCR without adding DMSO for one sample, without adding MgCl2 for another sample. Use the ramping cycling condition previously indicated.
    • Gel verification of the SDM product shows no bands. Addition of DMSO and MgCl2 is not the problem.


  • Ran another SDM on pg-tps-cin, this time with more PFU. The gel suggests that it worked! Jacob then transformed E. coli with this product.